Matthew Sussex

Dr Matthew Sussex is Senior Fellow at the Centre for Defence Research, Australian Defence College; Associate Professor (Adjunct) at the Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University; and a Visiting Fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, ANU. His research specialisations revolve around national security and strategic studies, with a particular focus on Russia and Eurasia, great power foreign policies, and hybrid/ information warfare. His books include The Palgrave Handbook of National Security (2021) (with Michael Clarke, Adam Henschke and Tim Legrand), The Belt and Road Initiative and the Future of Regional Order (Lexington 2020) (with Michael Clarke and Nick Bisley), Violence and the State (Manchester University Press 2017), Power, Politics and Confrontation in Eurasia (Palgrave 2015), Russia, Eurasia and the New Geopolitics of Energy (Palgrave 2015) and Conflict in the Former USSR(Cambridge University Press 2012). He has previously been Associate Professor at the Crawford School, Australian National University and Head of Politics and International Relations at the University of Tasmania. He been a non-resident Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy, has served on the National Executive of the Australian Institute of International Affairs and has been the Associate Editor of the Australian Journal of International Affairs.