Advice to Australian Business: China is still the main game

The Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) at the University of Technology Sydney presented a panel to assess current economic data from China. The panel explored China's current economic prospects and what it might mean for Australia, and also discussed the impact of US policies under Trump.
The panellists were Stuart Fuller, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons; Professor James Laurenceson, Deputy Director, ACRI; and Andrew Parker, Partner, Asia Practice Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
The panel was moderated by Jim Middleton, senior business correspondent, Sky News.
This event was made possible with the kind support of King & Wood Mallesons.
Stuart Fuller
Stuart Fuller is a partner in the banking & finance team at King & Wood Mallesons. He specialises in structured finance as well as financial markets regulation and transformation, with a focus on the emerging new business models for financial institutions. He was Global Managing Partner of King & Wood Mallesons between 2012 and 2016 and, with that background, brings experience from a global perspective and unique insights from managing an integrated Western and Asian business, and of business and market developments in China in particular.
James Laurenceson
Professor James Laurenceson is Deputy Director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at UTS. He has previously held appointments at the University of Queensland (Australia), Shandong University (China) and Shimonoseki City University (Japan). He was President of the Chinese Economics Society of Australia from 2012-2014. His academic research has been published in leading scholarly journals including China Economic Review and China Economic Journal. Professor Laurenceson also provides regular commentary on contemporary developments in China’s economy and the Australia-China economic relationship. His opinion pieces have appeared in Australian Financial Review, The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, South China Morning Post, amongst many others.
Andrew Parker
Andrew is a Partner at PwC where he leads the Australian Firm’s Asia Practice. Andrew joined Price Waterhouse in 1985, became a partner in 1999 and spent 12 years in PwC’s London, Moscow and Jakarta offices. Andrew has had a long association with Asia having lived and worked in Indonesia and was the leader of PwC’s Asian telecoms industry team until 2012, a role he held for nearly 10 years.
He is a Director of China Matters and the Australia Indonesia Centre at Monash University, an Executive Committee Member of the Australia Japan Business Cooperation Committee and a member of the Advisory Board of the Asia Society. Andrew was the lead author of PwC’s landmark report on Australia’s lack of business investment in Asia titled 'Passing us by' and is a regular commentator in the media and presenter at forums on Asian trade and investment in Australia and Australian trade and investment in Asia.
Jim Middleton has reported international and national affairs for more than four decades, joining SKY NEWS as a Correspondent in 2014 where he specialises in international news and analysis, as well as covering major domestic events including the Martin Place Siege in Sydney and the memorials for Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser.
He started work as a journalist with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 1970, covering the Whitlam and Fraser years.
In 1980 he was appointed North America correspondent based in New York and Washington.
Between 1980 and 1986, he covered the Reagan years, the climax of the Cold War, wars in El Salvador, Nicaragua and the Falkland Islands as well as Australia’s successful challenge for the America’s Cup in 1983.
From 1988 until 2007, he was Chief Political Correspondent in Canberra reporting seven elections and the Prime Ministerships of Bob Hawke, Paul Keating and John Howard. He has interviewed Australia’s last eight Prime Ministers.
In 2008, he became Chief News Anchor for the Australia Network, hosting Newsline, Asia-Pacific Focus and The World with broadcasts from Indonesia, China, India, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Brunei, before joining Sky News Australia in 2014.