The ninth ISETS energy transition forum

The ninth ISETS energy transition forum
The Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS:ACRI), in partnership with the Energy Studies Institute at the National University of Singapore, co-hosted the Ninth Energy Transition Forum organised by the International Society for Energy Transition Studies (ISETS).
As key players in the global energy and climate change landscape, the People's Republic of China (PRC), Australia and ASEAN countries have the potential to drive the transition to a greener future. With a focus on emissions reduction and decarbonisation, this forum explored the opportunities and challenges facing these countries as they work towards a common goal.
The PRC, Australia and ASEAN countries have complementary relationships in the global value chain of clean energy transition. Australia is a leading producer of minerals critical for clean energy development, while the PRC is a global powerhouse for many clean technology products. ASEAN countries, as neighbours of both Australia and the PRC, have a unique role to play in the supply chain of clean energy transition.
This forum brought together experts to examine the benefits and impact of closer cooperation between these countries in the clean energy supply chain. From the challenges facing each country in achieving their decarbonisation targets, to the opportunities for collaboration on the global stage, this forum provided a comprehensive look at the future of clean energy in Asia.
- Professor Xunpeng Shi, Research Principal, UTS:ACRI; President, ISETS
- Dr Marina Zhang, Associate Professor – Research, UTS:ACRI
- Mr Anthony Coles, Chair, Net Zero Working Group, Australia-China Business Council (ACBC)
- Ms Ravenna Chen, APAC Regional CEO, TurStar
- Mr Beni Suryadi, Manager, ASEAN Centre for Energy
- Dr Muyi Yang, Senior Electricity Analyst, Ember; Researcher, UTS:ACRI
- Dr Yao Lixia, Senior Research Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore
The Australia-China Relations Institute (UTS:ACRI)
UTS:ACRI is an independent, non-partisan research institute established in 2014 by the University of Technology Sydney. Chinese studies centres exist in other Australian universities. UTS:ACRI, however, is Australia’s first and only research institute devoted to studying the relationship of these countries.
In the past Australia’s dominating economic relationships have been with the British Empire, the United States and Japan. Australia’s most important trading relationship is now with China, a nation very different in governance, politics and values. As China’s economy grows, so too does its strategic weight and the challenges and opportunities this presents to Australia.
UTS:ACRI seeks to inform Australia’s engagement with China through research, analysis and dialogue grounded in scholarly rigour.
The International Society for Energy Transition Studies (ISETS)
ISETS is a worldwide non-profit professional organisation based in Australia, which has members in over 40 nations and many international organisations. ISETS aims to facilitate an equitable and inclusive transition of energy and relevant sectors toward a sustainable low-carbon future with consideration of economic development, social equity, and environmental stewardship through international partnerships.
Energy Studies Institute (ESI), National University of Singapore
ESI is a leading institute for strategic research and a global thought leader in energy policy. ESI conducts research on energy policies and their national, regional and global implications, and promotes discussion and advance collective understanding on issues related to energy policy development. It also provides accurate data and up-to-date information for analysts and policy-makers to make realistic and sound judgement on energy trends.