What Chinese farmers are learning from Australia

The Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in association with NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and the Sydney Institute of Agriculture at the University of Sydney, presented a discussion on the management of grasslands in China. Big environmental gains flow from improved management of grasslands, such as the reduced incidence of dust storms. Sustainable grasslands mean better productivity in raising cattle, sheep, goats and yaks. This is a fascinating area of little known Australia-China cooperation.
Professor David Michalk of Charles Sturt University, who has worked in China on this issue since 1981, delivered a presentation on the cooperation between Australia and China on the management of grasslands. Following his presentation he joined Dr Warwick Badgery, Research Leader in Rangelands and Tropical Pastures for the NSW Department of Primary Industries, and Dr Lachlan Ingram, Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Grassland Management at the University of Sydney, for a panel discussion moderated by Ms Andrea Koch, Honorary Associate at the Sydney Institute of Agriculture, University of Sydney.

David Michalk
Professor David Michalk is Adjunct Professor at Charles Sturt University and Adjunct Professor at Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou University and Inner Mongolia Agricultural University. David has been researching grazing strategies for degraded native grasslands in Australia and China since 1981. He was the recipient of the prestigious China Friendship Award in 2008 for his contribution to Chinese agriculture by reducing poverty of small-scale household livestock enterprises through the development of management strategies for tropical and temperate grassland ecosystems. He worked for the NSW Department of Primary Industries for 44 years until his retirement in 2013.
Warwick Badgery
Dr Warwick Badgery is currently Research Leader, Rangelands and Tropical Pastures at the NSW Department of Primary Industries. He has conducted grazing systems and grazing management research in Australian over the last 10 years, including as part of the national EverGraze program, and has been involved with similar research in China. He leads the Rangelands and Tropical Pastures team who focus on production and natural resources research in northern and Western NSW.
Lachlan Ingram
Dr Lachlan Ingram is Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Grassland Management, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney. His main area of research is understanding grassland ecosystems and how we can better manage them in a sustainable manner. His current position involves a very strong focus in the Monaro region of southern NSW as well as the alpine grasslands present on the Snowy Mountains.
Andrea Koch
Ms Andrea Koch is Honorary Associate at the Sydney Institute of Agriculture at the University of Sydney. Andrea has completed a Masters in Sustainable Development and combines deep experience in building businesses with the contemporary agenda for a sustainable approach. She works as a key advisor to business and government to engage in the issues of sustainable development that face society, through the lens of soil science and policy.