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Program: Got the sniffles..catching a cold from China

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China is experiencing an economic downturn and because of the close trade relationship between us and them it's often said that when China sneezes, Australia will catch a cold. Dr James Laurenceson believes that right now we might have a mild case of the sniffles but by looking at the growing trade between the two nations and other factors, we will be ok.

(at 10 mins) Do we have a problem with Incels, involuntary celibates,  in Australia? A new report by ASPI, co-written by Dr John Coyne, examines who they are why so many want to harm women and offers some suggestions to help reduce and prevent the threat they present to us all.

(at 25 mins) Amanda gets on her soapbox to rant about why arguing is a mistake.

(at 26 mins) Did you know that during the Cold War 'the USA and the Soviet Union made plans for an “East-West Institute” with the underlying idea of having a scientific network and relations that should reach across ideological boundaries'. Dr Oliver Rathkolb explains the history of the movement, who was involved and the impact it continues to have.

(at 38 mins) How would you describe charisma? It's easy to see who is charismatic, and who isn't, but what actually is it? Joe Zadeh looks at the history from being a an 'obscure religious concept' to now and some of the research that's being done to study it, and says that a generally agreed-upon definition of charisma still remains elusive .

Image Details

Iron ore products imported from Brazil, Australia and other countries are seen at a dock yard in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, China


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