- The Sydney Morning HeraldDavid Crowe & Cole Latimer9 November 2018
- ABC NewsStan Grant, interviewing James Laurenceson31 October 2018
- Andrew Clarke31 October 2018
- Sky NewsDavid Speers, interviewing James Laurenceson31 October 2018
- ABC Radio National BreakfastFran Kelly, interviewing James Laurenceson31 October 2018
- The Australian Financial ReviewGeoff Raby30 October 2018
- The Australian Financial ReviewBob Carr25 October 2018
- The Australian Financial ReviewSimone van Nieuwenhuizen23 October 2018
- The AustralianBob Carr23 October 2018
- FortuneAlan Murray and David Meyer19 October 2018
- BloombergBloomberg News18 October 2018
- South China Morning PostSarah Zheng17 October 2018
- South China Morning PostSarah Zheng15 October 2018
- The ConversationJames Laurenceson8 October 2018
- Australian OutlookElena Collinson5 October 2018
- ABC iViewABC Television3 October 2018
- 2Ser2Ser26 September 2018
- The Australian Financial ReviewMichael Smith, Jacob Greber26 September 2018
- The Sydney Morning HeraldKirsty Needham25 September 2018
- Vision TimesVision Times24 September 2018
- The DiplomatElena Collinson13 September 2018
- ABC Radio National - The MoneyRichard Aedy4 September 2018
- Business InsiderAlexandra Ma29 August 2018
- The WireKenji Sato interviewing James Laurenceson29 August 2018
- China DailyJames Laurenceson23 August 2018
- South China Morning PostBob Carr23 August 2018
- Australian Financial ReviewJames Laurenceson23 August 2018
- Australia China Business ReviewJeffrey Wilson23 August 2018
- CNN MoneyDaniel Shane23 August 2018
- ABC Radio National BreakfastFran Kelly interviewing Alexey Muraviev16 August 2018