管控中澳分歧 Managing China-Australia differences (Bilingual)
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James Laurenceson (罗震), Director, Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney (院长, 澳中关系研究院, 悉尼科技大学) |
This article appeared in China Daily on August 21 2020. This article includes a Simplified Chinese translation by Jun Wang, NAATI Level 3 translator (NAATI ID: 80136).
本文于2020年8月21日发表于中国日报。本文由 Jun Wang(NAATI三级翻译员; NAATI ID: 80136)翻译。
As China’s conflict with the United States moves from trade to technology, Beijing will also need to decide how it will manage its differences with US allies like Australia.
随着中美间的冲突从贸易转战科技领域,北京需要开始考虑如何管控与美国众多盟友之间的分歧,澳大利亚就 是其中一员。
The future need not be bleak.
To see why, go back to 2018 when the Trump administration launched its trade war against China.
While Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison initially expressed sympathy for some US grievances, like China’s extensive use of industrial subsidies, Australia was never going to agree to signing up to an assault against its largest trading partner.
尽管澳大利亚总理斯科特莫里森(Scott Morrison)一开始对美国的一些不满表达了同情,比如中国大肆进行工业补贴等,然而澳大利亚从未同意跟进对自己最大贸易伙伴的攻击。
On Nov 6, 2018, Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said “we’ve been very clear in our position all along that we do not approve or support the US actions of increasing tariffs in a unilateral way on Chinese goods”.
2018年11月6日,联邦贸易部长西蒙伯明翰(Simon Birmingham)表示,“我们对自己的立场一直非常清晰,那就是我们不赞同或支持美国对中国商品提高关税的单边行动”。
As further proof, in May this year, Australia teamed up with China to set up an alternative to the World Trade Organization’s dispute resolution body that the Trump administration sabotaged at the end of last year.
To be clear, Canberra was not setting out to be ‘pro-China’ on trade. Or ‘anti-US’. Rather, it was committed to being ‘pro-Australia’.
And in 2019, Australia’s two-way trade with China stood at A$252 billion (US$181.8 billion). This was more than triple that with the US.
Now, back to US attempts to target China on technology.
For China, US attempts to stifle its technological progress represent a policy of containment. After all, technological progress is the only path that China can pursue to deliver high-income living standards to more of its citizens.
In contrast to trade, will Australia be supportive of its security ally in the technology space?
First things first: Australia is not interested in containing China’s rise.
Washington may be. Some Australian media commentators and political backbenchers may be. But the key decision-makers in the Australian government are not.
In fact, on Aug 20, 2019, Prime Minister Morrison poked fun at the idea: “As a country we welcome China’s growth. I mean, why would we want to contain China’s growth? That’d be a bit of a numpty thing to do I would have thought.”
A month later, standing in Washington no less, Morrison said “there’s no doubt (the China relationship) has been an absolute boon for Australia and that’s why I have always made it clear that we have always welcomed China’s economic growth”.
Next, as a country accounting for less than 1.5 percent of global research and development spending, Australia is keenly aware that its prosperity is dependent on being open to the world’s best technology and working with the world’s best scientific researchers.
And that includes China.
This fact is documented in a report released by the Australia-China Relations Institute in July showing that more Australian scientific and research publications now include a researcher affiliated with a Chinese institution than an American one.
As Peter Varghese, the former head of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and now chancellor of the University of Queensland, observed on Aug 21 last year: “For Australia, there is no sensible alternative to engaging China … the notion that global technology supply chains can be divided into a China-led system and a US-led system is both economic and geopolitical folly.”
正如外交与贸易部前部长、昆士兰大学现任校董会主席彼得瓦格斯(Peter Varghese)在去年8月21日说道:“对于澳大利亚来说,没什么比同中国合作更明智的选择了……将全球技术供应链划分为中国主导的体系和美国主导的体系的观点在经济上和地缘政治上都是愚蠢的。”
And while the US has decided to ban some Chinese-owned mobile applications on national security grounds, Prime Minister Morrison said earlier this month that Australia’s security agencies looked at TikTok “very closely” but concluded “there’s no evidence to suggest to us today that (a ban) is a step that is necessary”.
Similarly, unlike the US, Morrison government minister Alan Tudge said last week that banning WeChat was “not part of our plans at all”.
类似地,不同于美国,莫里森政府部长艾伦塔吉(Alan Tudge)上周表示,禁止微信的使用“完全不在我们的计划之中”。
But not every choice Australia makes in the technology space will align with China’s interests. The 2018 decision to block Huawei from being part of Australia’s 5G rollout on national security grounds is a case in point.
This was, and continues to be, a major irritant in the Australia-China relationship.
The Australian government is also alarmed by the potential for foreign interference in its higher education sector. Yet rather than taking a heavy-handed US approach and threatening to stop Chinese students enrolling in science and technology disciplines, last year it worked with the country’s universities to devise best-practice guidelines to mitigate the risk.
There are also opportunities for Australia and China to work together to build mutual trust as well as provide global public goods. The formulation of international standards for the ethical use of artificial intelligence is just one example.
Here is the bottom line: Australia’s next steps on technology will mostly be determined by choices made in Beijing, not Washington. If China sees value in working with Australia in the technology space, it will focus on the bigger picture rather than individual issues like Huawei. On the other hand, if China wishes to push Australia into closer alignment with the US, it can do that too.
Author (作者)
Professor James Laurenceson is Director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney.