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Working with partners to mitigate global phosphorus vulnerabilities and adapt for a more secure food future.

A handful of countries control 85 per cent of the world’s finite phosphate rock – an essential element in growing our food. We work with partners to identify specific opportunities to alleviate this vulnerability by co-identifying context-specific opportunities to adapt for a more secure future.

The nature of phosphorus vulnerability is understudied, and ISF is a world leader in this area of enquiry. Our holistic long-term approach means that we consider the problem from multiple perspectives, taking in the potential social, economic, scientific and sustainability impacts of phosphorus scarcity. 


In Sri Lanka, we analysed the links between climate change and phosphorus vulnerability to develop farm and policy interventions. This work enabled us to work with smallholder farmers and envision future pathways for their food systems.

Our global Phosphorus Futures project explored the links between clean waterways through improved phosphorus management in Australia, United States, Malawi, and Vietnam. We identified the major risks and intervention points to improve water systems and phosphorus recycling.

As part of a collaborative project for CSIRO’s National Research Flagships Program’s Flagship Collaboration Fund, ISF examined the implications of global phosphorus scarcity for the Australian food system.

A policy analysis and flows analysis of the Australian food production and consumption system through to food consumption and excretion identified opportunities for achieving phosphorus security in Australia.

In Malawi, Zambia, and Ethiopia we conducted a visioning workshop to identify barriers and enablers of organics value chains in rural African contexts. This work was supported by the Australia-Africa Universities Network.

PROJECT | 2023-2024

food system graphic

Phosphorus & Climate Smart Agriculture Network (PACSAN)

A unique knowledge-sharing project enabling Australia and China to strengthen both countries'  food security in the face of climate change and phosphorus vulnerability.

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PROJECT | 2022

An illustration of a truck with fresh fruit and veggies painted on the side, driving past a field with cows grazing and crops being planted.

UK Phosphorus Transformation Strategy

ISF researchers led the development of the nation's first comprehensive plan for managing a lynchpin of food production.

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An aerial shot of two people swimming in bright green water with algae on the top of it.

PROJECT | 2022

Our Phosphorus Future

ISF researcher Associate Professor Dr Dana Cordell contributes to a global synthesis of phosphorus management.

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PROJECT | 2018-2021

From urban waste to sustainable value chains: linking sanitation and agriculture through innovative partnerships in Sri Lanka

This applied research project in Sri Lanka connects the waste management, sanitation and agriculture sectors through the circular economy, to improve food security and environmental health. This project is a partnership between ISF, the International Water Management Institute, Janathakshan Ltd, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan Department of Agriculture.

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235 Jones Street
Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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