Circular economy metrics for Australia
ISF and Circular Australia host national Circular Economy Metrics Dialogue.

On 14 November 2022, the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) along with Circular Australia hosted a national dialogue on circular economy metrics. The dialogue brought together researchers, practitioners and government stakeholders, to consolidate efforts towards developing circular economy metrics for Australia.
ISF researchers, Dr Monique Retamal, Dr Simran Talwar and Dr Helen Lewis, presented findings from a recent research project which examined international best practice in circular economy metrics and potential metrics for Australia.
Two reports were launched which examined 31 metrics for use in Australia based on an international review of 110 metrics (Report 1), and six distinct metrics estimated in terms of data requirements & methodology for the case study of New South Wales (Report 2).
A panel chaired by Professor Damien Giurco, Associate Director, ISF invited perspectives from Dr Heinz Schandl - Research Group Leader Urban and Industrial Transformations, CSIRO; Ian Overton - Chief Executive, Green Industries South Australia; and Azaria Dobson - Director Activation Precincts and Partnerships, Department of Regional NSW.
The dialogue showcased different approaches for governments and industry to report and measure progress towards designing out waste and pollution, cutting hidden carbon emissions in waste streams, and circular economy jobs.
The speakers impressed upon the need for clear definitions and consensus about metrics, as a means to benchmarking and monitoring progress towards a circular economy, and to encourage transparency and better reporting.
Given that the circular economy is multi-dimensional, metrics are needed to address diverse scales, circular activities, areas of impact and also different sectors.