Rolling out reform: China 2016

In 2014 China added $708 billion (USD) to its economy and the IMF predicts it will be 44 percent bigger in 2020.
850 million more Chinese will be lifted into middle class status by 2030. The potential for Australian business is dramatic.
How can Australian business capitalise on access to China’s growth? We heard from one of the experts: Stuart Fuller is the Global Managing Partner of King & Wood Mallesons (KWM). Ranked as the most innovative law firm in the Asia-Pacific, KWM was formed through the merger of King & Wood (China’s leading law firm) and Mallesons in Australia.
In delivering his presentation, Stuart drew on his experience of merging businesses embracing Chinese and western business models. He offered a depth of knowledge that comes from doing business in China, rather than just trading with or investing in China.
In 2014 services made up 41.8 percent of the Chinese economy. The importance of understanding China’s legal and regulatory frameworks is increasing. With 1,200 lawyers in China across 10 offices, KWM offers an ‘on the ground’ perspective on China’s commercial, legal and regulatory developments.
This event was kindly hosted by Bloomberg Sydney.
Listen to the full audio of the discussion at the soundcloud link below.
View the full event photo gallery here.