Innovation and China

China is moving aggressively from a strategy of imitation to one of innovation, making itself truly the start-up nation. How prepared is western business for the tidal wave of innovation out of China? What strategies should they settle on?
On October 24 2016 Professor Bruce McKern gave a presentation to the Australia-China Relations Institute on the extraordinary development of China's innovation ecosystem and its implications for the rest of the world. He outlined the 'Four Cs' framework for understanding China’s path to innovation, the three phases in the evolution of Chinese firms’ innovation capabilities and what we can learn from this unprecedented shift in the competitive landscape.
Using illustrative case studies, Professor McKern provided valuable insights and recommendations for those who engage in business with China or want to know how Chinese innovation affects the world economy.
View the full event photo gallery here.
Bruce McKern
Professor Bruce McKern is a Visiting Professor of International Business at the China Europe International Business School and former Co-Director of the CEIBS Centre on China Innovation. While Co-Director of the EIBS Centre on China Innovation he under took a major three-year research project on innovation in China. The findings of that research project are presented in a book published in April by MIT Press: China’s Next Competitive Advantage: From Imitation to Innovation. He has recently been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Technology & Management Centre for Development (2015) and The Saïd Business School, University of Oxford (2016) and previously at INSEAD (2015). He was for six years Director of the Stanford Sloan Master's Program at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business; President and Professor of International Business at the Carnegie Bosch Institute, Carnegie Mellon University and Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford.
Bruce McKern’s research is concerned with corporate innovation and the strategies of MNCs from rapidly developing economies. He is the author or editor of eight books, including Transnational Corporations in the Exploitation of Natural Resources and Managing the Global Network Corporation. His most recent book, co-authored with George Yip, is China’s Next Competitive Advantage: From Imitation to Innovation, MIT Press April 2016.