John Keane - 'When trees fall, monkeys scatter'

The Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) at the University of Technology Sydney welcomed John Keane, Professor of Politics at the University of Sydney, to discuss his new book When trees fall, monkeys scatter (World Scientific, 2017).
In the global China debate, When trees fall, monkeys scatter is a strong critique of the orthodox view that the People's Republic of China (PRC) is an 'authoritarian' system and an unusual reflection on what lies ahead for the PRC. What are the implications of Professor Keane's analysis for the Australia-China relationship?
Following his presentation, Professor Keane was joined by Professor He Baogang, Chair in International Relations at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University, and Professor the Hon Bob Carr, Director of ACRI, for a panel discussion followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
Related links
'China's phantom democracy - with John Keane', The ACRI Podcast, March 15 2018. Subscribe to the ACRI Podcast on iTunes.

John Keane
John Keane is Professor of Politics at the University of Sydney and at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), and Distinguished Professor at Peking University. He is renowned globally for his creative thinking about democracy. He is the Director and co-founder of the Sydney Democracy Network. He has contributed to The New York Times, Al Jazeera, the Times Literary Supplement, The Guardian, Harper's, the South China Morning Post and The Huffington Post. His online column 'Democracy field notes' appears regularly in the New York- and Melbourne-based The Conversation. Among his best-known books are the best-selling Tom Paine: A political life (1995), Violence and democracy (2004), Democracy and media decadence (2013) and the highly acclaimed full-scale history of democracy, The life and death of democracy (2009). His most recent books are A short history of the future of elections (2016) and When trees fall, monkeys scatter (2017).
He Baogang
He Baogang is Alfred Deakin Professor, Chair in International Relations, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts & Education, Deakin University. Professor He has become widely known for his work in Chinese democratisation and politics, in particular the deliberative politics in China as well as in Asian politics covering Asian regionalism, Asian federalism and Asian multiculturalism.
Professor He has published six single-authored books, 70 international refereed journal articles. In addition, he has published three books, 15 book chapters and 63 journal papers in Chinese.
Professor He has received numerous awards including the Mayer prize by the Australian Political Science Association in 1994; the Reagan-Fascell Fellowship in 2003; the W Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellowship at Hoover Institute in 2008, and Alfred Deakin Professorship, the highest honor awarded at Deakin, in August 2016. Professor He has also held several honorary appointments and research fellowships at renowned universities including Stanford University, University of Cambridge, Columbia University, Leiden and Sussex University.