The Australian public’s preferences over foreign investment in agriculture
This Australia-China Relations Institute research in collaboration with academics in the University of Technology Sydney Business School estimates a model of how the Australian public’s preferences over foreign investment in agriculture are determined. The results show that the attributes of foreign investment of greatest concern to the public are not the same as those used by the foreign investment approvals regime to flag proposals for scrutiny. This research was cited in a recent report by the Productivity Commission into the regulation of agriculture (see Productivity Commission report here).
Note: This article was published in Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, volume 22, number 1, 2015.
James Laurenceson, Deputy Director and Professor, Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney.
Paul F. Burke, ARC DECRA Research Fellow and Associate Professor in the Discipline of Marketing and Deputy Director, Centre for the Study of Choice, UTS:Business.
Edward Wei, Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Choice, UTS:Business.