Celebrated Professor and team recognised in esteemed awards

Distinguished Professor Karu Esselle - finalist Australian Museum Eureka Science Prizes 2023 awards
Distinguished Professor Karu Esselle and team among finalists at the highly celebrated 2023 Australian Museum Eureka Science Prizes awards.
Their ground-breaking work on developing a defence antenna has been recognised for its ability to enhance communication and surveillance for the Australian Defence.
Through a strong collaborative partnership with the Australian Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), the professor and his team have revolutionised antenna systems, showcasing the importance of bringing together academic research and practical applications.
Developed metasurfaces – ultra-thin disks that mimic the functionality of thicker materials - have the potential to revolutionize antenna systems. With the help of metasteerers, the ability to steer the beam of an antenna, metasurfaces can lead to more efficient, secure, and precise mastering antenna systems which would be incredibly valuable for defence purposes.
For this award, the recognition of Professor Karu and his team’s work highlights their contribution to cutting-edge technology that furthers the advancements of communication and defence in Australia. Winners will be announced on 23 August 2023 at the award ceremony.
Professor Karu is an Electromagnetic & Antenna Engineer in the School of Electrical and Data Engineering.