Course and subject advice
At UTS we want you to be successful in your studies – your success reflects on us as well. So if you're unsure whether the course or subjects you are doing are the right fit for you or if you are finding it hard going, there are people available to help you.

Supporting Study
Your go-to for support options, study resources, fun stuff and general help with being a student at UTS.
Getting help
For course and subject assistance related to:
- academic issues and questions, speak with your lecturer or tutor initially, then subject or course co-ordinators. The most appropriate contacts will be in the Subject outline, which can be found on Canvas.
- administrative issues and questions related to your course/subject and to find out who the relevant course/subject co-ordinator is, talk to someone in the Student Centre associated with your faculty.
Designated academic assistance roles
Academic advisers provide advice to assist students who are on:
- academic caution
- early intervention.
Academic liaison officers are academic staff in each Faculty who assist two groups of students:
- with disabilities and ongoing illnesses;
- who have difficulties in their studies because of their family commitments (e.g. being a primary carer for small children or a family member with a disability).
Responsible Academic Officers are senior academics in each Faculty who oversee assessment procedures and resolve conflicts relating to assessment. They are also responsible for the appointment of Academic Liaison Officers and for resolving any conflicts between ALOs and other academic staff in relation to assessment arrangements for students with disabilities.
Results and feedback
If you have a concern about a mark or grade, there is a defined process to follow. Also check out out our page on complaints and appeals.
Special circumstances: Having trouble making an assignment deadline? Read up on special consideration conditions at UTS.
Assignment preparation advice. Our HELPS team can definitely put you on the path to success. The UTS library also have some amazing study skills online resources.