Real-time seawater monitoring system wins IoT award
An innovative real-time seawater monitoring arsenic removal system, developed in collaboration with Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, has taken home an IoT award.

Associate Professor Dr. Diep N. Nguyen and Professor Eryk Dutkiewicz accepting the IoT award.
From transport monitoring, improving brick colour consistency to safeguarding lobster farms – the IoT Alliance Awards celebrates the transformational impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on our economy and society.
Winner of the environmental sensing category was the IoT enabled real-time seawater and arsenic removal monitoring system, developed by the University of Technology Sydney in collaboration with Ho Chi Minh University of Technology.
The system, equipped with the latest IoT and robotics, monitors seawater conditions and provides real-time reporting to local authorities and communities, and is particularly important for lobster farmers who need to protect their harvests.
The system reports on critical parameters including temperature, acidity, ammonia, dissolved oxygen, salinity and turbidity. It is also among the few monitoring systems that can withstand hostile conditions including tropical storms and saltwater corrosion.
Supported by the Australian and Vietnam government, through the Aus4Innovation program, the real-time monitoring system is currently utilised in four stations in Xuan Dai Bay in Phú Yên, a Central South province in Vietnam.
The data from the real-time seawater monitoring system allows the local government to assess and better plan aquaculture and other activities like tourism towards the sustainable social and economic development goals while protecting environment, coping with global climate changes, especially in coastal areas.
Vice President of Phu Yen province, Mr Le Tan Ho.
Read more about the real-time seawater monitoring system here.