Research collaboration – human and nature: 2016 FEIT Research Retreat

‘Research collaboration – human and nature’, the theme of this year’s FEIT Research Retreat, attracted more than 120 FEIT researchers and academics from our five schools and thirteen research centres.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, Professor Glenn Wightwick, formally opened the conference-style event, commending supervisors delivering high HDR completions, and presenting the 2016 Supervision Awards.
Reporting on 2016 FEIT research achievements Associate Dean, Research and Development, Professor Jie Lu also convened discussion sessions focused on this year’s theme of collaboration. She chaired six groups over three forefront topics
- international research collaborations
- industry-researcher engagement and
- research supervision.
FEIT Dean Professor Ian Burnett looked to the future, focusing on the FEIT strategy, and a call to take Faculty research to a whole new level in 2017.
The keynote speech ‘My Research Journal: A sharing of experiences to fine research’ by Reuters Highly Cited Researcher Professor Yew Soon Ong, Nanyang Technological University, certainly stimulated audience interest!
The Retreat also featured the inaugural FEIT academic three-minute pitch competition! Ten academics showcased their research projects with the Golden Awards presented to Profs Hung Nguyen and Chengqing Wu for their high impact and highly innovative projects.
"Taking inspiration from our theme that innovation comes from nature, I know we will carry on research excellence and collaborations in 2017,” said Professor Lu.

"Just like the high impact research carried out at FEIT, the 2016 Retreat Organising Committee delivered excellent service ensuring the conference was motivating and productive.”