MP Alex Greenwich to launch research book about the protection of Indigenous knowledge and culture
An international group of experts in the protection of Indigenous knowledge have collaborated to produce the research publication “Indigenous Knowledge Forum – Comparative Systems for Recognising and Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Culture”.

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As the development of legal protections for traditional Indigenous knowledge continues to be of pressing importance to nations around the world, this comprehensive book addresses and compares international responses to the legal recognition and protection of Indigenous knowledge and culture.
Featuring work from a number of professionals working in the field of Indigenous knowledge protection, the book draws on discourse developed at the second Indigenous Knowledge Forum in 2014.
Chapters in the book discuss the protection of diverse Indigenous knowledges and cultures in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Costa Rica, China, India, Peru, Thailand, Samoa and African Nations.
The collection is edited by Natalie Stoianoff, Director of Intellectual Property at the UTS Faculty of Law and Chair of the Indigenous Knowledge Forum Committee. Her most recent ARC-funded project, ‘Garuwanga: Forming a Competent Authority to Protect Indigenous Knowledge’, seeks to ensure Indigenous Australian communities receive adequate benefit from the use of their knowledge about genetic resources.
The book will be officially launched on Thursday December 15 at the Museum of Contemporary Art by independent member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich.
December 15, 2016 at 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Museum of Contemporary Art
Level 2, 140 George Street
The Rocks NSW 2000