Internships are a great way to gain professional experience while studying at university, to network with and to learn from experts in your field, and to make decisions about your future career path.
Science internship subjects
All science students are strongly encouraged to explore professional experience opportunities, and when possible, take on an internship, while studying at UTS.
A Science internship can be presented in many forms; research project on campus or at an external organisation, lab-based work in a local hospital, office work at a medical firm, work experience in a National Park, full-time internship in a bank. The applications of science are endless so think outside the box.
Science Undergraduate Students, who have been offered an internship and wish to receive academic credit for their work, can use their free electives to enrol into an existing UTS Science Internship subject:
Science research experience
- 60702 Science Research Experience A (6cp)
- 60703 Science Research Experience A (12cp)
- 60704 Science Research Experience B (6cp)
- 60705 Science Research Experience B (12cp)
- 60707 Science Research Experience (18cp)
- 60709 Science Research Experience (24cp)
Science professional experience
- 60706 Science Professional Experience A (6cp)
- 60708 Science Professional Experience B (6cp)
- 60713 Science Professional Experience A (12cp)
- 60714 Science Professional Experience B (12cp)
- 60715 Science Professional Experience (24cp)
- 60716 Science Professional Experience (18cp)
How to enrol in a Science Internship Subject:
To enrol in a UTS Science Internship subject, you must be a science undergraduate student with sufficient free electives in your Study Plan and ensure you haven’t reached 24 credit point study load limit in the semester.
To apply for the UTS Science internships, you need to submit the required forms and documents through UTS CareerHub Science Undergraduate Internships Workflow prior to the “Last day to Enrol” for the semester in line with UTS Handbook dates.
For detailed information or queries about Science undergraduate Internships subjects’ applications and enrolments, please contact Science Internships Team:
To access the above workflows, please:
- Log into UTS CareerHub, using your UTS student ID and password
- Click on ‘Dashboard’ tab, in the menu bar on top of the page
- Under ‘Dashboard’ list, on the left-hand-side of the page, select “Science Undergraduate Internship Subjects”
- Read and follow the instructions, outlined in every stage of the workflow
For enquiries
Please contact