How to stop scrolling and start studying
Finding it challenging to put down your phone and hit the books? Dr Anastasia Hronis, a clinical psychologist, lecturer and researcher at the UTS Graduate School of Health, offers insights and practical tips to help you regain your focus as we head into HSC season.

In today’s digital world, staying focused on studying can be challenging. Dr Anastasia Hronis understands that many students feel overwhelmed by the constant pull of digital distractions, especially during high pressure times like the HSC.
In her clinic, Dr Hronis often hears from people seeking advice on improving their study habits and breaking the cycle of endless scrolling on phones, social media and apps.
“Don't be too hard on yourself if you struggle to stop scrolling,” she says. "Social platforms are designed to keep us engaged for long periods, they're intentionally ‘sticky’."
The developers making these platforms understand human psychology and how the brain works. Their main goal is often to maximise profit, which means they need to keep us engaged with their apps for as long as possible. They know that using their apps gives us small dopamine hits, so they design features like notifications to keep us coming back for more.
Think about how effortlessly we use social media, it requires minimal cognitive effort. Platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram have removed the 'click to see more' button, which used to interrupt the trance-like scrolling state. Now, users can scroll endlessly without breaks.
You can read the full article here: How to stop scrolling and start studying.