Lockdown addiction signs
Lockdown can pose a unique set of difficulties for people with addictions, or those at risk of developing an addiction.

Dr Anastasia Hronis, UTS clinical psychologist, discusses how the harsh restrictions around Australia have presented a range of challenges and hardships to the people living under lockdown, in particular on clarity over when the lockdown may end.
Concerning trends
There are some worrying trends to come out of lockdown, especially in the way Australians drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs and gamble.
Researchers found that one in five Australians increased their alcohol consumption during the lockdown in 2020.
These changes to behaviour can become unhealthy ways of coping with the mental stress of the pandemic.
Treatment Disruptions
Lockdown has changed the accessibility of alcohol, gambling and other potentially addictive behaviours.
In combination with these challenges, people who were actively seeking addiction treatment during the pandemic have faced disruptions to their care.
Addiction issues can make existing mental health conditions worse and result in the development of other mental health problems.
Unfortunately, loved ones suffer too for example for every problem gambler, six people close to them are impacted.
Signs to watch out for
Look for signs of increasing certain behaviours, or even thinking about certain behaviours more than normal.
Be aware if these behaviours start to have a negative impact on other areas of life.
Watch for building up a tolerance and needing more of a particular substance for the same effect.
Help is available if you notice these signs in yourself or others. There are many health-care services available during lockdown to provide support where face-to-face care is not possible.
Read the full article on The Conversation: If you’re drinking or betting more in lockdown, you’re not alone. But watch for these signs of addiction.