To strengthen concentrations in these research areas and methodologies, we have a research centre, a neuroscience research unit, and are experimenting with methodologically based ‘labs’.

TD centres and labs
The labs can reinforce a given research domain and often cut across several research domains, thereby featuring the methodological uniqueness of the Lab and of TD School.
Our centres and labs
Centre for Compassionate Conservation (CfCC)
The Centre for Compassionate Conservation is the leading research and education centre for compassionate conservation and interspecies cohabitation. We conduct research around the world, including Australia, South Africa, USA, Middle East and Asia.
Implementation Lab
The science of putting research-informed ideas of innovation into practice
xFutures Lab
Making sense of the present by envisioning futures to want or avoid and exploring theories of change
Creative Lab
Using creative practices to reframe complex challenges in new ways and explore new solutions
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Collaborative
Engaged research on people, productivity, place, and policy relating to entrepreneurial capabilities and innovation
Watch this space as we continue to experiment with the labs model.
Our staff are also involved in cross-faculty research centres, including directing the Centre for Research on Education in a Digital Society (CREDS) hosted in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.