Sydney Fish Market
Green, smart and authentic.

The Client
UrbanGrowth NSW is an Australian Governmental body seeking to review and revise the operating and business model of the Sydney Fish Market in its future location. The Sydney Fish Market is an iconic seafood market attracting more than three million visitors annually and as the largest seafood market in the southern hemisphere, it is contributing about $300 million annually to Sydney's GDP. In July 2014, the NSW Government announced the appointment of UrbanGrowth NSW to initiate various urban renewal programs, including one for the Bays Precinct. As part of the Bays Precinct Urban Transformation Program, UrbanGrowth NSW is in the process of masterplanning the Bays Market District located along the shores of the Blackwattle Bay.
The Challenge
The challenge for MBAe students was to develop a strategy and recommendations to update and improve environmental performance, reduce costs and improve the visitor experience by considering business systems, technological innovation, and architectural designs of the Sydney Fish Market. Students were tasked to benchmark a range of similar businesses located in various international cities, as well as exploring potentially relevant cutting-edge technologies including robotics, IOT, AI, virtual and Augmented Reality, multi-platform experiential design along with the latest developments in solar energy and water harvesting. The aim was to innovate all aspects of the business including logistics, supply chain, environmental impact, as well as to consider the future of retail, entertainment, and hospitality.
The Solution
The team carried out a detailed research agenda covering operational challenges and user research. The insights created from this research then revealed a range of development opportunities in the areas of logistics, energy management, water management, waste management, business efficiency and creating authentic dining experiences for visitors. Each opportunity area included a cost/benefit analysis and recommendation for implementation, or a roadmap for partnering and collaboration.