UTS Finance Honours Celebration and Reunion

We invite alumni to a celebration of the finance honours program at UTS. We welcome back alumni to catch up with class-mates and to meet the graduating honours students. We say “Thank You” to scholarship sponsors, alumni, and industry partners. In 2019, we hosted ten industry seminars. Each honours student had two industry mentors to guide them to start their careers. You made a long-lasting positive impact on our students, and made our program the best and most industry engaging in Australia.
Honours students represent the best and brightest of UTS graduates and the youth of Australia. You set the highest standard for diligence, motivation, and achievements, on campus and in society. We will always treasure your connections with UTS and your support to the next generation of gifted and motivated students.
We hope you are able to attend.
Warm regards,
Professor David Michayluk
Head of the Finance Department
UTS Business School
Tuesday 3rd December, 2019
6 - 8:30 pm
Room 8.002, Level 8, Dr Chau Chak Wing Building (Building 8)
University of Technology Sydney
14-28 Ultimo Road
Ultimo, Sydney, Australia
Mariana Alam by the 27th November 2019
If you still remain in contact with other members of the cohort from your Honours year then please bring this event to their attention. Alternatively you can send their contact details to Mariana Alam and she will send them the event details.

6 pm:
Registration and drinks
6:15 pm:
Welcome by Professor Carl Rhodes
Deputy Dean of UTS Business School
6:20 pm:
Year in review by Professor David Michayluk
Head of the Finance Department
6:30 pm:
Speeches by scholarship sponsors, alumni, industry supporters, and graduating honours
7:30 pm:
Food, drinks, and networking
8:30 pm: