Monetary Policy and Risk Appetite in Corporate Bond Markets
Finance Department
Research Seminars in Finance

Topic: Monetary Policy and Risk Appetite in Corporate Bond Markets
Speaker: Antje Berndt, the Australian National University
Venue: On campus | Face to face seminar in room CB08.08.002, Building 8, University of Technology Sydney, Australia (Map of campus)
Abstract: We measure risk appetite as low discount factor sensitivity to macroeconomic news. Using firm-level corporate bond market data from 1973-2022, we find that risk appetite is lower when monetary policy is tighter, and that low rates for long periods encourage “Reaching for Yield" (RFY). Critics of the ultra-low rates of the post-GFC period argue that extremely accommodative policy engenders excessive risk taking. While greater risk appetite is associated with riskier bond issuance and greater business investment, we find no evidence that the seven years at the zero lower bound led to excessive RFY.
Seminar protocols:
- The seminar will run for 45 minutes, followed by a 15 minute Q&A session
- There will be a moderator for each seminar event, who will facilitate communication and resolve any issues
- Participants can raise their hand to ask questions during the presentation. The moderator will then alert the speaker at the appropriate time and either ask the questions raised or they can ask the question directly to the presenter
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Co-ordinator: Thomas Matthys
Enquiries: Jin Jo