Marketing faculty publications
Leading journals in which Marketing academics have published include: Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Management Science, Journal of Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Process, Nature: Climate Change, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science.
As well as the list of recently published journal articles below, a complete listing of our publications (books, chapters, journal articles, conference papers, etc) is also available.
Recent journal publications
McEwen, C., Bajada, C., Cotton, D., Wallace, K. & Waller, D.S. (2025). Philanthropy and Indigenous Initiatives: Insights From Australian Donors, Australian Journal of Social Issues,
Saluja, G. & Chan, E.Y. (2025). Going against the tide: How self-construal moderates receptivity towards popular brand activism, Journal of Business Research, 190, 115228.
Belli, A., Carrillat, F.A., Zlatevska, N., & Cowley, E. (2024). How does time pressure influence risk preferences? Answers from a meta-analysis, Journal of Consumer Research, 50(6), 1172–1197.
Burke, P.F., Rose, J., Fifer, S., Masters, D., Kuegler, S., & Cabrera, A. (2024). A new subjective well-being index using anchored best-worst scaling, Social Science Research, 120, 103013.
Carrillat, F., Mazodier, M., & Eckert, C. (2024). Why advertisers should embrace event typicality and maximize leveraging of major events, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Accepted.
Chung, S., Agnew, J., Bateman, H., Eckert, C., Liu, J. & Thorp, S. (2024). The impact of mortgage broker use on borrower confusion and preferences, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 224, 229-247.
Deo, K., & Prasad, A. (2024). Factors influencing green energy consumer behaviour in Australia, Journal of Cleaner Production, 460, 142609,
Mintz, O., & Lilien, G.L. (2024). Should B2B start-ups invest in marketing?, Industrial Marketing Management, 117 (February), 220-237.
Noguti, V., & Waller, D.S. (2024). How the time of day impacts social media advertising outcomes on consumers, Marketing Intelligence and Planning 42(3), 418-437. .
Yan, L., Keh, H.T. & Murray, K.B. (2024). Feeling the values: How pride and awe differentially enhance consumers’ sustainable behavioral intentions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 75–96.
Zlatevska, N., Barton, B., Dubelaar, C., & Hohberger, J. (2024). Navigating through nutrition labeling effects: A second order meta-analysis, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 43(1), 76-94.
Bignoux, S., Gray, D., & Booth, A.T. (2023). Developing an alternative approach to the measurement of B2B relationship health, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 35(8), 2066-2092.
Burke, P. F., Schuck, S., & Kearney, M. (2023). Teachers’ experiences of emergency remote schooling during the pandemic: Drivers for student and teacher wellbeing. Australian Journal of Education, 67(2), 124-142."
Camilleri, A.R. (2023). An investigation of big life decisions, Judgement and Decision Making, 18, e32.
Camilleri, A.R., Dankova, K., Ortiz, J.M., & Neelim, A. (2023). Increasing worker motivation using a reward scheme with probabilistic elements, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 177(July), 104256.
Chan, K., Khamis, S., Taylor, M., & Waller, D. (2023). Indigenous research methods to build an uncontested space for marketing insight, International Journal of Market Research, 65(6), 796-811.
Chapman, K. M., Richardson, F. J., Forster, C. Y., Middleton, E. J. T., White, T. E., Burke, P. F., & Latty, T. (2023). Artificial flowers as a tool for investigating multimodal flower choice in wild insects. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10687.
Deroover, K., Knight, S., Burke, P. F., & Bucher, T. (2023). Why do experts disagree? The development of a taxonomy. Public Understanding of Science, 32(2), 224–246.
Eckert, C., & Hohberger, J. (2023). Addressing Endogeneity Without Instrumental Variables: An Evaluation of the Gaussian Copula Approach for Management Research. Journal of Management, 49(4), 1460–1495.
Fam, K-S., Waller, D.S., & Grohs, R. (2023). Celebrity Endorsements in Liked Advertisements: A Study of Asian Countries, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 24(1), 39-54.
Garvey, A. M., Kim, T., & Duhachek, A. (2023). Bad News? Send an AI. Good News? Send a Human. Journal of Marketing, 87(1), 10–25.
Golder, P. N., Dekimpe, M. G., An, J. T., van Heerde, H. J., Kim, D. S. U., & Alba, J. W. (2023). Learning from data: An empirics-first approach to relevant knowledge generation. Journal of Marketing, 87(3), 319-336.
Gonzalez-Arcos, C., Meath, C., Leszczyc, P.P., Haruvy, E., & An, J. (2023). Fostering sustainable investments through micro-investing platforms. Scientific Reports, 13, 21194.
Han, J.J., Smale, M.C., & Lee, J.(2023). How power increases preference for experiential purchases but not for material purchases, Psychology & Marketing, 40(6), 1089-1102.
Kim, T., Lee, H., Kim, M.Y., Kim, S., & Duhachek, A. (2023). AI increases unethical consumer behavior due to reduced anticipatory guilt, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51(4), 785-80.
Lu, S., & Mintz, O. (2023). Marketing on the metaverse research opportunities and challenges, AMS Review,13, 151–166.
Lu, S.Q., Singh, S., & de Roos, N (2023). Effects of online and offline advertising and their synergy on direct telephone sales, Journal of Retailing, 99(3), 337-352.
Mintz,O. (2023). Metrics for marketing decisions: Drivers and implications for performance. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review,15(1) 18-23.
Mintz, O., Currim, I., & Deshpande, R. (2023). National customer orientation: an empirical test across 112 countries, Marketing Letters, Accepted.
Ninan, J., Clegg, S., Burdon, S., & Clay, J. (2023). Reimagining Infrastructure Megaproject Delivery: An Australia—New Zealand Perspective. Sustainability, 15(4), 2971.
Noguti, V., Ho, H., Padigar, M., & Zhang, S. (2023). Does Individual Ambidexterity and Career Experience Help Technological Startup Founders Acquire Funding? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(12), 4162-4174.
Pellegrini, A., Borriello, A., & Rose, J.M. (2023). Assessing the willingness of Australian households for adopting home charging stations for electric vehicles, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 148, 104034.
Pontes, V., Greer, D.A., Pontes, N., & Beatson, A. (2023). Need for distinction moderates customer responses to preferential treatment, Journal of Services Marketing, 37(4), 409-419.
Sepehr, S., Carlson, J., Rosenberger III, P., & Pandit, A. (2023). Social media discussion forums, home country and immigrant consumer acculturation: the case of Iranian immigrants in Australia, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40(1), 136-149.
Sepehr, S., Holzmüller, H., & Rosenberger, P. J. (2023). City, consumption and interculturalism: How cities can facilitate consumer acculturation. Australasian Marketing Journal, 31(4), 303-313.
Smith, A., Zlatevska, N., Chowdhury, R., & Belli, A. (2023). A meta-analytical assessment of the effect of deontological evaluations and teleological evaluations on ethical judgments/intentions, Journal of Business Ethics, 188, 553-588.
Spanjaard, D., Garlin, F., & Mohammed, H. (2023). Tell me a story! Blending digital storytelling into marketing higher education for student engagement. Journal of Marketing Education, 45(2), 167–182.
Wang, Y., Mintz, O., Chen, D., & Chen, K. (2023) The Alibaba challenge: How to effectively engage with a billion customers, Management and Business Review,
Auger, P., Devinney, T.M., & Dowling, G. (2022). Employees as a vector of strategic intent: an examination of corporate, social and environmental strategic intent recognition by employees, Journal of Strategy and Management, 15(4), 524-537.
Barton, B., Zlatevska, N., & Oppewal, H. (2022). Scarcity tactics in marketing: A meta-analysis of product scarcity effects on consumer purchase intentions, Journal of Retailing, 98(4), 741-758.
Belli, A., Carrillat, F., Zlatevska, N., & Cowley, E. (2022), The wellbeing implications of maximizing: A conceptual framework and meta-analysis, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(4), 573-596.
Borriello, A., Massey, G.R., & Rose, J. (2022). Extending the Theory of Planned Behaviour to investigate the issue of microplastics in the marine environment, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 179, 113689.
Burke, P. F., & Buchanan, J. (2022). What Attracts Teachers to Rural and Remote Schools? Incentivizing Teachers’ Employment Choices in New South Wales, Australian Journal of Education, 66(2), 115-139.
Burke, P.F., Kearney, M., Schuck, S., & Aubusson, P. (2022). Improving mobile learning in secondary mathematics and science: Listening to students, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(1), 137-151.
Chan, K., & Uncles, M. (2022). Digital Media Consumption: using metrics, patterns and dashboards to enhance data-driven decision-making, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(1), 80-91.
Deo, K. & Prasad, A.A. (2022). Exploring climate change adaptation, mitigation and marketing connections, Sustainability, 14, 4255.
Eckert, C., van Heerde, H.J., Wetzel, H.A., & Hattula, S. (2022). Spotlight personnel: How hiring and turnover drive service performance versus demand, Journal of Marketing Research, 59(4):797-820.
Fam, K.S., Richard, J., McNeill, L., Waller, D.S., & Zhang, H. (2022). Sales promotion: The role of equity sensitivity, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(9), 827-848.
Goodall, S., Viney, R., Street, D., Waller, D.S., & Zhao, F.L. (2022). Responses to direct-to-consumer advertising in Australia: Comparing experience, Health Marketing Quarterly, 39(4), 398-409.
Ho, H., Kim, N., & Reza, S. (2022). CSR and CEO pay: Does CEO reputation matter?, Journal of Business Research, 149(October), 1034-1049. https:/
Hoek, J., Gendall, P., Eckert, C., Louviere, J., Ling, P. & Popova, L. (2022). Analysis of on-pack messages for e-liquids: a discrete choice study. Tobacco Control,31, 534-542.
Kearney, M., Young, K., & Burke, P. F.(2022). An Examination of Special Education Teachers’ Digital Practices. Journal of Special Education Technology, 01626434221094798.
Kim, T., Duhachek, A., Herd, K., Kim, S. (2022). Toward a goal-based paradigm of contagion, European Journal of Marketing 56(8), 2105-2137,
Kim, T. W., Jiang, L., Duhachek, A., Lee, H., & Garvey, A. (2022). Do You Mind if I Ask You a Personal Question? How AI Service Agents Alter Consumer Self-Disclosure. Journal of Service Research, 25(4), 649–666.
Giroux, M., Franklin, D., Kim, J., Park, J., & Kwak, K. (2022). The impact of same versus different price presentation on travel choice and the moderating role of childhood socioeconomic status. Journal of Travel Research, 61(3), 674-695.
Mintz, O., Currim, I.S.,& Deshpandé, R. (2022). National Customer Orientation: A Framework, Propositions and Agenda for Future Research, European Journal of Marketing, 56(4), 1014-1041.
Mintz, O.,& Knight, E. (2022). Beyond usual: How leading firms diverge from business as usual, Management and Business Review, Spring, 61-69
Noguti, V. (2022). Consumption of marketer-generated content: Consumers as curators of marketing messages that they consume on social media, European Journal of Marketing, 56(12), 3545-3567.
O’Rourke, A-M., Carrillat, F.A. & Wang, P.Z. (2022). Is brand differentiation necessary for success? The role of purchase goal and confidence in the brand’s position, Journal of Marketing Management, 38(3-4), 369-397.
Padigar, M., Pupovac, L., Sinha, A., & Srivastava, R. (2022). The effect of marketing department power on investor responses to announcements of AI-embedded new product innovations, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 1277-1298.
Singh, S., & Jang, S. (2022). Search, purchase, and satisfaction in a multiple-channel environment: How have mobile devices changed consumer behaviors? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65(March), 102200.
Voola, R., Carlson, J., Azmat, F., Viet Ngo, L., Porter, K., & Sinha, A. (2022). Re-imagining marketing scholarship in the era of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Australasian Marketing Journal, 30(2), 97–106.
Bajada, C., Singh, S., Jarvis, W., & Trayler, R. (2021). The use of threshold concepts to support student learning through assessment–a case for renewing public trust in business education and qualifications, Higher Education Research & Development, 40(4), 676-691.
Barton, B.L., Burke, P.F. & Waller, D.S. (2021). Effects of anxiety on preferences for generic medicines in Australia. Health Promotion International, 36(1), 187-195.
Borriello, A., Burke, P.F., & Rose, J.M. (2021). If one goes up, another must come down: A latent class hybrid choice modelling approach for understanding electricity mix preferences among renewables and non-renewables, Energy Policy, 159(December), 112611.
Burke, P.F., Masters, D., & Massey, G.R. (2021). Enablers and barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake: an international study of perceptions and intentions, Vaccine, 39(36), 5116-5128.
Burke, P.F., Palmer, TA. & Pressick-Kilborn, K. (2021) Preferences for Professional Development in Science Among Pre- and In-service Primary Teachers: a Best–Worst Scaling Approach. Research in Science Education, Published online.
Camilleri, A.R. (2021). Who doesn't read online consumer reviews, and why? Personality and Individual Differences, 179(September), 110954.
Camilleri, A. R., & Sah, S. (2021). Amplification of the status quo bias among physicians making medical decisions. Applied Cognitive Psychology 35(6), 1374-1386.
Fettermann, D.C., Borriello, A., Pellegrini, A., Cavalcante, C.G., Rose, J.M., & Burke, P.F. (2021). Getting smarter about household energy: the who and what of demand for smart meters. Building Research & Information, 49(1), 100-112.
Han, J.J., & Broniarczyk, S.M. (2021). Multitasking as consumer compensatory control, Journal of Consumer Research, 48(3), 456-473.
Healey, J., & Mintz, O. (2021). What if your owners also own other firms in your industry? The relationship between institutional common ownership, marketing, and firm performance, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(4), 838-856,
Ho, H., Tien, K-M., Wu, A., & Singh, S. (2021). A sequence analysis approach to segmenting credit card customers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59 (March), 102391.
Holden, S.S., Zlatevska, N., Parkinson, J., Cadario, R., Dubelaar, C., Lei, J., Moore, E., Sayarh, N., Van Kerckhove, A., & Werle, C. (2021), Unpalatable food for thought: let marketing research guide effective public obesity interventions. Obesity Reviews. 22(2), Article e13141.
Kim, T., Duhachek, A., Briñol, P., & Petty, R.E. (2021). How posting online reviews can influence the poster’s evaluations, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(9), 1401-1413.
Mintz, O., Gilbride, T.J., Currim, I.S., & Lenk, P. (2021). The right metrics for marketing-mix decisions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(1), 32-49.
Ninan, J., Clegg, S., Burdon, S., & Clay, J. (2021). Overt obstacles and covert causes: An exploratory study of poor performance in megaprojects. Project Leadership and Society, 2(December), 100011.
Pedada, K., Padigar, M., Sinha, A., & Dass, M. (2021). Developed market partner’s relative control and the termination likelihood of an international joint venture in an emerging market, Journal of Business Research, 135(October), 295-303.
Qian, C., Yu, K., & Gu, H. (2021). Flexibility mechanisms in a dynamic distribution network, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36(11), 2001-2012.
Rao Hill, S., & Carrillat, F. (2021), Getting some of that personality: There is an app for that!, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(4), 871-883.
Reza, S., Ho, H., Ling, R. & Shi, H. (2021). Experience effect in the impact of free trial promotions, Management Science, 67(3), 1648-1669.
Voola, R., Carlson, J., Azmat, F., Ngo, L., Porter, K., & Sinha, A. (2021). Special Issue: Re-imagining Marketing Scholarship in the era of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Australasian Marketing Journal. 29(1), 104–106.
Waller, D.S., & Waller, H.J. (2021). Heritagisation of pop culture by museums and an analysis of visitor feedback, Arts and the Market, 11(3), 258-274.
Waller, D.S., & Casidy, R. (2021). Religion, spirituality, and advertising, Journal of Advertising, 50(4), 349-353
Yan, L., Keh, H.T., & Wang, X. (2021). Powering sustainable consumption: The roles of green consumption values and power distance belief. Journal of Business Ethics, 169, 499–516
Zhang, Y., & Gu, H.D. (2021). How is table tennis used to boost the development of Shanghai? Interviewing the executive director of Shanghai Table Tennis Association, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 22(1),179-195.
d'Astous, A., Carrillat, F.A., & Przybysz, A. (2020). Legitimacy and sincerity as leveraging factors in social sponsorship: an experimental investigation. International Journal of Advertising, 39(4), 504-522.
Burke, P.F., Eckert, C., & Sethi, S. (2020). A multiattribute benefits-based choice model with multiple mediators: New insights for positioning. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(1), 35-54
Camilleri, A.R.(2020). The importance of online reviews depends on when they are presented. Decision Support Systems, 133(June), 113307.
Cheah, J-H., Waller, D., Thaichon, P., Ting, H., & Lim, X-J. (2020) Price image and the sugrophobia effect on luxury retail purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57(November), 102188.
Deo, K., & Prasad, A.A. (2020). Evidence of climate change engagement behaviour on a Facebook fan-based page. Sustainability, 12(17), 7038.
Dickenson, S., Mortimer, K., Kerr, G., Waller, D.S., & Kenrick, A. (2020). Power and responsibility: Advertising self‐regulation and consumer protection in a digital world. Journal of Consumer Affairs,54(2), 675-700.
Han, S-L., An, M., Han, J.J., & Lee, J. (2020). Telepresence, time distortion, and consumer traits of virtual reality shopping, Journal of Business Research, 118(September), 311-320.
Ho, H., Osiyevskyy, O., Argarwal, J., & Reza, S. (2020). Does ambidexterity in marketing pay off? The role of absorptive capacity. Journal of Business Research, 110(March), 65-79.
Jewell, P., Reading, J., Clarke, M., & Kippist, L. (2020). Information skills for business acumen and employability: A competitive advantage for graduates in Western Sydney, Journal of Education for Business, 95(2), 88-105.
Kamakura, W.A., & Kwak, K. (2020). Menu-choice modeling with interactions and heterogeneous correlated preferences. Journal of Choice Modelling, 37(December),100214
Kim, T., & Duhachek, A. (2020). Artificial intelligence and persuasion: A construal level account. Psychological Science, 31(4), 363-380.
Mazodier, M., Carrillat, F.A., Sherman, C., & Plewa, C. (2020). Can donations be too little or too much?, European Journal of Marketing, 55(1), 271-296.
Michael, J., Gutoreva, A., Lee, M.H., Tan, P.N., Bruce, E.M., Székely, M., Ankush, T., Sakaguchi, H., Walasek, L., & Ludvig, E.A. (2020). Decision‐makers use social information to update their preferences but choose for others as they do for themselves. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(3), 270-286.
Noguti, V., & Waller, D. S. (2020). Motivations to use social media: effects on the perceived informativeness, entertainment, and intrusiveness of paid mobile advertising, Journal of Marketing Management, 36(15-16), 1527-1555.
Prasad, A., Ratchford, B.T., & Singh, S. (2020). Consumer choice and multistore shopping: An empirical investigation. Customer Needs and Solutions, 7, 74-79.