UTS Behavioural Lab Conference 2023
Join us at the UTS Behavioural Lab Conference, a dynamic event dedicated to bridging the gap between behavioural science researchers and practitioners. Discover how insights from behavioural science drive innovative solutions for policymakers and businesses.

The theme of this year's conference is Behavioural Science for Sustainable Futures Nudging Change in a Changing Climates.
So climate change is obviously one of the pressing issues of our time and changing behaviour of consumers, of organizations, of governments, is obviously key to addressing this issue.
We are at the UTS Behavioural Lab Conference, which is a gathering of academics and some people from different disciplines and industries.
We are sharing our knowledge from academia and industry, trying to find point of collaboration.
The goal of the Behavioural Lab is to bring together a group of interdisciplinary researchers, some economists, psychologists, marketers, to really come together and understand human behavior and then use that knowledge to nudge better decisions and improve the outcomes of citizens.
We are a university of technology and we want to havethe ideas that are generated here to be to be applied out in the real world.
So Behavioural Science, It has strong application almost anywhere. Everywhere you look people are making decisions and we can help them make better decisions.
This event is a great opportunity for people in different areas, disciplines, both industry and academic, to meet and discuss and share insights. And the ultimate goal is to have these different groups collaborate in order to have social impact and make the world a better place
When you look across the Business School here at UTS, it's full of people with really interesting ideas that have great applications out in the real world.
And days like today are a fantastic chance to bring people together in a really short, sharp way.
Share those ideas, let people look through them, pick the bits that might be useful to them, and hopefully create connections that we can use to create better outcomes outside.
As a part of UTS Behavioural Lab, I wish to continue my research on examining A.I. and how it changes human behaviours, So I think A.I. is a great topic to make common area of interest for both academia and industry.
It’s important because low mental health is kind of a known problem amongst young people.
So I think they're particularly vulnerable to anxiety, depression. you know, we need to think about ways to tackle that. And then just trying to to get policymakers, I guess, to look at that research.
Currently, I'm doing research on how expectations effect patients, for me, UTS Behavioural Lab.
First of all, is a community. Where a PHD student like me can always get help or support or any kind of guidance.
UTS Behavioural Lab is one of those labs where economists and marketing people, researchers and teachers are collaborating together and having this interdisciplinary focus of the lab is not unique, but rather unusual, I think, for the experimental labs around the world.
Today's event is a great opportunity for researchers from both UTS and other universities and also from the industry and the government sectors to share our joint efforts to work towards the better outcomes for people, which is reflected in our research that we do.
And events like this really elevate this community.
Conference focus
Behavioural Science for Sustainable Futures: Nudging Change in a Changing Climate
Invited speakers
- Professor John Duffy, University of California, Irvine
- Professor Matthew Hornsey, The University of Queensland
- Dave Trudinger, Clare Power NSW Behavioural Insights Unit at NSW Department of Customer Service
- Professor Sara Dolnicar, The University of Queensland
Conference program
- Welcome and introduction from the Director, A/Professor Adrian Camilleri and Nathalie Spencer Asia Pacific Chapter Lead, GAABS
Conference Opening
- Acknowledgement of Country and conference opening, Professor Prabhu Sivabalan, Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (Enterprise Learning)
- Professor John Duffy, University of California, Irvine (UCI), an affiliate of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Osaka University and co-director of UCI's Experimental Social Science Laboratory (ESSL)
Blitz presentations by UTS Economics DISCIPLINE GROUP
- Dr Nathan Kettlewell: “Encouraging university students to use a mental health smartphone app”
- Liqing Chen: “Instant deposit and delayed withdrawal: How does the design of online gambling platforms affect gambling decisions?”
- Dr Benjamin Young: “Gross return illusion and fee aversion in mutual fund choice”
- Professor Mikhail Anufriev: “Complexity aversion in choice”
- Aleksandra Erakhtina: “Decision making over time”
- Professor Matthew Hornsey, The University of Queensland and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow
- Dave Trudinger, Director, and Clare Power NSW Behavioural Insights Unit at NSW Department of Customer Service
- Professor Sara Dolnicar, The University of Queensland and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow
Blitz presentations by UTS Marketing DISCIPLINE GROUP
- A/Professor Natalina Zlatevska: “Health & well-being, so-what and what next?”
- A/Professor Adrian Camilleri & Eunbin O: “Improving consumer’s financial sustainability behaviour”
- Dr TaeWoo Kim: “How AI changes ingroup versus outgroup categorisation”
- Dr Jake An: “The relationship between gambling and investing”
- Nathan Moore: “Promoting eco-friendly purchases through personalised nudges”
Conference closing
- Professor Mikhail Anufriev, Deputy Director (Acting), UTS Behavioural Lab
Download the 2023 Conference Program
Dr Adrian Camilleri, Director, UTS Behavioural Lab
Dr Mikhail Anufriev, Deputy Director (Acting)
General enquiries