Our team
The staff at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre are researchers, clinicians, and postgraduate research students. Our core business is doing research about stuttering, providing clinical services to those who stutter and their families, and training the future researchers of the field. The research training at the Centre has an international focus, with higher degree research students from many countries.
Research staff
Professor Mark Onslow

Mark is a speech pathologist. He is the Foundation Director of the Australian Stuttering Research Centre. His research interests are the epidemiology of early stuttering, mental health of those who stutter, measurement of stuttering, and the nature and treatment of stuttering. Mark is a member of the international Lidcombe Program Trainers Consortium and is in constant demand as a speaker internationally. He has authored more than 200 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals. He has published six books and 37 book chapters. Mark was joint recipient of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Kawana Award for Lifetime Achievement in Publication.
Emeritus Professor Ann Packman

Ann is a speech pathologist who has worked for more than 35 years in the area of stuttering, as a clinician, teacher, and researcher. She has published over 150 papers in professional journals and is lead author of a book about causal theory of stuttering. Ann has served two three-year terms as Associate Editor for Fluency with journals of the American Speech and Hearing Association, and in 2014 she was joint recipient of that association’s Kawana Award for Lifetime Achievement in Publications. In 2019, Ann received an Achievement award for stuttering research and treatment from the Australian Speak Easy Association. In 2023, Ann was awarded the honour of UTS Emeritus Professor in recognition of her achievements.
Professor Ross Menzies

Ross is a clinical psychologist with an interest in anxiety related disorders, the role of existential issues in psychopathology, the mental health of those who stutter, and applications of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). He has developed CBT packages for adolescents and adults who stutter and adapted them for internet presentation. Ross has produced more than 200 manuscripts, including a dozen books, and he was the editor of the journal Behaviour Change for 17 years. His last book, Mortals, won the prestigious William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association (APA). Ross was the President and Convenor of the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, and he has served three terms as the National President of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AACBT). Ross is a Director and the current Treasurer of the World Confederation of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (WCCBT) based in New York.
Associate Professor Sue O'Brian

Sue is a speech pathologist with many years clinical and research experience with adults and children who stutter. She has published around 100 papers in professional journals and contributed to several books in the area of stuttering. Her particular interests involve the measurement of stuttering, the development of internet treatment programs for stuttering, and research in the Camperdown Program for adults who stutter. Sue is founding member of the Camperdown Program Trainers Consortium and has presented many workshops both locally and internationally for this program and the Lidcombe Program.
Associate Professor Robyn Lowe

Robyn is a speech pathologist whose work is focused on increasing access to speech and anxiety treatments for people who stutter. She is involved in the development and evaluation of telepractice and Internet speech and anxiety treatment programs for children, adolescents, and adults who stutter. Robyn is a member of the international Camperdown Program Trainers Consortium and is a workshop presenter. Robyn's research interests include exploring the psychological aspects associated with stuttering and the impact on the long term maintenance of speech treatment benefits. This involves the investigation of information processing biases and anxiety maintenance with those who stutter.
Dr Natasha Trajkovski

Natasha is a speech pathology researcher with a focus on developing interventions for early stuttering. With other colleagues at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre, Natasha has developed a treatment known as the Westmead Program. This treatment is the simplest developed to date and can be used soon after stuttering begins. Natasha is currently involved with adapting this intervention for the internet.
Dr Cheryl Andrews

Cheryl is an experienced speech pathologist. She has specialised for 42 years providing clinical services for children and adults who stutter. Cheryl has recently been involved in clinical research about treatment of childhood stuttering, which follows on from her earlier career research about treatment of adult stuttering. In addition to providing treatment at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre, Cheryl provides mentoring and postgraduate clinical training for speech pathologists.
Dr Anna Hearne

Anna is a speech pathologist who has focused on stuttering for more than 20 years as a clinician, teacher, and researcher. Her particular interests are the treatment of school-age children and adolescents who stutter. Anna is involved in the development of the internet Lidcombe Program at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre. In addition to providing clinical services at the ASRC, Anna is a clinical mentor to our speech pathologists. Anna is a member of the Lidcombe Program and Camperdown Program Trainers Consortium, and she presents workshops to speech pathologists locally and internationally.
Sarah Byles

Sarah is an experienced speech pathologist. She has extensive experience in assessment and treatment of communication disorders. Sarah provides clinical services at our clinic for children, adolescents, and adults who stutter. Sarah works closely with clients and their families, as well with teachers and other professionals to establish and implement individualised treatment plans. In addition to her clinical role, Sarah is involved with the conduct of research at the Australian Stuttering Research Clinic.
Laura Crewdson

Laura is an experienced speech pathologist who has extensive experience assessing and treating communication disorders. Laura currently provides clinical services at our clinic for children, adolescents, and adults who stutter. Laura is also involved in co-ordinating clinical research trials and teaches Master of Speech Pathology students at the University of Technology Sydney. Laura has previously worked in the United Kingdom providing assessment and treatment to school-age children who stutter as well as children in autism support classes.
Monique Jones

Monique is a Senior Research Officer and speech pathologist. With 12 years of experience working as a speech pathologist, she provides clinical expertise at the ASRC clinic and with the conduct of research trials. Monique also coordinates research projects at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre. She is currently working on a brain imaging study of neonates who are genetically at risk for stuttering. Monique also contributes to teaching Master of Speech Pathology students at the Graduate School of Health.
Caitlin Richards

Caitlin is an experienced speech pathologist. She has extensive experience assessing and treating communication disorders. Caitlin provides clinical expertise at our clinic for children, adolescents, and adults who stutter. As part of her role, Caitlin is involved with the research activities of the Australian Stuttering Research Clinic, providing assistance with the conduct of laboratory studies and clinical trials.
Máire Sheehan

Máire is an experienced speech pathologist and has worked as a university clinical educator. She has extensive experience assessing the needs of children and parents during management of childhood communication disorders. Máire is Lidcombe Program trained. She is involved in research at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre, including clinical trials of our internet treatment programs for stuttering and anxiety.
Professional staff
Michelle Shepherd

Michelle is our Office Manager. She ensures the daily operations of the Australian Stuttering Research Centre run smoothly. She has a background in Health Science, over eight years of experience in the higher education sector, and extensive experience in the medical industry. Michelle manages the daily running of the ASRC’s treatment clinic and provides support to ASRC staff for the planning of events and conferences, record keeping and finance. Michelle also manages the ASRC public relations and social media presence.
Dr Damien Liu-Brennan

Damien is our Scientific Copy Editor. He makes sure that we express ourselves clearly with our public material and, most importantly, for our research publications. Damien co-ordinates the submission of publications to journals and helps us to ultimately get them published. As we depend on funding from government agencies for our research, Damien co-ordinates the administrative processes to get our applications for funding into top shape so that we have our best chance of being funded.
Monica Bain

Monica is our Continuing Education Program Manager. She coordinates the delivery of educational workshops on stuttering for speech pathologists in Australia and internationally. She has a background in business and has been working in the not-for-profit and educational sectors for over 15 years. Monica manages the daily coordination of our Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering workshops, providing support for their promotion, planning, and delivery.
Honorary Positions
Dr Brenda Carey (Associate)

Brenda Carey is a speech pathologist. She treats children, adolescents, and adults who stutter. She has research interests in telepractice and in postgraduate education about stuttering for speech pathologists. Brenda has published in professional journals and presented her research at international conferences. She is a member of the Camperdown Program Trainers Consortium, the Lidcombe Program Trainers Consortium, and the Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering Consortium. She has presented workshops on stuttering treatment throughout Australia and in Japan, Canada, Singapore, and Israel.
Dr Mark Jones (Adjunct Fellow)

Mark Jones is Associate Professor of Biostatistics at Bond University’s Institute of Evidence-Based Healthcare. He is the Coordinating Editor of the Cochrane Collaborating Group for Acute Respiratory Infections. His research interests include evaluation of healthcare interventions, using clinical trials and systematic reviews. Mark has a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Statistics from Massey University in New Zealand. He obtained his PhD at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre. He has published more than 200 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Verity MacMillan (Clinical Fellow)

Verity MacMillan is a speech pathologist who works at the Stuttering Unit in Bankstown, a unit within South Western Sydney Local Health District. She is a long standing colleague of staff at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre. She treats children, adolescents, and adults who stutter and provides clinical guidance to speech pathologists within and outside the Stuttering Unit team. Verity has published research in scientific journals and presented her research at international conferences. She is a member of the Lidcombe Program Trainers Consortium and the Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering Consortium.
Stacey Sheedy (Clinical Fellow)

Stacey Sheedy is a speech pathologist who works at the Stuttering Unit in Bankstown, a unit within the South Western Sydney Local Health District. She also works in private practice. Stacey has worked with staff at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre for many years. She treats children, adolescents, and adults who stutter and provides clinical guidance to other speech pathologists both within the Stuttering Unit team and through clinical consultations. Stacey has published in scientific journals and has presented her research at international conferences. She is a member of the Lidcombe Program Trainers Consortium and the Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering Consortium. Stacey has presented workshops on stuttering treatment nationally.
Dr Kylie Smith (Clinical Fellow)

Kylie Smith is a speech pathologist. She treats people who stutter of all ages. Kylie has worked for multiple specialist stuttering services as a clinician, researcher, and lecturer, including the Bankstown Stuttering Unit, the Australian Stuttering Research Centre, the Murdoch Children’s Research Centre, and the University of Melbourne. Kylie’s areas of interest include the social and emotional consequences of stuttering, and anxiety among people who stutter. Her research has been published in peer review journals and presented at the Oxford Dysfluency Conference. Kylie is currently residing in Paris, where she provides stuttering treatment via telehealth.