Climate Change Cluster (C3) research capabilities are supported by strategic investment in technology facilitated through UTS, government and philanthropic funding
As an internationally renowned marine research institute, within the UTS Faculty of Science, C3 and has been instrumental in the design and development of key research facilities to drive integrated and interdisciplinary research.

UTS Climate Change Cluster (C3) Facilities Tour.
Algae Culture Collection Room.
Over 200 microalgae and cyanobacteria strains.
25 Litre bioreactors.
Coral Room.
Two 600L systems for propagation. Over 20 Great Barrier Reef coral species. Multiple Nano-tanks for multi-factor experiments.
Seaweed Culture Facility.
Culture and scaled growth of seaweed and microalgae.
PC2 Laboratories.
Cytoflex LX flow cytometer is equipped with 6 lasers, allowing for 21 colour parameters to be recorded. This instrument is used for precisely enumerating microorganisms including viruses, bacteria and microalgae.
Nikon TI Eclipse Inverted microscope used for the imaging and tracking of microbial motility under phase contrast and fluorescent light.
The microscope is set up for accommodating microfluidic channels for microbial behaviour assays.
High precision, automated liquid handling systems, allowing for automated transfer of small volumes of sample and reagents within a clean and controlled environment.
FACS Cell Sorter.
Algal Phenomics Facility.
Stable Incubators (Eppendorf).
3L photobioreactor with turbidostat, C02 control; with florometer, optical density, pH, temperature and C02 sensors (PSI).
Multispectral Multicultivator MC MIX (PSI).
Automated Action Spectra Measuring Installation.
Automated Phenotyping Robot (PSI).
Mass Spec.
Opentrons Liquid Handling Robot (OT-2).
Phenoplate Installation (Eppendorf and PSI).
800 L continual litre continuous algae system.
Thin Layer Cascade (TLC) PhotoBioreactor.
Algae Production Facility.
400L bag reactors for scaled growth of microalgae in controlled conditions.
Industry 4.0 Test Lab.
Next generation smart technologies linked to Industry 4.0 are key to enabling the rapid evolution of algae bioeconomy.
Copyright 2023 University of Technology Sydney.
Climate Change Cluster (C3) research capabilities are supported by strategic investment in technology facilitated through UTS, government and philanthropic funding. Learn more about some of our cutting-edge research facilities.

Industry 4.0 algae biotechnology
Several platforms expand and support algae research capacity, from virtual models to complete autonomous production systems, including a world-first, purpose-built algae biomanufacturing facility designed to combine automation, smart sensors, and machine learning to optimise the production of algal bioproducts in real-time. Digital-Twinned Industrial Photobioreactor (DIPBR) is a 280 L photobioreactor was used to develop and test “digital twin” simulations of real algae biology. The system is fitted with a suite of IoT sensors, meaning that the DIPBR is able to record both the environment and behaviour of microalgae. Virtual models of the algae are trained on the data history collected from DIPBR and then the models control the DIPBR for autonomous AI-driven algae growth optimisation. Each successive model can benefit from the experiences of the previous ones.

Algae-centric phenomics facility
An Australian-first algae-centric phenomics facility designed to meet the needs of the emerging algae-based biotechnology sector. C3 researchers will use this specialist training and research space to help meet the needs of industry and fast-track the discovery and commercialisation of algae-based bio-products, as well as overcome current production hurdles. The facility includes state -of-the-art instrumentation/platforms including a phenotyping robot, ToF Mass Spectrometry and Raman Spectrometry, Flow Cytometry, PSI PBRs (photo bioreactors), PSI Fluorcam (open & closed), and culture room enabling algae culturing at constant temperature and ideal light conditions.

Algae production facilities
Facilities for large-scale algae production to bridge the gap between lab and industrial scale. These are helping to revolutionise Australia’s bioeconomy with a range of equipment providing the missing links to connect industry with UTS research innovation. Facilities include: algae production facility (APF) with 300L bag reactors to grow culture volumes for larger production; a 600L Varicon PhycoFlow tubular algal photobioreactor to provide the opportunity to move from lab bench to small industrial scale for a range of applications including functional foods, dyes and feeds for bioplastics; GRYF Thin Layer Cultivator (TLC) an 80L experimental platform bioreactor enables the growth efficiency of algae to be tested.

Micro CSI Lab in a box
The Microbial Cell Sorting and Imaging (Micro CSI) is a mobile laboratory housing a state-of-the-art flow cytometer, which uses laser light to analyse living cells and sort them from other particles in seawater. Cells (ranging in size from 0.5 to 50 microns) can be sorted and counted based on characteristics such as their relative size, internal complexity and fluorescence properties, varying upon the identity and physiological status of each cell.

PAM fluorometry
Expertise with Pulse Amplified Modulated (PAM) fluorometry within C3 has been honed with decades of research and teaching experience. A suite of PAM instruments used to measure photosynthetic activity is available including Diving-PAM, Imaging-PAM, Phyto-PAM, Toxi-PAM, Mini-PAM, Teaching-PAM and PSI - double fluorometer.

Culture Room facilities
Used to cultivate microalgae under specific conditions, these walk-in incubators are temperature and light controlled. In addition to being used to maintain C3 algal culture collections the culture rooms house upscaled cultures in bioreactors for ongoing research.

Bioplastics operations
Helping transform the concept of finding alternatives to petrochemical based plastics into reality. A Collins Plastic Extruder can transform extracts from plants like seaweed into bioplastic nurdles used as feedstock in plastic production.
Industry engagement
Dr Alex Thomson, email:
General enquiries