Celebrate the tech-enabled startups changing the game

UTS Startups Awards 2021

The UTS Startups Awards are an annual celebration of the incredible technology-enabled startups at UTS and the flagship event in the UTS Startups Festival.

Hi everyone I'd love to acknowledge the Gadigal people
of the Eora nation who are the traditional custodians
of knowledge of learning and teaching for
this land that we're on right now I wonder
where you are watching from uh we'd love to
know where you are as well but we just want
to yeah really acknowledge and honour the
traditional custodians elders both past present
and future. As we welcome you to the 2021
UTS Startup Awards yes so exciting to be here it
feels like it's taken forever to get here but we're
here now yeah I mean this year has gone for
a very long time but we're so pumped to be
here with you tonight we are joined by some i
ncredible incredible people that I can't wait to
introduce you to but my name is dave firstly I
work with UTS Startups this is my co-host
and our operations manager Emma thanks
for coming everyone really
excited to be here
and we also have got to tell you that
later tonight there is a massive
announcement that we have been holding
on to and it's been really really hard
for me to keep this secret
also because I alk a lot anyway but
i've been trying really hard so no one
knows uh but we're going to be telling
you something really really special
that's going to be happening with UTS
startups to change it's going to affect
a lot of people and so stay with us to
the end but it's going to be fantastic
so Emma very exciting we really want you
to first of all thanks for coming to
support our startups but we'd love for
you to continue that tonight
um on socials so get your socials out
startups awards if you're so inclined go
and find our pictures tonight and follow
them i'm sure they'd love that support
but tonight the awards so they are our
fourth annual UTS Startups awards the
flagship event in our UTS Startups
festival and that is all about inspiring
and supporting you to take your next
step it's not just about the incredible
startups you'll see here tonight it's
about every single one of you at home
taking our next step in entrepreneurship
together as a community
and UTS Startups can support you to do
that but for tonight why don't you share
what to expect okay we'll expect a
lot it's gonna be fun we're actually
featuring 23 different startups in the
space of a very very short window of
time so we'll see how that goes
but what we're going to see are some
incredible pictures so we've got a
whole bunch of categories we've got our
idea stage categories because UTS setup
is a program that really encapsulates
all sorts of startup businesses right
through from you know the very very
concept stage through to high traction
so we're going to see a whole bunch of
ideas staged 60 second pitches they're
going to go really quick so stay stuck
to the screen don't miss a thing and
then we've got our other categories um
including sister most sustainable
startup best application of research
we've got a whole bunch of yeah social
impact some other things coming up
and we're going to have some three
minute pictures there where again really
really condensed but startups are going
to showcase what they do who they are
they're going to tell you why you should
care about what they do I hink you're
going to love it it's going to be really
cool but one thing I ant to mention as
well Emma is the way that we yeah it
chose these finals because our community
is massive we've got hundreds of
startups but we were able to engage
like a big team of remote judges who are
really really grateful to so many um
incredible academics and supporters and
people in the ecosystem around UTS that
really helped us you know
review and judge a whole bunch of
pictures remotely produced by these
sites and i've got to say as well that
our startups you know we didn't send
a film crew around at everyone's house
uh that's just not the way it happened
they just had to figure it out so we
yeah we're gonna see some really
creative cinematography I ould say
with iPhones they did such a great job
under the circumstances so put on every
single one of you yeah definitely so
that's what you can expect and it's
going to be full of surprises
it does take a village though to support
our startups and part of that village
are our incredible mentors so we have a
team of experienced entrepreneurs who
give up their time for free to help our
startups take their next step their time
their experience their expertise and
really they care to be part of our
community so we want to send you some
virtual love every single one of our
mentors thank you so so much
but first another supporter in our
community while we are sad to see him uh
leave UTS shortly we're incredibly
grateful for his championing of
entrepreneurship particularly
technology-enabled startups here at UTS
it is our vice chancellor at tiller
thank you kindly dave thank you very much
Emma you're very well welcome and for
organising tonight it is a very exciting
night a very warm welcome to you all
thank you for joining us this is one of
the most exciting events in the UTS
I would also like to pay respects to the
Gadigal people of the Era nation not only
acknowledging them as a traditional
um traditional custodians of this place
on which we stand but also acknowledging
elders past and present as a traditional
custodian of knowledge for these places
and people have heard me say time and
time again knowledge is the heart of
what we are as a university but tonight
we'll see the creation and innovative
use of knowledge in
incredibly exciting ways in all of these
startups as they pitch
as I ften say universities have a
unique role in society we exist for
public good not just for those who pass
through our doors but for all society
and that's easy to say but much harder
to do and as you all know we're living in
interesting and challenging times so
therefore our role as a public
institution is even more critical
so regardless of how challenging the
circumstances get we must continue to
provide benefit for all of our society
many of the startups you can use tonight
are designed to do just that to benefit
society tonight you'll meet some of
those UTS’s finest entrepreneurial
talent people who have created tech
enabled startups to play a crucial role
in also helping Australia recovery and
regrow from cover 19 pandemic generating
new jobs generating exciting employment
opportunities but also generating
products that people really need
and they've all done this alongside
their study and under challenging economic
circumstances as a university I cannot stress how
important it is that we support our
students go beyond their studies to give
them the skills that they'll need to be
successful not just for their first job but
throughout their entire life and
programs like UTS Startups are critical
to developing these skills and giving
you new insights that you don't often
get just in a simple classroom
each person here tonight will have an
amplifying effect they'll go on to do
good work with the skills of learn from
their studies and programs like UTS
startup and the people that met the
networks have made along the way
and it wouldn't be possible without
universities inspiring and enabling and
nurturing this talent so I'd like to
thank everybody right across UTS who's
been involved in this program all of our
mentors all the supporters of this
uts startup is very distinctive in the
way that you inspire and support the
technologically enabled entrepreneurs at
scale not only does UTS have the largest
community of student launch startups in
Australia which is quite an accolade
but importantly they're all doing
amazing things take for example iowa an on-site waste
to energy bin that converts common waste
materials directly into green electricity making waste expenseless
that we'll hear from them or open pages
an online directory providing equal
opportunity for refugees for migrants
through efficient and timely access to
critical information or pantaja a remote patient monitoring
platform that aims to provide the best
patient experience possible using
advanced health tracking communication
education and these are just some of the
individuals who are shaping Australia's
future and I I w when I I k across the whole
gamut I couldn't be happier that our
future is in safe hands so once again
thank you all for attending tonight's
events and all the very best of luck to
our startups back to youtube Dave Emma
thanks so much Attila we really
appreciate your time tonight uh so
tonight's all about trying to be as live
as possible we have live ish pictures we
have live judging live scoring so our
judges plants even ish ish live-ish
our judges tonight will start with the
executive director of the climate change
cluster uh he champions uh he works with
SMEs NGOs, other people trying to deliver a
sustainable circular bioeconomy and
part of what they do is deep green
biotech who works with us at UTS
startups we're incredibly grateful for
Peter Ralph thanks for coming welcome
Peter you look good there by the way i've got
to say that background i'm very on brand very own brand we
have also got another judge tonight who
is yeah she's special to us she's also a
mentor at UTS startup she's a lot of
things she's done a lot of things and
especially in the marketing advertising
social media space very very cool Jo Jacobs a lot of people
know her a lot of you I Iove her and
we're so grateful to have Jo Jacobs
here as one of our judges tonight thank
you so much it's a huge privilege I I h everyone
all the very best tonight and i'm really
looking forward to seeing you all again
and our third judge you all know him we
are grateful for his transformational
leadership as a university of technology
um our vice chancellor Attila brungs
again thank you all right let's get into it shall we
yeah I I nk what we should do as well
Emma is it's weird because we can't all
clap together and hear each other clap
and i'm finding that weird that's
something we didn't practice I I uld
mention so if you're at home all
you've got to do both your hands put
them together give them a clap let's do
it just like that real easy if
you've got a little button and you're
clever like that you could press the
applause button anything you want to
do basically but hey trust me when I I
people are going to feel the
appreciation they're going to feel the
applause but instead of talking all
night we're gonna go straight into our
first category which is a very very
exciting category our best UTS startup
ideas stage now what's gonna happen here
is we're gonna have three of our
ideas staged startup finalists pitch
with their videos and then we're going
to hear from our judges so
would you all please put your hands
together press your applause buttons
whatever it is you want to do for our
first three idea stage startups which
are mark pitching for mirror we've got
gotham pitching for buck a lot and we've
got bella pitching for sex happens
hello my name is mark markov and i'm the
co-founder of mirror we provide a
solution to the ever growing increase in
online shopping clothing returns
our industry research shows fashion
e-commerce stores suffer 8 times more
returns when compared with in-store
brands with social distancing
potentially here for the long term these
figures are set to increase
for worldwide retailers losses from
clothing returns have already been
calculated at 12 billion dollars
annually our solution comes in the form of a
platform where users can access
customisable advertisers to demonstrate
how a product fits providing the
customers of the retailers with the
opportunity to access a filling room
when shopping online
our next steps are to contact our
shortlist of 124 retailers seeking both
their interests and suggestions for mira
our scanning and fitting room technology
is ensuring that retailers will save on
product distribution costs as well as
always providing their customers with
the best possible fit and unparalleled
online shopping experience thank you
backpacks are insecure because backpacks
use buckles you can't use a padlock on
them the only product in the market to secure
a backpack is this and it's expensive
and heavy very few thieves walk around with knives
and scissors tech is often the result of
an easy opportunity and people are after and simple easy and
affordable solution and we've come up
with two versions because the point of entry to a backpack
are the buckles by securing the buckle
you secure the backpack the product will
be sold in pairs and suitable for securing any bag with a
buckle we have over 500 expressions of interest
worldwide and we have a provisional patent and
innovation patent in Australia
the market potential is huge with 42
million backpacking trips happening
around the world annually we plan to
launch wired crowdfunding and then
finally start the project airport and
license the product thank you for your
time let's talk about sex wasn't expecting
that exactly with sex happens we aim to
make the uncomfortable comfortable
there's this generational awkwardness
talking all things sex and sexual health
but why our education was simply inadequate
permeating this awkwardness misplaced
shame and embarrassment where there
should be empowerment and healthy
curiosity even parliament is
deliberating reforms nationwide but it's
not enough that's exactly why we created sex
happens for young adults 18 to 24 to
pick up where their education left off
we know those conversations are hard to
start so let our games start them for
you we're creating a cheeky adult car
game that puts it all on the table
normalising no one knows everything
about sex and we can only benefit from
discussing without unnecessary judgment
we catalyse inclusive conversation
dispel taboo and empower players to own
their sexual well-being we're creating a world where not talking
about sex is awkward so let's talk about
sex why because sex happens
fantastic how good is that amazing and
just the idea stage so much more I I nk
i like videos Emma not maybe not as much as live or maybe
just as much as life because that was
a pretty good job yeah hey but what we
want to hear from is our judges so hey
joe ladies first do you mind telling us
yeah what did you think I I fascinated
and and ex i've seen some of these these
startups at earlier stages and the improvement
guys out of out of this world fantastic
well done love the fact that mark
has got 124 retailers ready to go for um
for his mirror product so that's
brilliant I I e the fact that there are
500 expressions of interest for the lock
and I I o think that bella is doing an
amazing job empowering the conversations
around sex so well done all three
fantastic thank you joe hey Attila
we'd love to hear what you think I I nk
all of them were awesome and the way
that they could get their ideas across
in such a quick period of time is just
fantastic pretty much as joe said I I e the fact
that there's retailers already done
for tomorrow which is going to be
fantastic I I lly love i've backpacked
for many many years and in fact you know
i've got my kids backpacking now so i
think i'll be I I t to be on the list
to get one of those padlocks
and finally particularly that sex
happens I I nk that is an excellent i
cannot tell you how sorely needed that
is at the moment with the university
it's right up the line of what we're
trying to do with our respect now always
campaign and to do this more broadly i
just think you you're really doing something society needs
thank you awesome thank you so much hey Peter
so I I 't want to recap on on what
Attila and joe has already said I I ee
that both the sex happens is really
awesome and the mirror is awesome but i
was going to say the the backpack lock
boy oh boy that that hits the mark so
many people have lost so much stuff with
that I I lly love all three of them but
the backpack was was especially good for
me thanks guys well done
yeah can we all appreciate those three
first startups I I nk they've
done a very good job and the virtual
loved their way yeah and i've got to say
as well the judges are scoring these
pitches as well so they might say nice
things but you don't know
what is actually going on those scoring
sheets so we're gonna hope they're high
scores but hey no pressure we're
going to jump straight into our next
three ideas stage startups and i'm going to
read the right names just like I I
last time but okay we've got jamie uh
pitching for titan biodynamics we've got
fiona for air lab and colin for swan
energy so let's put our hands together
for those three idea stage startups
imagine an app that not only tells you
what exercises to do but actually gives
you real-time feedback on whether you're
doing them correctly gym users don't have an easily
accessible way of checking if their
technique is correct without hiring a
personal trainer which even then suit us
and give them 24/7 access
at time biomechanics our team of
biomedical engineers are developing an
app that uses ai to analyze your posture
and action provide real-time feedback
and guidance as you're exercising the
app is for anyone that exercises at the
gym regardless of their fitness level
from beginner to elite athletes all with
the same goal prevent injury build
confidence and maximize benefit
we also have the potential to expand our
app into other areas of fitness
yoga golf tennis and much more will
greatly appreciate for any contact in
the bar mechanics or fitness app
industry so that together we can help create a fitter future
thank you air is live but we're breathing
dangerous air if it's not filtered
properly the increase of global
pollution allergies virus are
detrimental to our health and is a
long-term issue however existing masks
are ineffective single-use creating
devastating amount of waste and a lot of
people's go-to as casual use i'm a
nursing student I I athize with all
medical professionals during the
pandemic they are finding these masks
very uncomfortable they block facial
expression cause ineffective
communication in the medical field and
are detrimental to children's linguistic
development therefore at airlab we are developing
one innovative medical use smart mask to
filter out all harmful elbow particles
down to 0.1 microns using adhesives
around edges and bendable fabric it can
be shaped to fade around anyone's face
perfectly why risk health wear or mask
is aesthetic functional breathable
reusable and is transparent for people
to communicate and connect better i'm
looking for research funding and
engineers let's unlock a way for people
to interact with air safer thank you
when does it make sense to drive
electric vehicles do you send messages on carrier pigeon
anymore riding a horse and carriage isn't the
future so why buy a gas guzzler
swan energy is the evolution of energy
distribution and car share
the future is about working less and
enjoying more so why buy something
when it doesn't make you money
buy needy through us
or put your existing one on our network
and turn into an asset
make money by sharing your ev with other
people and when your ev is not in use
sell its energy to the swan network
so be greedy help everyone by helping yourself first
swan energy wow that was awesome I I 't know if that
was james cameron or colin that's pretty
good so good um hey Peter that was a that was a
pretty cool three startups I I ould say
i would love to hear what you think
i look all through them are really
exciting the masks the the sharing of
the energy but going back to to the ai
the bio the the ability to swap that
tech to golf to to to yoga
i think that's massive and I I nk it's
really interesting how they developed
their opportunities so yeah well done
everyone but that one really stood out
for me fantastic thank you Attila
all of them are fantastic I I e the
idea of the mask particularly getting
the facial expressions through I I n i
can't tell you how often i've gone to a
room and when you you're talking a lot
of people and you look at them going are
you smiling are you laughing are you
hating what i'm saying it's really quite
disconcerting so I I nk that that's got
it wonderful sharing energy is another
fantastic idea but look as i'm getting
older and stretching always happen to
other people and i've been an athlete
for years and basically what i'm doing
is i'm injuring myself I I e the idea
of using ai and I I 't like talking to
personal trainers I I e using ai to
help me stretch do the moves properly
and not end up injuring myself on a
daily basis beautiful fantastic joe
well I I nk the the extraordinary thing
about tartan is that there's a huge
opportunity to use that in
in rehab recovery in a whole on a whole
series of different uh levels for for in
aged care and in um
in uh in sports and in just general um
rehab clinics or in physios I I nk um
air lab I I ove the the actual little
example that we actually could see the
actual mask and be able to use it that
way and I I course love the idea of
selling energy back to a network for
driving a vehicle what a great idea um
something that we've been talking about
in our homes why can't we do it for our
class well done all three
awesome thank you judges we appreciate
your input and well done to those
startups something I I t got to quickly
mention as well is that we are not only
here with you guys in a zoom webinar we
are also live streaming to youtube and
in our brand new UTS Startups youtube
account we cannot wait to put more
content out there so we'd love you to
like and subscribe on youtube as well uh
that would be fantastic but thank you
again that was that was our first
category amazing
i don't know how you're gonna judge
already but while you are putting in
your scores we're actually going to do
something a little bit different and
announce a winner this is a really
exciting category actually because
community is what we have community is
the heart of what we do
um we have an incredible
community of what are we 800-900 people
at the moment and everyone is inspiring and supporting
each other to continue on this
incredible journey of startup life um
but we want to take some time to
recognise a particular startup that goes
above and beyond all the time just this
year alone they have contributed to
other startups through helping newer
startups just get acquainted in the
community they share their knowledge
and their experience with others
help run events when we could actually
do that in person but we want to
recognise the community morale award
winner and that is Leslie Maslow
we've got Andrew here from Maslow
tell us the best part about our
community you know firstly starting with dave Emma
and the uh the other guests that's
hosting the show as well and they're
probably three of the best parts of the
community but I I nk that um
i think that one of the best parts about
the community is that running a startup things change over
time so you know one day you're
trying to figure out what your problem
space is the other day the next you're
trying to figure out how to
commercialise it and the next you're
sitting next to your lawyer having
really difficult conversations but um
the nice thing about a community is that
like a startup it actually gets to
evolve and change over time you know
you're not in the you know you're not in
the door one day and then out the other
and see you later it's about evolving
together it's about evolving with the
people next to you and evolving with you
guys as UTS Startups as you grow as well
hey Andrew you guys have such incredible
traction as a startup your team is
incredible high performing you guys have
got a product that is you know changing
lives like why spend your time helping
other other startups like what what is
in it for you guys I I nk something
that's really interesting in the
Australian startup ecosystem is that
it's definitely growing at the moment
and it is a rising tide and I I nk
that's everyone's responsibility
actually to give back to that rising
side and create a collective where we're
all performing and you know just like
investing in yourself and taking care of
yourself you've got to take care of the
ecosystem that you're in as well and
that helps everybody succeed together
well we really appreciate you can't wait
to see you nidon and the whole team back
in person when we can as soon as we can
safely so thanks so much and
congratulations congratulations
um and our community would be nothing without this
next man doesn't need an introduction
so I I l actually skip that our
director of entrepreneurship mr murray
we love you murray
likewise guys uh andrew I I ld listen
to you all night uh i'm sorry to go to
me after you but uh thank you for
everything you do uh and look at this
chat this chat's exploding thank you
very much for participating here from uh
watching and on youtube as well so uh remember last year in the great
hall uh people were spaced out awkwardly
around a giant room I I ember thinking
that was a bit of a pain well uh welcome
to 2021 hopefully it gets better from here
thanks for tuning in wherever you are i
know there's a bunch of very special
people tuning in uh many of whom are
great enablers of our work uh you know
who you are and I I reciate you all
thank you for watching and thank you
everyone else as well uh we may not be
together but as you're seeing tonight
good things are still happening
uh so uh I I murray hopes i'm the
director of entrepreneurship UTS i'm
proud to lead one heck of a program in the form of UTS
startups UTS Startups inspires and supports
technology-enabled entrepreneurs
why why do we do this keep the chat going jump in the chat
with thanks we do this because entrepreneurship is good
you get to decide what you work on for
yourself instead of being told what to
work on for someone else I I to solve
problems that matter to you you get to
create things that you enjoy creating
you get to be your own boss on your own
schedule where you want to be
it's a great way to work is just
convincing anyone so far
but it's also a rewarding way to work
i'll say every entrepreneur gets
something from their journey whether
it's a success of the company uh the
impact on the world or learning new
skills for application elsewhere
and on that skills point I I nk this is
probably the most important point for me
uh we asked 192 of the people that were
supporting what they learned from what they're
doing the most common responses were
perseverance adapting to change
prioritization self-discipline open-mindedness these are what people
say they learn from being entrepreneurs
and if you think about what people need
to succeed in 2021 I I d it hard to
think of attributes more important than
those so entrepreneurship is not
is good for the entrepreneurs but just
to state the obvious I I it's also
good for Australia entrepreneurs drive Australia's growth
uh we're working with day one startups a
lot of the time in UTS Startups but
despite this 23 of the startups we're supporting are
generating revenue and the average
amount of revenue they're generating 102
000 each so much more advanced than you might expect
from a student startup community uh they
are creating jobs as well uh based on
the data we have last year 402
paid jobs were created by the startups
that we're supporting 402 and i
guarantee there's more than that that
we're not seeing they're generating learning so not just
for themselves but for all the other
students at UTS as well
2 200 UTS students have worked with our
startups in the last year whether it's
internships in subject projects
workshops or other engagements
it is incredible what kind of benefits
you can get from doing this
entrepreneurship is good for the
entrepreneurs and good for those around
them the best part is we can create more entrepreneurs
so UTS Startups is engaging with
thousands of people who don't care about
entrepreneurship or may not care and
help them uh to help them see what they can be and
to take their first steps three years in
we're at 372 odd startups that we're
supporting 717 in total over those three years
uh it's it's been incredible how as soon
as people start to realize what they can
do what they're actually capable of
doing and they're seeing that already
tonight and we should create more entrepreneurs
uh look around you uh I I ember saying
the same thing at last year's awards uh
that there's never been a better time or
more important time to do what we do but
it's even more true today to
empower people to create jobs to give
people skills we need to be doing that
so we will create more entrepreneurs UTS
is unique in the capacity and track
record uh that we have for creating and
supporting brand new technology-enabled
entrepreneurs uh i'll say universities in Australia
have had a tough couple of years uh
that's understating it um and uh i'm personally particularly
sad uh to be losing a couple of key
people that have enabled our work
margaret petty I I w you're watching
none of this would be here without you
you're incredible you're very much
missed patrick woods another great
enabler and Attila bronze uh probably
the largest most amazing enabler of
everything that happens across UTS uh
and i'm honored Attila to have you here
with us tonight judging providing feedback but instead of
dwelling on setbacks let's keep this
positive margaret patrick Attila everyone else
that's watching I I rantee you you can
be darn sure we're going to be doing
everything we can to keep doing what
we're doing and growing what we're doing
we have the best team in UTS Startups
that i've ever worked with we have the best possible supporting
environment across UTS from every part
of UTS it's been ridiculous we have the
best community of incredible
entrepreneurs most importantly out of
anything that we have who are all inspiring and supporting
more entrepreneurs and building this kind of flywheel of
wonderful activity we can create more
entrepreneurs we should create more
entrepreneurs and we will create more
entrepreneurs in UTS Startups
so i'll wrap up i'll say stay tuned for the
end of tonight we've got something
really really exciting coming it's like
an hour away it's uh it's going to blow
some socks off and for now i'll just say everyone
watching please get excited jump in the
chat get rowdy if people can't hear you
you need to be in the chat thank you
very much everyone take it away
thank you murray we love you and we
couldn't be more fortunate with the
team that we've got here especially with
murray he's just the best
um and I I 't have to say that that
that's just for free uh but we've got to
move on okay so there's there's so much happening here
one thing that we we really want to
focus on tonight and and keep reminding
you of is UTS's commitment to
sustainability and particularly to our
green future our environmental
sustainability and we couldn't do what
we do at UTS starts without the
partnership that we have with c3 and the
new south wales deep green biotech hub
now if you didn't know what that is
that's okay have you heard of algae I I w it's kind
of everywhere it's probably in your fish
tank but algae is actually powering a
whole new uh crop of startups and smes
working with UTS in research
partnerships they're working in
commercial and and you know incredible
um ways to yeah leverage the power of
that little green stuff and and so
deep green biotech hub is at the
forefront of doing that they work
with us a lot they empower a lot of our
startups through different accelerated
programs etc they've also been doing
a lot lately with regional district
challenges etc and you know we're just
so happy to have them and Peter who is
one of our judges tonight is actually uh
you know it's the director of c3 but
he's actually an argue researcher this
guy knows everything there is to know
about algae and so we just want to make a point of
that as we transition into our best UTS
startup most sustainable category um
this is an awesome one I I e all these
guys we're not allowed to have favorites
are we Emma no no I I 't I I 't have any favorites in
this category you know what i'm saying
but we are going to welcome the very
first pitch tonight is from awa so
bodhi is going to take it away via video
let's all put our hands together for
body you know humans have produced some
pretty amazing inventions but I I nk we
can all agree the garbage bin isn't one
of them not only are they disgusting but
they also make waste very expensive the
physical collection of waste can cost a
lot of money but it also costs a lot of
time because changing regulations and
recycling rules make taking out the
trash I I ss at best and confusing time
drain at worst now if you run a business that's a
problem a very real problem because
expensive services and inefficient uses
of time can be the difference between a
business success and failure
now my co-founder and I I think it's
time to rethink the bin which is exactly
what we're trying to do with aywa aw is
an on-site waste to energy bin and by
using a thermochemical treatment process
aor converts common waste materials
directly into electricity users can
throw all their rubbish into one stylish
bin and have it quietly and safely
converted into green electricity
that's huge savings for a business and a
huge sigh of relief for the environment
now aol operates under a highly scalable
business model known as technology as a
service so instead of users purchasing
unit they lease aol units at a price of
600 a month per unit this way cash flow is never a barrier to
sustainability now you can feed ay your rubbish and
have it converted into green electricity
in as quickly as 90 minutes how well
when waste is placed in a while it
begins a thermal treatment process which
breaks waste down to a hydrogen-rich gas
that gas is then cleaned before finally
reaching a fuel cell at which point it's
reformed into electricity rinse and
repeat and with the help of our partner
lab the institute for chemical fuels and
alternative resources we've actually
built a proof of concept prototype which
demonstrates the feasibility of this
technology for our beachhead market
we're targeting sydney's hospitality
groups we chose this target audience
because they produce a lot of waste they
have a lot of capital and we have
connections in the industry down the
line however we do wish to target
similar groups domestically and
internationally and even service other
highway sectors like retail and
households because let's be honest waste
is a pain for everyone now priorities are actually driven by
real customer conversations we've
surveyed over 640 managers employees and
owners of Australian hospitality groups
you know what they want to make waste
expenseless for a hospitality group
annual waste collection costs can total
close to a million dollars every year
and aor cuts that figure in half
plus by converting waste into
electricity business can reduce its
carbon footprint by over 80 percent
now combined our team has over 25 years
of direct experience working with waste
energy technologies and so we have bold
dreams we want aywa to be in a billion
buildings by 2050 because we're done
seeing plastic flow past us in the ocean
we want a world in which landfill is
gone the trucks gone the concept of
waste all together gone we believe ay
can do that and fundamentally change the
world thanks for your time
amazing that was so good i'm worried about the
bin chickens though Emma but it's not
about that hey Attila you mentioned ay
in your speech earlier what did you
think of body's pitch that was incredibly compelling well done
uh i'm blown away and the other thing i
loved about your business model as well
is i'm not sure what your technology is
but one of the challenges with that type
of treatment is the contaminants because
there's always contaminants and they
build up over time but by having it a
rented business model it means that the
people themselves don't have to deal
with the contaminants you can take them
back to the central source because it's
rented deal with the contaminants then
and then send the product back out again
which I I nk is a very good way of
dealing with it fantastic hey bodhi did you want to sort
of respond at all or sort of shed any
light on the technical side there
um yeah well I I ss you you kind of hit
the nail right on the head that is the
benefit of kind of going for a leasing
model as we can we can capture a lot of
those um those contaminants and keep them stored
for you know seven eight nine years
because they're very low volume for most
of them and then we can kind of hit the
refresh and send it back out because
most of most materials are very very
durable it's steels and alloys and
whatnot and so good to go for another 10 20 years who
knows fantastic I I e that yeah I I e the
enthusiasm can't wait to see what's next
fantastic hey we've got to keep moving
so we're going to introduce jaden
who's going to pitch for clear
connections so would you all join me in
welcoming jaden after years of experience as an engineer
in water and waste industries i've seen
some amazing things that you can do with
waste such as turn it into electricity but it
pains me to see that this just isn't
happening households are sending 2.5 million tons
of food waste to landfill every year
only eight percent is reused causing
massive greenhouse gas and a seven
billion dollar cost that's expensive for business
and costly to the planet
now the issue is because there's no
smart way to check for contaminants like
glass or plastic in the current green
bin system making it unviable for many
reuse facilities that's why I I nded clear connections
we have engineered an ai enabled
software and sensor system to address
this problem i have the perfect team on board where
engineers with experience in waste water
gas and energy industries
my team and I I e engineered a sensor
system which secures directly onto
existing pickup trucks it scans the bin
at the source
before it's picked up
using our sensor and ai package so clean
loads can go straight to energy
we enable the waste value chain of
household food waste can now travel all
the way through the chain and be turned
into clean energy
we enable you at home to be issued
carbon credits turning your waste into a
valuable resource
and we've done the research and found
local governments and waste companies
need this product now
in the current climate they're desperate
for a solution like ours
our customers are local governments who
benefit from increased landfill
waste company can make data driven
and the reuse facilities are now able to
take all that extra food waste from
homes which was risky before
we've surveyed the top 10 councils in
new south wales and can save them 40
million dollars a year
flying onto a total market savings of
seven billion dollars
we'll be working with strategic
partnerships and licensing agreements in
the short term then shift to a sas model
for full implementation as we scale
so far we've made proof of concept
through our medium to large scale
application and have begun making
strategic partnerships
we're raising one hundred thousand
dollars to further engineer our product
for industrial integration run industry
trials and file a patent to protect our
thank you so much and I I e you're
having a great night
fantastic jaden that was so good joanne
jacobs we'd love to hear what you think
do you have any questions for jaden
i'll start off jaden you've got a great
team having gemina sydney water you
brought together all the players and i
think you you've
identified the real challenge with
contamination as a tiller set for the
last innovation contamination is your
problem as well
have you thought about how you're going
to go from domestic household waste to
commercial waste are your sensors going
to be able to work
for a woolies or a coals or something
like that
yeah so we've done some market research
with a few
niche organics waste companies who um
actually need this solution
as something that could be brought
forward quicker than the households um
on the truck because we found that
the trucks when they go through like
alleyways and things like that the
driver actually has to get out and have
a look inside the bins so a handheld
solution is what we're actually
developing right now based on that um
yeah and the the
the household market is is I I ss the
the the market where
the whole market that we're looking for
but our entry to market is actually
commercial as you said
great thank you
no worries
fantastic well done jaden we've got
to keep moving and that was awesome but
we've still got julie
um who's gonna pitch full power block so
let's welcome julie
imagine a world without dusty
renovations and noisy jackhammering
imagine a world with infinite power
point locations to suit your recurring
changing needs
imagine an infinite backup storage power
welcome to power blocks the way our
walls will speak to us in the future
the power sector and renewable energy is
really a complex beast when you add in
microgrid estates and strata constraints
it gets even more complex and costly
renewable energy is amazing it costs
only a thousand dollars additional per
year on top of your normal power bill
but envisage that you spent that
thousand dollars
on an asset for your own home that you
could interchange
include the possibility of earning
current battery technology takes up
introducing power blocks a way to use
the space in your walls as a way to keep
your energy storage and personal options
for floor plans open
use the bricks for your non-structural
walls and fill the cells in as you
require with the relevant technology
update them
disassemble them
send them to the power blocks kiosk for
a safety check
this is a highly flexible technology
which we want you to use in your home
industrial and outdoor estates
it's a diy ikea experience where you use
your phone or computer as a platform
you can scale it up or down according to
your personal needs with a comparable
price of a thousand dollars per kilowatt
this is designed to be compatible with
your existing assets and investments
you can use it ready for a camp trip or
you can just plug it in to the future
pipeline of new plug-in renewable
this is a gap in the market the
difference between camp gear and tesla
power walls
we have the traction from winning the
green sprint 21 sustainability award we
have a very intelligent and sustainable
partner called whatcost that brings all
the intelligence to our power blocks
we have a very skillful team with a lot
of experience both in energy sectors
and design and a comprehensive board
join us on our journey
we ask you to get excited
so good julie amazing
yeah we love that hey I I t to open
it up to the judges who would like to
respond to this one
i'm happy to respond if that's okay bye
everyone uh tell us julie what what
are your customers looking like have you
got some have you gone to market yet
have you got some expressions of
interest and have you talked to
people in the smart spaces area in
intriguingly yes my team members
being that exactly and my brother
company so what cost is all about
um understanding how to make your home
um through your home sensor systems and
we are designing to integrate with that
and that's already got a market in
itself in the domestic context now
that's what's extraordinary about that
team is that we have experts in the
industry that already
mingle with these types of people and
the validation and support from my team
members who are expert and
comprehensively involved in the
both business to business and business
to institution is quite phenomenal so
we're going to do the detailed interview
process once we do our actual
demonstration for functions and then
we'll be drafting potential contracts
and then assessing our manufacturing um
you know rates to fast track the
commercial actualization there going to
market so if you haven't got a specific
client at this stage but you you're
working with what what costs clients
oh no no no we're not actually
specifically speaking with clients at
the moment because
we're really at the research and
development phase to get the pilot going
but we're verifying and validating
through the various individual companies
and supporters in our network and
getting very good feedback that this is
the way forward thank you julie thank
you all of our startups thank you judges
um that was awesome I I 't believe how
much we've just gotten through but
i'm yeah we're ready for the next
category I I ss so next category three
startups three minute pictures
application of research we are of course
a university yes unashamedly young
university of texas not do your own
research it's actual research actual
research and its impact driven
research for not just uh industry but
for the community at large and these
startups uh demonstrate an application
of research in some way so we'll kick
things off with mark from savvy
hey i'm mark curry founder of savvy
beverages we make the natural drink that
helps you think it's a smart energy
drink so when I I ked as a lawyer I I
a problem first hand of people
overworked with a forever increasing
to-do list the same stresses of modern
day living in every profession the only
solutions were tea
and coffee and energy drinks which
hadn't been updated since red bull which
is 37 years old energy drinks have had
the same recipe for almost four decades
which is just really not good enough
it's leading to numerous issues in
mental and physical health we need a
healthy change so five years ago I I t
my professional gig teamed up with
nutritionists dietitians and health
experts to work on a solution to shake
up the biggest industry in food and
beyond blue and black dog institute show
that one in five Australians are
experiencing high or very high
psychological distress and anxiety
this has increased to one in three
younger Australians between 18 and 34
and we wanted to help by taking the most
popular beverages and giving them
additional benefits to positively impact
this trend using ingredients that can
improve mood reduce stress and reduce
the energy drink market is male
dominated and filled with unhealthy
products and we all deserve a refreshing
energy drinks like red bull use 27 grams
of sugar while savvy has zero sugar
energy drinks are filled with artificial
ingredients while savvy is 100 natural
energy drinks use five synthetic
ingredients to provide energy while
savvy uses 13 functional eutrophics to
provide more than just energy energy
drinks cost three to four dollars while
savvy's the same price and it's
Australian made and owned it's a
no-brainer it's not surprising the only
function of an energy drink is to
a burst of energy from synthetic
caffeine and sugar
savvy is a reimagined concept of an
energy drink made for your brain using
high quality ingredients that combat the
major deterrence of energy like stress
anxiety and low mood savvy is the only
drink based on over 500 clinical studies
with ingredients scientifically proven
to boost focus boost mood boost energy
and reduce stress and anxiety
the savior journey has made smart coffee
and drinks in the market and we're now
about to launch our brain boosting
120 000 drinks on october 2021. sixty
thousand lemonade
summer fruits and we are delighted to
say our taste testers have said they
absolutely prefer savvy over the current
market options
the savvy team has been privileged to
welcome on board the ceos of famous
sodaco a multi-million dollar Australian
company and market leader in the better
for you carbonated beverage space now we
can't wait to fill the world with
positive energy
thank you
if these new drinks are anything like
the coffee that i've tried things are
looking good Attila could we start
with you do you have a quick comment or
question a fantastic pitch I I e the
idea again I'd love to buy one the
question I I e for you again and I I e
to sound cynical as a scientist but i've
seen so much good scientists go out
there in the market and not cut through
you know you've got your your your
drinks based on you know five hundred
thousand or whatever the number was
clinical hours of real research which is
and they'll go against someone else
who's put sugar and caffeine and just
has a better marketing campaign how are
you going to compete with us and how
you're going to pitch you know your
product which has real benefits and a
real differentiation against others who
just claim benefits and pretend you know
good things for you
so tiller great question the first
few years that I I ually started and i
produced version 1.0 I I nd out that
actually you cannot rely upon a product
alone to pierce through the market so
what we've done this time is uh we've
actually teamed up with a group called
famous sodaco
and they are phenomenal in the space of
healthy better for you beverages so they
are effectively piercing through and
they're a heavier sister in us being
able to get to market putting us with
key distributors and many other avenues
to market so using that and also quite a
few different other funds we're going to
be able to actually utilize a lot to
pierce through to the market this time
great thanks so much mark all right next
startup up welcome david from telenor
hi, i'm dr david lakissa from telenor
education we specialize in helping
sporting organizations optimize their
skills in working with pacific athletes
globally pacific athletes meaning those
of polynesian micronesian and melanesian
heritage are more visible than ever
before and within a 500 billion dollar sports
business industry it is clear
that pacific sporting prowess
is experiencing a prolific rise
world rugby reports approximately 20 of
all professional contracts
are signed by athletes of pacific
heritage in australasia some rugby
football codes and competitions feature
up to 50 percent of their contracted
athletes so what does that mean for
individuals and teams
well that depends heavily on your vantage
point my phd research revealed organizations
can better engage understand manage and
support specific people through
initiatives that are linked through
family and kinship networks
spirituality culture and service
then and only then can they access
shared knowledge systems increased trust
productivity in the workplace
tylenol education provides professional
development and knowledge partnering
products and services to help
organizations gain that competitive edge
we are guided by
a well-balanced team of academics where
associate professors daryl adair and
katharina taywa and dr sierra kia as
well as assisted through growth
growth strategy and online learning
through jainish gonda and jermaine
we're currently in mvp stage
but we have traction
here are past confirming and pending
currently we are revenue positive but
we're looking for more clients
per client we are aiming for monthly
recurring revenue or mrr
of approximately six thousand dollars
with a 12 month initial commitment
our goal within the next 12 months
is 100k mmr by securing at least 16
clients across australasia
having said that we are
we have four confirmed clients within
six months of operation
in other words
we have 15 percent of the way there
our moonshot vision is the start here at
to go global by 2025 to have at least
100 sporting organizations or clubs and
a reach to serve
almost 400 million sporting fans that
can better
and appreciate and optimize the skills
of pacific athletes and by extension
their families in the sporting workplace
thank you for listening
thanks david amazing pitch uh might
throw to you joe for a question if you
have one
do can you tell us just a little bit
david about what you would like to see
the outcomes of your organization in
about say you know when you're when
you've had a year working with a bunch
of different clubs what would you see as
being the greatest opportunities that
come out of your learning program
we're learning
primarily it's a cultural diversity
or cultural diversity management i
guess initiative and in Australia here
we have such a culturally diverse you
know workspaces primarily in the
sporting world in this context anyway
so the ideal really is to bridge any
cultural divides to increase you know
productivity and performance and
increase trust because based on the
history of the growing number of pacific
athletes and and say super rugby and nrl
there's there's certainly some
challenges that have risen in the last
two decades
thanks david well done I I n I I e the
diversity in this category in particular
number three of three is another totally
different but incredible startup welcome
cat from brilloup
hi i'm catherine and brillop is making
it easy to find brilliant online courses
by independent creators to help you grow
your business
if you're a graphic design freelancer
who wants to learn how to use video to
get more clients
there are so many online course
marketplaces but they all offer the same
type of course they're one teacher to
thousands one size fits all it's no
surprise that less than three percent of
these courses get finished the best
online course that will help you grow
your business is not taught by a
celebrity it's taught by another
independent business owner who gets
where you are and really cares about
helping you
but because these types of courses come
in all different shapes and sizes they
don't fit into the main course
marketplaces they're not easily found on
google so the course doesn't get found
and the graphic designer doesn't learn
the skill that could grow her business
and the course creator misses out on
but even though these courses are niche
the market is not these ignored and
hidden courses make up most of a 300
billion market
now most attempts at solving this
problem involved building yet another
learning platform that requires course
creators to move their course onto
another system
which just further fragments the market
we're taking a different approach we're
building a marketplace where creators
can list their courses and keep their
courses wherever they host them
just like how etsy brought together
artisan crafters selling from tiny local
market stores to create a 10 billion
dollar marketplace
we're building the go-to place to find
unique online courses by independent
our online course marketplace recently
went live and we have listed around 100
so far we've driven over 11 000 visits
to those courses and their creators
our business model is to take clip on
transactions and we're also developing
our own paid programs we're focusing on
self-employed professionals like our
graphic designer and we've completed
over 150 user interviews and found that
this group are the biggest purchasers
and creators of indie online courses
the creator economy alone is estimated
at 100 billion dollars and the larger
freelance economy is worth 1.2 trillion
creating your own courses is becoming a
key source of income for many creators
and freelancers
next we plan to expand our acquisition
channels to professional organizations
and universities
there's a lot of room to grow because
the lifelong education market is worth
five trillion dollars
brillout draws on our team's extensive
research on independent lifelong
learning and we've also been part of
indie course creator communities for
we're looking for advisors who have
experience with early stage high growth
marketplaces and fragmented ecosystems
we'd also love to connect with anyone
who is passionate about independent
lifelong learning please reach out to us
at catbrillup.com
thanks kat that was great now Peter
did you have a question for kat
yeah just a quick one so you had 11 000
how many of those visits turned into
contracts between the service provider
and the the the client
yeah so that's a really good question we
don't actually know that as yet because
essentially what we're doing is
um we're focusing on um
essentially getting stock and so we're
not actually taking a clip at the moment
and so for us to actually find that out
we'd have to be taking that clip so we
don't we're not tracking whether
that's actually each of those clicks
have eventuated in sale or not what
we do know is that these these types of
courses do have a higher rate of
purchase than
um you know the sort of generic kind of
generic courses the average sale is
about a hundred dollars and so yeah
it's like I I nk like a lot of the the
courses once you actually get them to a
sales page they have relatively high
conversion conversions rates of up to
even like 50
some of them wow yeah so
just because they're so different from
you know what's what's around and
um and and so kind of the fit is so
personal you know you can really see how
the the
the person teaching that really cares
about what they're doing
okay no that makes sense thank you
thanks so much kat really well done
what's on next dave okay well we are
actually we've only got two more
pitching categories which is crazy
we've seen so much already I I 't know
that everyone viewing at home and on
youtube is probably in need of a
stretch at this point so while you are
stretching while you are combating the
zoom fatigue i'm going to let you
know that our next category is our
social impact category UTS is a public
institution committed to public good the
good of the community which which makes
it really really easy for us to
really encourage some great social
impact startups so without any more
um talking about that dave we are gonna
hear from mohsen with open pages let's
all appreciate racing
imagine migrating to a new country by
choice or force that has a completely
different language and culture millions
of refugees and migrants like me have to
invest a lot of time and effort building
or restarting their career in a new
early 2018 I I rted open pages an
online directory for refugees and
migrants we got over 4 000 users from
farsi speaking community only and a
little advertisement revenue
here is a user's story ali and his
family are refugees from afghanistan
recently arrived in Australia
ali checks out open pages to find list
of all organizations that can help him
with preparing resumes and interview
skills and then listings for
volunteering internship and entry level
jobs addressing inclusivity diversity
and equal opportunities
his wife samira checks open pages to
find an accountant who speak their
language and understand their culture
they also check open pages every week to
stay in touch with cultural and
community events
that's little extra help in early days
can significantly change someone's
there is about half a million temporary
and permanent arrival every non-covered
year in Australia
that have similar needs
open pages is all about centralizing
critical information about settlement
employment and community which is highly
our sustainable business model is about
building partnership with community
service providers and businesses
we've got endorsement from industry
leaders helping us build trust and
relationship more effectively
my name is mohan joyan and i'm founder
of open pages I I age my own business
in telecom services
it was very difficult for me to restart
my career in Australia so I I ided to
help others like myself
to have a better chance to succeed romel
is a good friend of mine who is highly
experienced in community services
helping me with networking and advisory
i'm looking for talents in marketing and
community services as advisory board
co-founder and volunteer
we are also looking for business
responses to jump start the venture
stay in touch with our facebook
instagram and linkedin thank you very
much for your time
beautiful thank you so much mason and
hey remember everyone at home these
judges are judging live so send all the
good affirmations hey judges what are
you thinking does anyone want to make a
comment or a question at this point
i can may I I just saying uh to to to
myself tell us how you're getting
access to new refugees that are arriving
in the in the country so that they can
actually know how to know the value of
your service
well we have partnered with ssi so
they are the organizations when the new
refugees come they go to airports and
pick them up so
we partner with them and they're gonna
introduce a platform to the new refugees
fantastic thank you so much judges thank
you mason we're next going to hear from
generation entrepreneur with esmen so
welcome esmen
according to the foundation for young
Australians 60 of high school students
are being trained for jobs they've been
radically transformed by automation in
the years to come with the Australian
startup and tech ecosystem being one of
the fastest growing globally empowering
and engaging high school students
through entrepreneurial and enterprise
skills has never been more important
whilst many teachers want to upskill
their students in this respect most
would have the time or expertise that's
where generation entrepreneur comes in
for the past seven years we've developed
and delivered high school
entrepreneurial workshops hackathons and
incubators with the intent of educating
inspiring high schoolers to solve
problems they deeply care about through
entrepreneurship while simultaneously
equipping them with the skills they will
need to succeed in the future workforce
surveys have on average seen 82 percent
of participants rate our programs with
at least a four out of five satisfaction
student teacher and pilot testimonials
also strongly support the value of our
programs as a not-for-profit we will
continue to serve so that more students
can start business clubs at school make
five digital returns from their startup
or be accepted into tech companies like
canva right after high school our
business model scales irrespective of
the experience of the teacher overseeing
the program in addition to our in-person
programs where schools and parents are
charged based on their financial
circumstance we've also utilized an
existing edtech platform to distribute
packaged virtual programs which schools
can purchase on a subscription basis and
use to teach their students in fact a
teacher in the us has successfully
conducted one of our virtual programs to
a class of 30 within a 100 completion
rate all done remotely with no
assistance from our team whatsoever
our goal is to tap into the 18 billion
industry within the 81 high countries to
fund our programs free of charge in the
remaining 114 countries
in our seven years of operation this
not-for-profit has built up the
knowledge and expertise required to
deliver programs to high school students
from diverse backgrounds our advisory
board includes leaders with 20 plus
years of experience in the venture
capital startups education and
technology space two of whom have been
on the board since our inception
providing us with a confident source of
long-term commitment and guidance on top
of this we're joined by more than 200
mentors from multi-disciplinary fields
who work with our high school students
to ensure that an idea has every
opportunity to see the light of day
we've developed long-term partnerships
with two Australian state departments of
education to make our programs
accessible to more public school
students and we looked it up further
with similar stakeholders despite
working closely with governmental bodies
we've continued operating in a lean
manner delivering programs to students
regardless of their socio-economic
that was me as a participant at
generation entrepreneur's flagship
hackathon when I I still in high
school five years later i'm just as
inspired as the ceo
our mission is to one day empower high
schoolers all around the world to say i
have the power to change this world for
the better are we there yet not quite
but believe me when I I
we're only
just getting started
awesome yes
you are doing something cool there um
hey judges I I nk
Attila you've got something
i mean how could I I I I n the reason
i'm so supportive of UTS Startups is i
think what they're doing is bloody
brilliant okay going back into schools
is fantastic so well done um
a question I I e for you only because
i'm so excited by seeing this go you had
partnerships with the government you've
got other partnerships and people you've
brought abroad how are you going to
scale this I I n because I I all the
value I'd love to how are we going to
make sure that it's across every single
school student in Australia particularly
in regional areas
absolutely first and foremost thank you
so much for your kind words it honestly
means as well there are a lot of team
members in this chat as well so I I w
they're going to appreciate that how
we're going to scale it so the startups
we've it actually I I t to announce to
you guys that just two days ago we
secured something with the south
Australia department of education so
we're making really great progress there
but on top of that what we're really
thinking about is because this
organization is based around
high school students and universities on
volunteer model we're able to scale that
no matter if it's other parts of
Australia or other parts around the
world and this model we believe can
really be scaled if we have a leadership
team who's constantly backing us we see
this on a wide scale 180 degrees
consulting university level we really
want to make sure that we're also going
in there with sponsors with partners who
also back what we do and we absolutely
love being here at uk starts one of the
best ones as well
thank you thank you judges thank you
asmed hey we're about to hear from abby
who's going to pitch for your 100 year
life so welcome abby
hey i'm dave I I k after my parents
grandparents partner two kids and yo-yo
my munchkin
there's so many things going on and
despite using these apps reminders
emails and devices
i still keep missing my dad's regular
health checkups I I 't know what his
vaccination status is his next physio
appointment where his driving license is
and who is managing his tax affairs
and yes where to buy that special food
assist tool for my granny
to top it all off i'm raising a
three-year-old while holding down a job
if you like the meat and the sandwich
hi i'm abby bloom i'm part of the team
at your 100 year life a social
we've created the world's first dynamic
life journey manager for aging
people are living longer and living
within an intergenerational ecosystem
that can involve up to four generations
someone takes responsibility for
coordinating the support
of their aging loved ones and this is
how they feel
so how can we help
we've set up a sas based platform
that first and always free our social
impact aggregates and curates the
essential information that families need
to support their loved ones at home
we've put together questionnaires and
checklists to help them better manage so
they can then
store that information in a personalized
lock box secured by world leading
military-grade security
and authorized co-pilots or other
sharing to help in the decision making
step three
relax manage and focus on the caring
our customers get it they never dreamed
that they would have something like this
available to ease the stress and worry
in their lives
the market opportunity is extremely
large and it continues to grow as
societies age so how do we get to the
markets first b2b
we know that financial institutions
trustees insurance companies and others
who are involved with this demographic
want our product because it helps them
do their job better
on the other hand we've also set up
quite separately an e-commerce shop
where we've again
sourced aggregated curated
really useful reliable stuff some of
which also has an edge because today 70
year olds think they're actually 40
will have a measurable social impact in
areas that matter
and we'll do that to a team that is
experienced dedicated and passionate
so help us make that social impact if
you're an investor and if you happen to
have an aging parent or grandparent
please sign up now
beautiful and actually I I nk abby is
looking after her mum so she's
temporarily not available to jump into
this scene so we've got harrain here
from the team who's able to take any
questions but judges was there anyone
who sort of had a question or a comment
about that pitch
i'm going to sign up straight away this
this is this is awesome i'm exactly your
number one client my my brother and i
are looking after our aging mum we can't
keep track on the information we we
can't communicate effectively enough to
work out who's doing what I I e it it's
you've hit a really really important
market and it is going to keep growing
so no question but just sign me up
thank you thank you for watching
go ahead
yeah I I ss
what our customers have been saying is
that they really need this right away
and we've been running some beta tests
and the feedback has been really
phenomenal for us so all your kind words
and enthusiasm only helps us keep going
ahead thank you so much really
appreciate the kind words
awesome well done guys okay Emma we are
moving ahead
um you've heard from lots of different
categories but the next one is not so
much category specific but stage of
journey specific yes uh so this is some
startups from our community that have
seen their idea through to execution and
are gaining loads and loads of traction
it was really a tight race in the
semi-finals but we'll kick things off
with mohamed from pantea
for the past few years my co-founder
mark and I I e been consulting leading
private clinics to bring in patients and
form better experiences speaking to one
of our clients we learnt about hannah's
true story hannah had a tummy tuck her
procedure went well and she was
discharged with a photocopied care plan
for the next four weeks a sheet of paper
with dot plane instructions one week
post-op hannah noticed inflammation
around her wound and referred back to
her care plan where it mentioned
minimize activity and rest after
struggling to get in contact with her
clinic and asking online she decided to
ignore the pain and one week later she
was rushed to theater for her wound to
be cleaned and restitched this story and
struggle is real and hannah isn't alone
at pantea we've discovered hundreds of
unheard stories from patients like
hannah who deserve better care and
clinicians agree with us looking at
hannah's story we realized the true
impact on our existing clients we
discovered that every single negative
patient experience life hannus may lead
to a revenue loss of up to seventy five
thousand dollars per year for one of our
clients clinics this potential revenue
loss was up to one million dollars per
year working with clinicians we created
pantea a platform for private clinics
and patients specialised in clinic
optimization and patient engagement
combining monitoring education and
communication following hannah's first
appointment she connects to a clinic and
tracks her health with detailed insights
into her recovery she's assigned
education modules to improve her
understanding which saves the clinician
time and consultations and now she's
able to communicate with the clinic to
provide updates and ask questions after
consulting leading clinics we understand
that insights and optimization is a key
selling point each procedure monitored
with pantear creates valuable insights
and across the network builds pantera
pathways offered back to our clinics as
well as patients around the world to
self-manage their recovery we employ a
subscription model charge to private
clinics and generate further revenue
through our patient self-monitoring app
consulting data licensing and in-app
purchase referrals we have an attainable
market of 2.1 billion dollars with a
goal of 212 million dollars per year
capturing 1 of patients and 0.2 of
clinicians performing elective surgeries
with a focus on plastic and cosmetic
compared to our competitors we focus on
elective surgeries and private clinics
with a patient self-monitoring app our
competitive advantage lies in our
procedure-specific protocols predictive
insights and pantera pathways offered
back to our patients today we've
generated revenue through our existing
clients and our clinic mvp trials are
launching later this year we've secured
investments and are forming partnerships
with leading organizations who see the
benefits of pantea in healthcare our
go-to-market strategy focuses on clinic
trials to develop case studies within
the plastic surgery niche powered by our
existing network of clinics with the
potential for rapid growth bioreferrals
we'll be launching globally in network
relevant countries through partner
clinics and patient self-monitoring what
we believe in most though is our team
driven by our personal experiences with
healthcare our vision is to create a
world where every patient is connected
to their health mark leads development
in operations and I I d product in
client relations we've formed a strong
digital health tech team who understand
what it takes to develop a secure
product and we're backed by our medical
advisors who help bring pate to life
from day one we're currently raising and
we'd love for the UTS community to join
us on our journey
wow kanter doing great things on track
for even greater
judges thoughts questions
fantastic now I I lly like pantera i
like the way that not only are you
focusing on helping the the the patients
of course
um two things you've also focused on not
only just a let's got a care problem but
also financial problems for clinics
which gives them let's go an added
incentive to be part of what what you're
then the platform itself has a potential
nav you focus on a very clear market to
start with but I I actually see this
being able to expand and the opportunity
of people self-managing their health
i've seen time and time again with very
well educated very you know
well-informed people not wanting to ask
a clinician a question or not wanting to
bother people or not wanting to go back
and this gets rid of all of that and all
of those uncertainty and gives people
sort of power back in their health which
i think is fantastic
absolutely yeah thank you Attila thank
you Peter joanne as well thanks for
everyone who's running this event we
completely agree with you I I n we
started off with plastic and cosmetic
because that's where our network exists
that's where we built our brand and
that's where the trust exists and at the
same time patients who are going for
elective surgery uh sort of have those
intrinsic motivations to take that extra
step and to get the best result out of
the high ticket purchase item that
they've made but we absolutely see the
potential for pantea across healthcare
and as we said our grand vision is to
have every patient directly connected to
their health and we're really excited to
see what we can do within the space
well done muhammad really great work um
so we'll move on now please welcome
arnkit from facade
how many cloud platforms do you use
maybe some storage accounts messaging
apps and project management tools
how much data is stored on each of these
you've probably got multiple versions of
the same file somewhere
now think of this problem at the size of
your team
scale this up to the size of a company
and it's clear
we're drowning in data
data is costing up to 10 times more than
what it needs to
i'm ankit from pasade and we want to
give you peace of mind and a sense of
control when it comes to your own data
we've built a platform to connect and
manage all your cloud services
we've come up with a particular set of
tests and features that have developed
our algorithm to classify useful and
redundant data
we don't want to introduce any more risk
so we classify by only looking at
this is a problem that everyone has and
we can solve this problem for everyone
but from a business perspective those
who are crying out for this
manage between five and a hundred
terabytes of data
they work in small technical teams
usually without dedicated data cyber or
information specialists
and we know this because we've spoken to
200 decision makers
in just the last couple of months
and the quarter want to do something
about it
we're currently validating our business
model with early adopters to share in
the value of savings generated by
reducing redundant data and the
associated costs
our customers will save on their cloud
and we'll take 150 dollars per terabyte
saved to share in these savings
we're also working with distribution
partners to scale our offerings for a
we want our customers to have a holistic
impact when it comes to data which is
why as an x factor we're in the early
stages of being able to certify their
data practices as low emissions
under Australian carbon offset schemes
by offering a holistic approach in
looking at our customers data
we've found an innovative approach in
b2b sales we skip traditional
gatekeepers by targeting sustainability
managers to get a champion inside the
business right from the start
with a combined 20 years of industry
experience you can be confident in our
founding team
we've been through the ups and downs on
different projects over the last five
we've already received lots of support
as well as investment associated with
the cefc for Australia's commitment to
the paris climate agreement we're
looking for more funding to close out
please scan the code stay in touch
thanks ankit so good given the
overlap with sustainability hey Peter
how about we throw to you for a question
yeah look I I ove this and I I nk
bringing to to the front you know
a hundred terabytes equals two tons of
co2 equivalent that's phenomenal and
this is what businesses need to hear
yes I I e the fact that you identified
the risk of of the dark data being
critical data but boy oh boy we've got
to reduce our
data storage as part of decarbonization
so I I ed it so well done really
yes uh we definitely agree and it's this
problem that kind of crept up on us that
you know we're all kind of excited to
use the cloud the internet and yet in
the background we're inadvertently
creating this mess and
we definitely don't want to be doing
that as the next four billion people
come online for the first time
in a world of 5g iot and blockchain so
glad you guys can share in our vision to
thanks unkit fantastic that was meta
love it I I 't know about you guys
at home I I 't know about you dave but
i could listen to our startups um
inspire me for a lot longer but we've
only got one
pitching starter at the end almost not
quite the end
shake it off we've got one person
emily compass iot
bring it home
hi my name is emily bobbis and i'm one
of the founders of compass iot
it's absolutely no secret that
Australians love their cars
over 90 of aussie households own at
least one vehicle
not only that but road infrastructure
spending equates to almost two percent
of the Australian economy
this love affair with driving and owning
your own vehicle does come with a bit of
a dark side
every year there are over 1 000 deaths
and 35 000 injuries on Australian roads
that means every year we have 36 000
friends families and loved ones that are
killed or injured due to crashes on our
roads to put it into perspective it's
the equivalent of 360 sydney b-line
buses crashing every 12 months
it's almost one bus crash for every
single day of the year not only that but
existing methods mean that it often can
take two to three years to collect
enough data to identify crash trends in
order to address them
the problem with this is that over that
two to three year period while we're
waiting for a trend that means we can
have over two thousand deaths and over a
hundred thousand injuries
so the problem that we're trying to
address is that city planners road
safety officers road operators and
researchers have to rely on lagging
indicators and reactive measures such as
police reports to improve road safety
the problem with this approach is that
we often lack data about what causes a
crash meaning they can happen again in
the same place under the same
it means a death or a serious injury has
had to occur and it relies on accurate
reporting or reporting even being done
in the first instance
so how do we help
compass has built safepoint a digital
road intelligence tool
the purpose of safepoint is to use
connected vehicle data such as car
braking and steering patterns and
g-force data to identify near-misses on
our roads
the value for users is that they have
access to leading indicators allowing
them to proactively address road safety
by identifying high-risk roads and
intersections before a crash occurs
in terms of some of the traction our
data was recently used by trans urban
who are one of Australia's largest road
toll operators to halve crashes on
pennant hills road
we're also used by a host of state and
local governments and research
institutions including UTS
not only that but we grew
521 percent last year which means that
we doubled our net income every quarter
of 2021
but before I I ish my pitch I I t you
to think back to those 360 buses worth
of people
and why does compass do this
as a team of young Australians our
mission is to contribute to building
safer communities as well as help road
safety officers city planners and
governments reach their target of
towards zero road deaths
thanks emily what a strong way to bring
us home
joe do you have one last question for
emily one last question yes please i've
got like 10 but there's one um
how are you communicating with the
drivers on the road what's what is it
that how are you actually engaging with
these people to actually so that they
avoid the accidents
sure so the kind of the great thing
about the compass data is that it comes
from the vehicles themselves so you
don't actually have to talk to the
drivers directly and get them involved
in those processes in order to have
benefits for them uh but of course we do
talk to governments it's one of the un's
sustainability goals to have
partnerships between public and private
industries and that's what we're doing
so we're hoping that by talking to the
government and introducing this emerging
tech and this innovation we're then able
to help them support their social media
campaigns that then get passed down to
drivers that way
fantastic sounds good to me yeah love it
i'm a bit sad
but it's not all over Emma it's not all
over we have a few things to do we
actually have yes we've been live
scoring all of these startups we have
some winners to announce but before we
do that with a few things a few people
to thank because it does take a village
to raise a startup
of course all of our semi-finalist
before tonight but huge thanks to Peter
joe and Attila tonight for your judging
appreciate you we appreciate it uh but
this year's festival record number of
partnerships with ecosystem industry who
just want to give back they want to
support our startups with
500 over 550 000 worth of cash and kind
prizes would you look at their beautiful
logos up on the screen please we'll call
them out because they're so fantastic
and we can't do it without them of
course deep green biotech
we've got sprucing and ferguson basic uh
cam from boston canva cost smart
fcw lawyers fish burners full stack
advisory hazen agency hubspot for
startups legal vision lmwip
oh I I d a breath there's so many
you're doing well
microsoft for startups mr t studios
where we've got these fabulous things
uh protospace pwc emerging companies
ryland ventures and singularity u
Australia please send them a virtual we
appreciate you uh make sure you head to
awards.uts.edu.edu to find the full list
of partners that we work with not
only are they up there not only are we
talking about them they are supplying
some of the most incredible prizes that
we're about to give out which is cool
but hey everyone watching on youtube
make sure you like and subscribe to
this channel because we are going to
keep uh drip feeding you some extra
special content there are some
incredible things that you've seen
tonight but that is the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to ucs startups
and so I I ted to announce we've got a
couple of winners already up our
sleeves one thing that we like to do
every single year because UTS Startups
is different in that way so we don't
just take existing startups on promising
companies and make them better we
actually invite students who don't
actually care at all about
entrepreneurship that just want normal
jobs that just want to be left alone at
university they've got me and Emma and
our whole incredible team yeah just
bashing down all of their lectures to
tell them about entrepreneurship and so
we want to put front and center the
whole concept of inspiration so the most
inspiring startup uh 2021 we are really
had a good long think there are so many
startups as you can see that are
inspiring and we had so many actually
that we're actually giving two awards
for the most inspiring so I'd love to
welcome richard from crypto spend
and angie from consent labs
congratulations you are our joint
winners of the most inspiring award um
this year at UTS arts awards hey richard
tell us a little bit about crypto
spanning your journey over the last few
months yeah I I n that's awesome it's
been a great night a lot of fantastic
pictures a lot of great startups i'm
one of the co-founders of a company
called cryptospin as you can see behind
me the nice fancy little card here uh
essentially what we've done is we've got
a platform to allow people to buy sell
and spend their cryptocurrencies really
easily and the difference about us is
we're trying to make it easy you
probably know there's a lot of people
out there that really have you know no
idea what they're talking about when it
comes to crypto they've heard of bitcoin
but it's really hard to actually get
into that market and that's a solution
uh an app that we've built
hey just one more question mate um
you've kicked some big goals
there's a little word just behind you
there visa tell us about that what's
going on
yeah so we are actually the first
Australian native company to get a uh
crypto visa card program uh for crypto
cards so that's something that we're
very happy with we're very happy working
with visa on this project and yeah we
are we're hoping that the customers
enjoy our products as well
awesome mate so good and I I e this
story you guys met at university you
guys were just kicking around playing
ping pong you do play some mean ping
um if you guys can keep it down in
future that'd be good but that's okay um
you guys are inspiring and we absolutely
love team crypto spin we've also got
angie here from consent labs one of my
favorite things ever angie um
congratulations it's it's a no-brainer
for me you guys are doing incredible
things tell us a little bit about what
consent labs is up to
wow thank you so much this is so
unexpected um
so consent labs I I n this has been a
massive year for consent I I n i'm
pretty sure we've all heard the words so
many times this is actually the first
year that we managed to crack into the
high school market and the crazy thing
is by the end of this year we'll have
spoken to 10 000 students and parents
which is a massive milestone and a
really another big milestone for us is i
actually went full time on consent labs
at the beginning of august which
i mean I I nk is just a testament to
yeah what we've been doing and you know
how much
young people and schools really believe
in the importance of consent education
hey angie what you enjoy doing is so
incredible we thank you so much for
leading the change leading the charge um
congratulations guys we're so happy to
have you as part of our community cool
well done
hey Emma tell us what's next should we
announce another
yeah it's winner's time that's sorry yes
you're right let's do it so at UTS
startups all you need is an idea but
this one is really about
um celebrating a startup that does more
than that they demonstrate traction
weekend week out month in month out
because that's what our community is
about it's not just about talking about
their startup it's about taking steps
every single day to grow
i'm not going to spoil all of their
traction points and we we might let them
share all of the incredible work they've
been doing this year but this year's
high attraction award goes to urban
plant growers
dilhan you there
yeah hey how are you great
tell us all of the incredible leaps and
bounds you've made in the last little
bit yeah well well firstly thank you
so much I I n't expecting this yeah
this year's been a really big one so
we've landed a couple of b to b deals
that we didn't have last year so david
jones flower power and costco which have
been absolutely incredible for urban
plant growers
we really are trying to use these uh
platforms to kind of reach the mass
market and start making our products
which enable people to grow this stuff
in their own home available to everyone
on top of that we've been doing a lot of
product development so we're developing
a new modular product so you can get you
know many of these and put them together
and slot them in on your wall and do
whatever configuration you like
and we're really excited to be you know
working with some manufacturers in china
to get that done
fantastic dilhan we are inspired by you
and well done I I 't wait to get my
hands on an urban plant growers kit
because yeah plastic plants are great
but real ones better hey well done
congratulations I I uld mention as well
i just told these guys to show up in
this zoom we didn't really tell them
what we're doing classic day of
communication but hey Emma we've got
um what have we got next the big
announcement day oh yeah we we told you
we were gonna we had a big announcement
i forgot all about it hey if you're
watching on youtube remember you need to
subscribe because we keep announcing
things you better be there for it but
hey we have got a very special person
uh boss of mine and yours murray
first I I acknowledge a few important
people at the start uh who were leaving
uts as one person I I n't acknowledge
who is staying at UTS which is glenn
whitewick our dvc that makes everything
we do possible uh thank you glenn for
everything you do
including what i'm about to announce now
uts is defined by our support for the
economic social and cultural prosperity
of our communities uh that's pretty much
line one of the strategy document i
think literally line one
uts is also dedicated to delivering
learning and development opportunities
for our students throughout their lives
uh for our first three years UTS
startups has been focused on supporting
current UTS students
i am pleased today to share
we're going to be expanding our
eligibility to support startups
launched by all UTS alumni
so this means
all people
who have studied at UTS anytime in the
past will be able to apply for support
from UTS Startups uh this support is
free of charge including free
collaborative office space free
mentoring free workshops free free free
loads of opportunities for promoting
your startup uh and most importantly uh
the chance to be part of an incredible
community of entrepreneurs as you're
seeing tonight
i i'm pretty sure I I t heard two
hundred thousand alumni shout out and
enthusiasm and then go quiet the chat is
exploding this is wonderful
uh I I l say there's two quick caveats
uh we're probably going to have a
waiting list for applications for from
alumni that's because of the demand
we're expecting we will be supporting as many people as
we can but let's expect that to sign up
uh and we will continue to prioritize
current students um
that's what we do and I I nk it's uh
the the continues uh to need to be the priority
of what we do uh we're gonna be asking
all of the alumni launch startups to
help us in helping startups so to help us to
inspire and support uh the entrepreneurs
that we're supporting as well
i think you can tell when an
announcement is big based on how nervous
you are when you say it
uh so the nerves from that are quite
high but I I nk it's going to be a big and
very special thing for a lot of people
um and this is just one of those
nerve-wracking announcements as dave was
saying there's more things coming up uh
that we're going to announce later this
year so stay tuned uh if you are a UTS alumni with a
startup head to startups.uts.edu.edu i'm going to chuck
that in the chat uh to apply before the rush
and uh we look forward to working with
you okay thank you very much uh back to
you dave and Emma hey murray that was awesome and yeah we
are so excited to be able to expand what
we do i'm kind of scared as well but
that's okay I I join now proud
alumna I I 't get kicked out which is
awesome you're stuck with us forever
murray so good but hey murray what did you
think of the pictures tonight we're
about to announce a whole bunch of
winners selected by our judges
um what did you think how's the quality
where you impressed
listen I I nk this is the first awards
night i've ever seen where there's more
people watching at the end than at start
like there's something strange is
happening here like particularly in
lockdown and everyone has zoomed out and
everyone is wanting to take care of
their kids or have dinner or other
things uh there must be something very
special going on and I I nk obviously
there is in these pictures uh these were
incredible um and uh this thing I I 't wait for
the lockdown to be over and everyone to
be back on campus doing the things that
they do with each other to support each
other but uh this has lit the fire back in me and i'm sure
it has in everyone watching as well this
has been incredible congratulations
everyone and thanks to all of the startups for
reminding us why we do what we do every
single day you're amazing yeah hey I I w this is
naughty we're a little bit over time but
i just wanted to know judges you
submitted your scores how do you feel um
are you excited was there anything that
stuck out for you Peter what do you
think let us know
look it was so tough the the the the
the quality was so
so across the board stunning so I I ked at
my scores when I I submitting and i
was like oh is that really fair so it
was tough and I I e no idea what Attila
and what joe have come up with but yeah
it's it's been a tough judging for all
of us I I nk but be pleased everyone
you did stunningly I I really
impressed I I a great night thanks
thank you Peter joanne
yeah look I I n just i'm i'm so proud
of of the work that that UTS Startups
does and all of your teams you really have done
an extraordinary job in very difficult
circumstances this year and uh i
think that you that
i I I w it's a sort of a cliche but
everyone's a winner really you've all
done an extraordinary job and um
i'm very proud of you and i'm sure that
the whole community is
beautiful thank you joe and we thank you
again for your input there hey Attila um
we'd love to hear what you think as well
nothing much I I add to Peter joe
everybody should feel deeply proud of
what they've done but as I I d what I'd
like to say is not only are all the
pictures great but at the end of long
day on zoom which is always a challenging
medium every single one of the pitches
tonight has energized me you know you've
just given that energy so not have the
ideas been good what they've been trying
to achieve their business plans have
been good but the way they're presented
has just given us all energy so thank
you all for that as well
thank you Attila i we are gonna miss you i'm not crying
Emma's not crying no one's crying but
we're gonna miss you and thank you so much for your time
judges we appreciate you but it is time
Emma it is but hey murray and I I e had
the absolute privilege of announcing
these winners for the last couple of
years so this year hey dave the most
inspirational guy I I w why don't you
announce the winners I I 't know if i
can but i'll try i'll tell you so our
best ever team has been furiously
working behind the scenes to make sure
we're not having a steve harvey moment
um we've checked double checked triple
check quadruple checked and yeah why
don't you start with ideas today oh my
gosh i'm sorry i'm not procrastinating
here but we've also got the best UTS
startup team and the best production
team ever here at UTS it is the
university of technology we've got some
good technology going tonight thank you
nat thank you the whole team who's
produced tonight we really appreciate
you but okay i'm not gonna keep you
longer the best UTS startup ideas stage
you probably guessed it you might not
have it is titan biomechanics jamie where are you are you here
yeah i'm here wow i'm speechless do
not expect this before the amazing
start-ups we're up against I I t want
to give a big thank you to the rest of
the team dan brian kelvin and tim and yeah big
thank you for you guys for organizing
this terrific event mate it's true I I n I I you a few
months ago you guys literally started
this with a group assignment is that
right yeah so as we all engineering
students and as part of our degree we
have to do a six-month internship and
we're fortunate enough to
have this opportunity as our six-month
internship and it's just it's been
amazing that is awesome hey we appreciate you
jamie and well done congratulations so
exciting oh I I uld mention as well
usually if we were all here we'd be
having our beautiful proto space UTS
proto space trophies that we'd be
presenting to you and we'd have photos
and everything i've got this really
miniature version of our this is
trophy which is slightly less spiky than
last year I I uld can I I that it
needs to be at least three times
it's a trophy for ants
but hey it's gonna be
we'll mail it to you it'll be safe
don't worry Emma who we got next next up most
sustainable and not only do they get um
a share of the suite of prizes but they
get an extra special cash prize to
support their startup from d3 and
biotech that is awesome I I very
excited to announce this i'm so best UTS
startup most sustainable this year goes
to aywa woohoo body are you here are you still at work
he was in a work meeting when we were
soundchecking which was kind of funny
multitasking extraordinaire yeah still
working never not working body are you
surprised what happened what do you
think sorry this is so confusing
um yeah super surprised
do you have anything inspirational to
say do you have any one you'd like to
thank i guess you know never stop grinding
because i'm not for sure right now so
keep it on the entrepreneurial brand and
let's go with that hey we love you buddy thank you so much
and congratulations come on guys thanks
alrighty application of research oh do
it yes okay best ucs startup application
research the winner oh
oh my goodness the winner is talanova education
david are you here he's somewhere
he might be here I I hear him
thank you judges thank you david uh Emma
murray cat phoebe and even fiona ants and
catches up with me regularly and I I eally thought mark and the rest are
light years ahead of him of my pitch so
um just thank you for your entire team
you guys awesome beautiful thank you david well done and
congratulations okay how many more winners have we got
two two more of the pitching cards
okay two more pitching category winners
best UTS startup social impact can you
guess it drumroll generation entrepreneur
oh my goodness you guys absolutely
amazing thank you so incredibly much i
mean i i've practiced this like my entire
life my oscar receiving speech like this
is what is what i've lived for so just
i'm going to take one minute but no in
all seriousness wouldn't have got this
five if it wasn't for our advisory board
you know gary gg suru jack and victor who all on this call
today sending me so many good vibes you
know they went through the pitch they've
been here since day one our team our
just our partners find the project
academy they've been amazing to you
guys Peter joe Attila and everyone at
the UTS startup team you guys have
literally embraced us with open arms
since we joined months ago and we just
would not be here if it wasn't for you
guys and finally you know till it with
your words we are going to work harder
and we're going to give back to the
community this isn't just about me it's
not about team it's about so much more
and hopefully you know in years time our
startups from our high school students
can become UTS Startups and really bring
this full circle so we'd love to do that
and thank you again for this amazing
amazing present such a proud auntie i'm actually tearing
up a little bit one more I I do it
we can do this dad i can't I I 't announce this one Emma
oh okay ucs startups award for the
most the best ucs startup established i
can't say anything properly at this
point it is campsite emily you've won another award as per usual
how do you feel i feel like I I e words that I I 't
like say in front of people right now
like there's a lot of if you could beat
me out that would be great
um yeah no like I I onestly don't
really know what to say I I w that nick
and I I nk vince were watching in the
chat earlier I I them like yeah
there's vince um really couldn't do it without the
support from the UTS team and
definitely from the rest of the team
like if we could just like cut any of
the awards up into like maybe nine
pieces and that would be like great
because as me and angus are co-founders but with we
definitely don't do the most of the hard
work it's definitely down to the to the
rest of the team so they deserve this
hey congratulations emily you and the
team are incredible well done hey murray
we have one more award for tonight um
you know what it is we know what it is
can you tell us a little bit more
okay i'm going to say this quickly well
done to all our finalists and all the
startups that have participated
our startup of the year award uh so
probably my favorite award uh
because we get to choose it
and we get to see all the startups that
we work with and say you're doing
amazing things based on the
like it's one thing to see someone
pitches another thing to see people
working over the years and see what they
actually do uh whether uh so in terms of recognition uh
i think this should go to a company uh
that's doing incredible things amongst
all the incredible things that we see
but whether that's growing a company
remarkably uh against all the odds or
stepping up and continuously helping all
of the other startups uh while also
running their own startup or literally
saving hundreds of lives around
Australia with their startup at the same
time this startup has it all
uh drumroll please join me in congratulating thank
you very much startup of the year 2021
sorry emily uh it's compass iot welcome
back again the words I I bably can't say in
front of like 99 people but
yeah vince is going to be really jealous
because he pitched last year was kind of
upset that he didn't win so I I erally
don't know what to say uh really
appreciative um we really appreciate I I lly really
like being part of this the UTS startup
community and the team has really missed
coming in on fridays like everyone's
like our fridays suck now because we
can't go and have beers in the basement
anymore so really looking forward to
kind of coming back and and getting
involved it's gonna be really cool once
we get out of lockdown congratulations guys we're at the end of
our event I I w we ran a little bit
over time i'm sorry about that it's my
fault but hey that was so awesome we had
so much fun I I e I I l the energy i
feel a lot from you guys at home we so
appreciate every single one of you that
have tuned in that have spent your time
supporting our startups believing in
what we do believing in them and hey
if you want to join UTS Startups hey we
are ready for you all you need to do
is tell us what your idea is you can be
a student or now you can be an alumni
um if you don't have an association with
uts come and study here we are both UTS
alumni we turn out all right i'm telling
you it's not so bad it's actually
awesome we'd love to have you here
but UTS Startups is about inspiring
supporting the future entrepreneurs that
are gonna turn this place around and
we're just seeing some incredible stuff
already be part of it we can't wait to have you where do they
go oh startups.uts.edu dot a u jump on in
there and while you're at it it's not
the end of september yet we are still
in the last couple of days of UTS
startups festival it's been happening
all september there is so much online in
terms of resource in terms of how to's
inspiration heaps of stuff there for you
if you are even a shred inspired by what
happened tonight get amongst it it could
be in your future too and yeah let's all
take our next step together yes let's
take our next step and on that our next
step join UTS Startups we've got so
many cool events coming up that you want
to be a part of get on in there and
by the way let us know if tonight was um
any good we hope it was but we'd love
to know what you thought we love your
feedback as always we want to keep doing
what we do better I I 't know if we
could make it better than some of the
pictures tonight but we'll try
um how can you top that but we're always
here to learn and do better as well just
like our startups community but if you
wouldn't mind scanning that it won't
take you to service new south wales up it'll take
you to something much more fun yes we
won't steal we really appreciate it yes
fantastic hey we love you guys thank you
so much for being with us it's been
fantastic and we're going to let you all
go go to the fridge make a cup of tea
eat a crumpet whatever it is
we thank you so much and we'll see you
online and at UTS startup soon. Thanks so
Meet the 2021 UTS Startups Awards winners
Awards categories 2021
Best UTS Startup (ideas stage)
These startups are being recognised at the beginning of their journey in exploring and developing solutions that we believe will make significant impact. For most, this represents their first time pitching their startup to an audience.
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Myrrha (runner up) Myrrha is a marketplace platform that provides customers with the opportunity to accurately try on clothing when shopping online, utilising a virtual fitting room. Team members: Mark Markov (FEIT), Jocelyn Lee (FEIT), Anthony Klepac (FEIT), Christian Santelli (Business) |
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BuckleLock (runner up) BuckleLock is a travel accessory for backpackers that covers and secures the buckles on backpacks, stopping thieves from entering backpacks and stealing valuable belongings. Team members: Dr Gautam Pingali |
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Sex Happens (runner up) Sex Happens is a cheeky adult card game that stimulates conversations around sex and sexual health to dispel taboo and empower players to own their sexual wellbeing. Team members: Nicola Panopoulos (FTDI), Bella Filacuridi (FTDI) |
Titan Biomechanics (winner) Titan Biomechanics is a solution to injuries caused by poor technique whilst exercising. It is an app that uses AI to monitor the body's technique and provide feedback. Team members: Kelvin Chetty (FEIT), Jamie Miller (FEIT), Bryan Medina (FEIT), Timothy Anderson (FEIT), Gav Aiyerr (FEIT), Daniel Vivas (FEIT) |
Airlab (runner up) Airlab is an innovative medical-use smart membrane to filter out all harmful airborne particles. Team members: Zichen (Fiona) Zhang (Health) |
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Swan Energy (runner up) Currencies are built on energy. The largest consumer of energy is transportation. Also, the biggest companies are tech companies. Swan Energy combines them all. Team members: Kolin Cunningam (Business), Declan Scott (FEIT) |
Community Morale Award
This category recognises the exceptional and selfless contribution to the community, exemplifying the startup spirit and a sense of give-back.
Winner: Maslow
Maslow is a telehealth platform for people with disabilities. The mobile app puts users back at the centre of their care and rehab, making it easier to remotely receive workout programs from therapists, share their care and therapy routine with support workers, and communicate with their entire team in one place.
Best UTS Startup (most sustainable)
Supported by NSW Deep Green Biotech Hub, these startups have indicated a commitment to environmental sustainability, incorporating sustainable practices and/or building sustainability into their business model.
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EYWA (winner) EYWA is an onsite waste-to-energy bin. Converting common waste materials directly into green electricity makes waste expenseless; no collection, no pollution, no worries! Team members: Bodhi Kawulia (Business, FTDI), Riley Lankshear |
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Clear Connections (runner up) What if people could get paid for their waste? Well, food waste is a valuable biofuel for up and coming energy markets around the globe. Clear Connections have just made proof-of-concept for two technologies to make this possible for everyone. Team members: Jayden Pilling (FEIT), Sharolt Kicsi, Matthew Bevan |
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MakeShuffleShift (powerblocks) (runner up) MakeShuffleShift's powerblocks de-centralise power supply with smart Do-It-Yourself technology. It is simple, scalable, and configurable. Team members: Julie Leung (DAB), Wyatt Leung (FEIT), Steve Giannakis |
Best UTS Startup (application of research)
UTS is committed to practical innovation and the development of impact-driven research that benefits industry and the broader community. The work of these startups has leveraged research to build businesses that are driving change in the world around us.
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Savvy Beverages (runner up) Savvy Beverages makes coffee and drinks that give the brain the boost it needs to thrive by fuelling it with premium nutrients and supplements. Team members: Mark Curry (Law, Business) |
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Talanoa Education (winner) Talanoa Education helps optimise skills and understanding in working with Pacific individuals and groups across sporting, education and diversity management settings. Team members: Dr David Lakisa |
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BrillUp (runner up) BrillUp makes it easier to find brilliant online courses by independent creators - and helps those indie course creators get discovered. Team members: Catherine Raffaele (FASS), Andrew Wearring (Business) |
Best UTS Startup (social impact)
As an institution for public good, UTS is committed to driving social change within and beyond campus. Startups in this category are committed to building a for-purpose startup that benefits people and communities.
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OpenPages (runner up) OpenPages is an online directory providing equal opportunities for refugees and migrants through efficient and timely access to critical information. Team members: Mohsen Joyan (Business) |
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Generation Entrepreneur (winner) Generation Entrepreneur makes entrepreneurial and enterprise skills accessible for high school students, no matter their background, through entrepreneurial workshops, hackathons, incubators and nationwide business-building tournaments. Team members: Esmond Ye, Nelson Long (FEIT), Mehak Bokhari (FASS), Ivy Cheung (FEIT), Melissa Qiu, Allen Lee, Vaibhav Suri (Business), Carmen Ly (Business, FEIT), Ronaldo Keng, Nathan Hu, Marisa Yow, Lisa Cheng, Katherine Nader, Gauri Sharma, Emily Lee, Rose Naji, So Mang Lee, Sunny Moon, Sanjith De Silva, Edward Kwag, Ezra Teh, Sakshi Talaulikar, Lewis Jan |
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Your 100-Year Life (runner up) Your 100-Year Life is the first company to empower families with personalised real-time digital tools to support aging loved ones through the ageing marathon. Team members: Dr Abby Bloom (Adjunct Professor), Heran Darji (Business), Saurabh Singh (FEIT), Taarak Dhingra (FEIT), Wei Fu (FEIT), Chloe Amaro (FTDI), Joan Sebastian Carmona (FEIT) |
Best UTS Startup (established)
This category recognises the startups that have seen their ideas through to execution and are finding traction in their market.
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Panteya (runner up) Panteya is a remote patient monitoring platform that aims to provide the best patient experience possible, utilising advanced health tracking, communication and education. Team members: Mark Radic (Science), Mohammad Mohaghegh |
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Fasade (runner up) Data has become the new plastic - valuable, but with an environmental impact - and Fasade's platform tackles this growing problem by democratising data governance. Team members: Pavel Stanek (Business), Ankit Jagannath (FEIT, Business) |
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Compass IoT (winner) Compass IoT uses connected vehicles to collect data on speed, volume, safety, and g-forces across the transport network empowering transport operators with real-time and retrospective data on how a city moves. Team members: Ben Hitchley (FEIT), Angus McDonald, Emily Bobis, Tian Luong (DAB), Vincent Guan (Business) |
Most Inspiring Award
This category recognises the resilience and creativity of our startups, combined with finding an opportunity to contribute to post-COVID economic recovery.
Winner: CryptoSpend
CryptoSpend is the one stop shop for crypto. They excel and innovate on the new way to spend crypto or use it for everyday payments.
Winner: Consent Labs
Consent Labs is foremost a collective of young people with a passion. They provide engaging sessions that teach people how to navigate consent respectfully. Bringing personal experiences from various universities and residential colleges, Consent Labs was born out of a recognised need for greater awareness of consent, sexual harassment and assault.
Best UTS Startup (high traction)
This category recognises a startup that has demonstrated high traction through investment and revenue in 2020.
Winner: Urban Plant Growers
Urban Plant Growers are committed to enabling everyday people to grow their own food in a local and sustainable manner.
UTS Startup of the Year
The UTS Startup of the Year recognises a well-rounded startup team that gives back to the UTS Startups community by inspiring and supporting others, has displayed determination through action on their startup and has demonstrated traction through customers, investors and accelerator programs.
Winner: Compass IoT
Compass IoT uses connected vehicles to collect data on speed, volume, safety, and g-forces across the transport network empowering transport operators with real-time and retrospective data on how a city moves.
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A suite of cash and prizes valued at over $595,000 from community partners were awarded to the 2021 UTS Startups Awards category winners.
2021 Prize pool
- $5,000 cash supported by NSW Deep Green Biotech Hub
- $1,000 cash supported by Spruson & Ferguson
- 9 x additional $5,000 AWS credits
- 10 x $27,831 worth of HubSpot software
- 3 x entries into Microsoft for Startups program (valued at $200,000)
- 4 x Compliance and strategy packages (including 12-month Xero subscription, monthly strategic planning meetings, 12-month compliance package and optional monthly payroll) from Camphin Boston (valued at up to $7,174 each)
- 2 x Strategic set up packages (including strategic planning meeting and full entity set up) from Camphin Boston (valued at up to $1,975 each)
- A series of collaboration sessions valued at up to $15,000 to put your startup’s financial house in order and develop the materials to be investor-ready, from PwC Emerging Companies
- 10 x 60-minute capital raising and business advisory consultation session from Rieland Ventures (valued at $1,000 each)
- 10 x one-month free when signing up to a 12-month LVConnect Pro membership from LegalVision (valued at $1,000 each)
- 2 x tickets to Impact 1 Billion Bootcamp with SingularityU Australia (valued at $5,000 each)
- 5 x 3-month access to live financial data via the Basiq platform (valued at $7,500 total) + one-on-one startup strategy consultations with the Basiq team
- 3 x 5-hour legal advice packages from FCW Lawyers (valued at $7,500 total)
- A provisional patent application from LMW IP (valued at $5,000)
- A bespoke end-to-end video infomercial package, including creative consultation and project management, plus a team photography shoot with Hazen Agency (valued at $5,000)
- 12-month tax compliance & bookkeeping support from Fullstack Advisory (valued at $4,800).
- 3 x 6-month Fishburners Founders Hub memberships (valued at $260 each)
- 45-minute IP strategy consultation with Spruson & Ferguson (valued at $750)
- 6 x $100 CostSmart Vouchers to redeem on marketing material such as print, apparel and branded products at CostSmart
- A Startup t-shirt package by Mr T Studios (valued at $484)
- A Day at Canva (a money-can't-buy experience)
- Trophies 3D printed by UTS Protospace
Thank you to our sponsors for their continued support of our startups.
If you are interested in supporting our startups, please contact us.
The support of our community is critical to the success of our startups. Thank you to all of our sponsors for their contribution to helping build Australia's future startup economy.
Awards Sponsors 2021
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The Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion generously offered to support 'The little E'ship', pop-up child-minding facilities, however, due to covid-related restrictions, the event was online only.
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