Qi Zhang

Contact: qi.zhang-9@student.uts.edu.au
Entered PhD Program: July 2019
PhD Supervisor: Jianxin Wang
Research topics:
- Asset Pricing
- Market Microstructure
- Machine Learning
- Text Analysis
- Transfer Learning in Finance Applications
Teaching areas:
- Undergraduate finance coursework
- Econometrics
Academic Background and Work Experience:
My name's Qi Zhang and I'm a final-year PhD in finance student from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). I received my Bachelor and Honours degrees from the University of Melbourne before moving to Sydney.
My research interests are empirical asset pricing, machine learning, Fintech, Natural Language Processing in Finance, and market microstructure. In my PhD thesis, I study how information and sentiment are incorporated into asset prices and porfolio construction based on textual news. In doing so, I draw techniques from state-of-the-art machine learning techniques (BERT and XGBoost) and incorporate them into portfolio construction and volatility analysis frameworks.
I'm available for job-related interviews now. You may contact me on qi.zhang-9@student.uts.edu.au and more information is available here: https://sites.google.com/view/qizhang-fintech.
My job market paper may be found on SSRN here: https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=4900825.