Chats for the Goals: Net-Zero Pathways
Hear from leading ISF Research Director, Sven Teske as he takes us through what is required for Australia to remain under 1.5˚C across our main industry sectors

ISF researchers have developed energy-related carbon budgets for a sustainable pathway towards 1.5°C. ISF’s work on Sectoral Pathways to Net Zero Emissions for The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) between 2020 and 2023 has emphasised the urgency and importance for rapid action towards decarbonisation. Preventing the world’s temperature from increasing past 1.5ºC requires timely climate action by key stakeholders such as policy-makers, industry sectors and financiers alike. On 10 August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the first part (of three) of the new comprehensive Assessment Report 6 about climate. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres described the report as a "code red for humanity.”

This ISF 1.5˚C concept will lead to decarbonisation pathways based on the new IPCC carbon budget to remain under 1.5˚C for Australia and builds on more than three years of research financed by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and the European Climate Foundation between 2018 and 2023. Applied to all main industry sectors, this research will present Australia’s most detailed emission reduction targets for the finance industry to implement the Paris Climate Agreement. This event will break down the global and national pathways to recommendations for action.