A painted promise this October
Next month, over 60 members of the UTS community will be donning teal, blue and purple nails as a pledge to stop violence against women and children.

Some of our UTS Polished Champions.
It’s part of the national Polished Man campaign, and we’re encouraging all of our community to step up, speak out and take a stand.
What is Polished Man?
Polished Man is a powerful movement dedicated to ending violence against women and children. Its mission is simple yet profound: by painting a nail, we create a conversation starter, a visible pledge to spread awareness of the abuse and trauma faced by countless women and children.
In Australia, a woman is killed every 4 days. 1 in 7 Australians have experienced childhood abuse
(Sources: Destroy the Joint, ABS).
This October, whenever our Polished Champions are asked, ‘What’s with the painted nail?’ they will be talking about these uncomfortable truths.
We wish to thank the many staff and students who are lending a nail to our Polished Man awareness and fundraising efforts.
UTS is one of the largest universities in Australia, with a total enrolment of over 44,000 students. We are and always will be, an inclusive university, with a responsibility to create safer spaces for our community. We’re an active member of the national Respect.Now.Always. program dedicated to preventing sexual violence on university campuses.
Respect.Now.Always., together with UTS Sport and ActivateUTS, is proud to be collaborating on this year’s Polished Man in 2024.
Donate to the Polished Man campaign

Special thanks to:
- Vicki Chen, Provost and Senior Vice-President
- Glen Babington, Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President
- David Reeve, Chief Information Officer
- Chris Turney, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- John Rees, Director, Research Development and Training
- Cameron Kenney, ActivateUTS CEO
- Nicola Price and the Graduate School of Health
- Michael Gonzalez, Librarian
- Murray Hurps, Director of Entrepreneurship
- Peter Ralph, Director, Climate Change Cluster
- Prabhu Sivabalan, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Learning)
- Giuseppe Carabetta, Associate Professor, Management Discipline Group
- Amanda White OAM, Deputy Associate Dean Education (Learner Experience)
- Nham Tran, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Ian Zucker, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning
- Kurt Cheng, Council member
- Alan Lau, Velocity Empowerment
- UTS Security
- UTS Housing
- Faculties of Business and Engineering and IT
- Our UTS Sport Elite Athletes and ActivateUTS Club Presidents.