UTSpeaks public lecture: Changing Capitalism

Profit and growth are the mantras of consumer capitalist economy. But how can you keep growing and be profitable in a world of limited space, limited resources, limited political will and unlimited population growth? A public lecture in the UTSpeaks series threw down the gauntlet on the notion that our only option is business as usual. With a planet under pressure must our business models be remade?
With three eminent speakers, the lecture considered the challenges faced by large and small businesses in order to operate profitably in an increasingly complex and constrained world. It explored how some truly innovative companies are not only rethinking business but also reaping rich rewards.
Watch the video here …

The speakers and panelists:
Professor Suzanne Benn, Speaker
Based in the UTS Business School, Professor of Sustainable Enterprise Suzanne Benn leads multi-disciplinary collaborations across UTS and with external stakeholders to promote sustainability in business. Her research in different approaches to sustainability management and organisational leadership and change. Suzanne also has a background in the sciences and social sciences, working across many educational sectors and has been both a research and industrial scientist.
Professor Sam Bucolo, Speaker
UTS Professor of Design Innovation Sam Bucolo leads a team investigating the value of design-led innovation to Australia’s economy. He has consulted widely to industry, spanning the medical devices, consumer products, telecommunications, automotive and mining services sectors. Sam is also convenor of the Australian Design Integration Network and is an executive board member of the influential Cumulus global network.
Dr Danielle Logue, Speaker
Danielle Logue joined UTS after completing a PhD and Master of Science at University of Oxford’s Said Business School and has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University. She has consulted to the World Bank and been an R&D Manager for the Australian Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. Her research focuses on the diffusion of innovations, market creation, strategy and social entrepreneurship and broad-scale processes of social change. Currently she is investigating the emergence and diffusion of social finance markets worldwide, specifically in Australia, Canada and the UK.
Associate Professor Damien Giurco, Panelist
Damien Giurco is Director of the Wealth from Waste research cluster that is coordinated by the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures. He is expert in industrial ecology, the circular economy and will be co-chair of the inaugural World Resources Forum Asia-Pacific hosted by UTS in June 2015.
Dr Sarah Kaine, Panelist
Sarah Kaine lectures in human resource management and industrial relations at UTS. Her research includes an interest in exploring innovation in employment regulation – beyond the bounds of traditional labour law, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its link to industrial relations and the role of leadership in promoting sustainability and CSR.
Moderated by Professor Roy Green, Dean, UTS Business School
UTSPEAKS is a free public lecture series presented by UTS experts discussing a range of important issues confronting contemporary Australia, proudly supported by the UTS Union.
Photo by Aaron Patterson, Flickr