KTP Visiting Fellow program: UTS collaborate with Sun Yat-Sen University

Gao’s area of research focuses on comparing the differences between midwifery in China and Australia. The crux of Gao’s research explores maternal and child health, as well as the education and research of midwives.
Professor Gao has conducted extensive market research into childbirth fear amongst pregnant women and postpartum depression experienced by Chinese women and the correlation between a randomised controlled trial and how to intervene in such circumstances.
When asked about the noticeable similarities and differences between the two universities, Professor Gao explained that Sun Yat-Sen University is more traditional in their teaching style and has celebrated over 100 years of nursing education. Despite these differences, Gao feels there is a lot to learn from the UTS method of teaching. Both universities share the same passion for students, research and teaching.
“UTS use a more interactive teaching methods, more discussion, problem-based teaching, very practice-oriented. It’s fantastic! And you also incorporate teaching, research and practice together,” Gao said.
“I think our collaboration and partnership will provide many benefits if we can collaborate in research and teaching. We can share our experience and try to explore more opportunities, more research funding to do research and go ahead together.”
A next step for Professor Gao is to undertake a co-publication with Professor Caroline Homer, a Director of the Centre for Midwifery, Child and Family Health, at the UTS Faculty of Health.
“From there we can explore more opportunities,” Gao said. “We may apply for co-funding, do more research or co-supervise the master students or PhD students in the future.”
Overall, Professor Gao had an overwhelmingly positive experience at the UTS Faculty of Health. “As a foreigner, it can be difficult when you leave home and stay in Sydney, but the Faculty of Health and all the faculty members, treat me like family. They are very hospitable and look after me, so I want to give my sincere gratitude to them, and thank UTS for providing me with such a fantastic opportunity to come here to know them,” said Gao.