Service Delivery Manual
The resource Service Delivery Review: A How to Manual for Local Government has been updated by ACELG and the University of Technology, Sydney’s Centre for Local Government (UTS:CLG) to reflect industry feedback and further support councils undertake service delivery reviews and train staff about this important process.
First published in June 2014 the Manual has been one of ACELG’s most popular resources with over 2,200 downloads to date.
The second edition builds on the initial structure of the Manual and has been informed by its application by councils in NSW, South Australia and Western Australia since its release in 2014. The updated edition provides further detail in relation to the collection and analysis of data associated with a service delivery review, and there is an increased focus on climate change adaptation as a significant variable that needs to be considered in the context of service delivery planning.
"This is a significant issue for local councils," said ACELG and UTS:CLG Director Associate Professor Roberta Ryan and the Manual's co-author: "Local government service provision has transformed significantly over recent decades, as well, community expectations of local government have increased while other levels of government have devolved various functions."
The Manual meets an increasing need from within the sector for practical guidance in undertaking service delivery reviews that are consistent with current local governance practice and processes, particularly since local government service delivery reviews are mandatory in some jurisdictions or are driven by local or sector reform processes.
Regular, evidence-based service delivery reviews are important for all councils to ensure their services are appropriately targeted, efficient and effective. Such reviews can also support an organisational culture of continuous improvement.
The Manual provides a framework to apply a consistent and robust approach to service delivery reviews. It outlines a clear seven-step methodology, and brings together advice, toolkits and templates to help councils regardless of size with this critical task.
The seven step framework for service delivery reviews includes:

Service delivery review framework from ACELG Service Delivery Review: A How to Manual for Local Government (Second Edition)
Service Review Manual 2nd edition.pdf (4.3MB)
Service Delivery Review: A How to Manual for Local Government (Second Edition June 2015)
Centre for Local Government
at the Institute for Public Policy and Governance
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123 Ultimo NSW
+61 2 9514 7884