Professor Ping An, KTP Visiting Fellow at UTS

Professor Ping An is Head of Department of the Electronic and Information Engineering in the School of Communication and Information Engineering at Shanghai University (SHU). Professor An’s research area is in image and video processing, with a recent focus on 3D video processing.
An visited UTS in August 2015 to monitor the progress of a dual-degree PhD student who joined the program in 2013, and to discuss the research plan for a new dual-degree PhD student. She also met with colleagues to discuss setting up longer-term collaboration with UTS.
“My visit to UTS gave me the opportunity to understand the total research situation of the partner institution by visiting the labs and having face-to-face, detailed discussions.”
“This also improved the relationship between both sides; the collaboration can now move into a substantive stage because both sides have had in-depth discussions about the research content, foundation and methods of collaboration.”
The next steps for An’s research and the collaboration between the two universities include the arrival of a new dual-PhD student at UTS for joint research.
“We are also focusing on preparing some papers of co-authors. Associate Professor Qiang Wu from the School of Computing and Communications at UTS and Associate Professor Jian Zhang from the Advanced Analytics Institute at UTS will submit an application on an international cooperation project to the National Natural Science Foundation of China in March 2016 based on our collaboration work. Moreover, we are working with senior researchers at both UTS and SHU to lay the groundwork for other potential collaborative projects (such as a Joint Research Centre). ”
“My recent visit to UTS was very successful. Not only to achieve the above purposes, but I also learnt about more education and research modes at UTS by meeting with different UTS people. Furthermore I have developed many friendships at UTS.”

Associate Professor Jian Zhang and Professor Ping An in the Faculty of Engineering and IT Building, UTS