Whose City? Activist planning for a democratic Sydney

UTS:CLG is supporting a workshop in Sydney on Tuesday 17 November that seeks to reassess the potential for participatory and democratic social planning in Sydney. The workshop, co hosted by the UTS Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre and Sydney Alliance, will reflect on the lessons of past efforts under this theme and draw together emerging models in view of critical questions: How would Sydney change if power was exercised by the people that live here? What mechanisms can be leveraged or constructed to enable a new social planning paradigm? What are the key sites and issues for creating momentum for our ‘right to the city’?
Centre Director Roberta Ryan and Professor Lee Pugalis will speak at the workshop.
There is no cost to attend.
Whose City? Activist planning for a democratic Sydney
Tuesday 17 November
Building 6, Room 4.040
702-730 Harris Street, Broadway
9.30 am – 3.30 pm
Download the workshop brochure here.
Register here.