Victorian Government funds scholarships for Enhanced Local Government Service Delivery courses at UTS:CLG

The Centre for Local Government, University of Technology Sydney is very pleased to be continuing to work with the Victoria Government to deliver the Enhancing Local Government Service Delivery course.
Local governments are at the forefront of delivering services to the Victorian community, and climate change impacts on their services, including health, planning, emergency management, roads, and infrastructure.
Following the success of the 40 scholarships offered last year, Minister for Climate Change Lisa Neville and Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins have announced 32 new scholarships to help council staff better understand the impacts and opportunities of climate change.
The second round of scholarships are being offered due to high demand from councils and the success of the training courses held in late 2015 in helping staff improve efficiencies and provide a whole-of-council approach to incorporating an understanding of climate change in their service delivery.
The Centre of Local Government will deliver the course and training to local government in Victoria on 3-5 May in Melbourne and 17-19 May in Wangaratta.
The scholarships cover up to 55 per cent of the cost of the university accredited course and are open to executive and senior management council staff.
Applications close on 7 April 2016.