New fence and landscaping reveal a whole new side to Dr Chau Chak Wing Building
December 2015
Twelve months may have passed since the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building was completed, but changes to the surrounding cityscape continue to put different sides of the building on display.
Following the opening of The Goods Line, which showcases the building's striking, undulating brick facade, a small project behind Building 15 has been completed, creating a dramatic view of the Gehry building’s western glass curtain wall from Harris St.
The new fence has opened up the view to the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building.

The new fence has opened up the view to the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building.
In recent weeks, the masonry wall on Harris St above the Omnibus Lane car park was demolished, and in the last few days work to install a metal railing fence has now been completed. The resulting view of the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building is well worth a wander down Harris St to check it out.
As part of the same project, the stairs from Harris St down into the car park have also been restored and the wall beneath the new fence strengthened and landscaped, ahead of a decision on how the car park site will be repurposed.
A user group has been established to determine the preferred options for the site, which may include pop-up retail outlets and entertainment venues, with future plans to be announced in 2016. Watch this space (literally!)