We, Robots

UTS teams are taking on the challenges to design entries for two national autonomous robotics competitions.
Warman 2016
The annual Warman Engineer’s Australia Design and Build challenge has a UTS team of five (Peter de Jersey, Sherwin Ho, Will Junis, Cameron Knox and Kathryn Murray) who intend to spend StuVac putting in the hours to complete their model.
This competition requires a response to ‘RAVINE’ (Restore Access Via Independently Navigated Equipment), following seismic activity which has damaged supply lines and requires a solution to restore essentials including water to an isolated community on the planet Gondwana.
National Instruments Autonomous Robot Challenge
The Real Housewives of UTS and UTS RoboSoc are two of the teams who have survived several elimination rounds and remain in the annual NI Robotics student challenge which began in April.
All 2016 competitors need to meet a scope, Hospital of the Future, which describes a biomedical situation. The robot must be able to enter and navigate through a hospital, deliver medication to a ward, collect medical waste and exit. New obstacles will be introduced during the finals to test the robots’ intelligence and independent decision making.
The Housewives need a name for their challenger – the result of some serious hard work committed to this endeavour, captured on video and now on Facebook. Team members are two Bens (Lawrence and Russell) and Mick Truscott.
Meanwhile, the Robosoc response has found its wheels and is scuttling along the floors of the Disruptive Technology Lab on Level 3, where both teams are testing and refining (and consuming many doughnuts) with just weeks to go…
Robosoc is represented by Kwang Baik, Corey Stewart, Jake Morton, Ivan So, Yujun Lai, Matthew Clout and Benjamin Sweedman.
Follow our teams!
Keep an eye on progress and performances through videos posted on social media, and while there is no Norm Smith or Clive Churchill medal for winners, all students, staff and supporters are welcome to attend the finals and cheer on our representatives – human and mechanical.
- Warman final is at the Australian Technology Park 23 – 25 September
- NIARC live grand final is in the UTS Great Hall 9 am– 500pm Monday 26 September