Veronica Ruckert
I have a passion for working with people and I wanted to help people on a day-to-day basis.
I decided to study nursing because I have always had an interest in medical professions and the health care system. I also have a passion for working with people, especially children, and wanted to help people on a day-to-day basis. I believe nursing is a very rewarding career and as a nurse, you’re able to help people in their greatest times of need.
I chose UTS because of its excellent facilities; such as great study spaces and amazing mannequins that mimic real patients. It is also located in a convenient location with frequent and easy transport to and from home. I also heard UTS has an excellent nursing reputation from multiple people who work in hospitals. They said that student nurses from UTS were always well prepared and organised on their clinical placements.
The most rewarding aspect of the course is not only making lovely friends who share your passion, but also knowing that you are gaining a great insight into the nursing career through the variety of different clinical placements that are made available. I am only a first year and I have already been to Royal North Shore and Bankstown hospital, which provided different experiences and possible career paths.
Even though I’m in first-year, I have already changed and developed as a result of my studies. I have become more aware of the health care system and the different career paths that nursing has to offer; thus gaining a greater awareness of my future. This in turn has allowed me to be motivated in my studies and confident during clinical placements.
It’s very easy to find study support. HELPS (Higher Education Language and Presentation Support) is an amazing resource available to all students, and they really assist with assignments, different subject content and exam prep - I highly recommend it!
In the future, I plan to complete the Bachelor of Nursing, and apply for a postgraduate paediatric position. I then plan to do the UTS Graduate Diploma in Midwifery; the great thing about nursing is the different paths that are available to you!
My advice for future students: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. If there is a course that you’d like to do but you’re not 100% sure, just do it! You might end up completely loving it. When studying, make sure you keep up to date with weekly activities e.g. lecture notes and worksheets because this creates way less stress at the end of semester when you're trying to cram! For Nursing students: make sure to step out of your comfort zone on clinical placements. The first one is always nerve wracking but if you try to do as much as you can and practice your skills, you will gain so much confidence and end up enjoying yourself much more!