Leadership matters. That’s why our course directors are all at the top of their game, whatever their area of expertise.
Academic leaders

You’ll get to meet them at our next information evening and ask them anything you can think of. It’s your career, your future so why not take the time to read their story.
Our course directors
Ravindra Bagia
Master of Engineering Management

Ravindra brings a wealth of industry experience to his teaching having worked extensively in the development of complex defence and commercial systems before joining UTS. He regularly consults to industry in the areas of Systems Engineering and Project Management.
Ravindra has authored and co-authored a number of research papers for journals and conferences, as well as publishing books on project management in engineering and information technology. His research interests include the application of systems theory to policy areas (particularly energy and environment policy), systems engineering and project management. Meet Ravindra
Dr Grant Mooney
Master of Business and Technology

Grant has worked across all aspects of the information services sector in key senior business roles. Prior to becoming an academic, he had close to three decades of commercial and international consulting experience with companies such as IBM, Deloitte Consulting Group and J.D. Edwards.
At UTS, Grant is Associate Industry Professor, specialising in information technology, project management and enterprise leadership. His research interests include innovation and project management. Grant is a regular contributor to journals and conferences as well as publishing books on Enterprise, Creativity and Innovation and Leadership for Innovation. Meet Grant
Sarath Kodagoda
Mechatronic Engineering
Sarath is the Program Coordinator for Mechatronics Engineering. He is a recipient of two teaching awards from Office for Learning and Teaching and UTS and five research awards from the International Water Association, Australian Water Association, NSW Water Association, UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence and B/HERT Award. His research interests include robotics, data analytics and machine learning. Meet Sarath
Associate Professor Guang Hong
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Guang is an expert in internal combustion engines and lectures in the subjects of Thermodynamics, Air Conditioning and
Internal Combustion Engines. Her research is presently focused on developing new techniques for using renewable fuels more effectively and efficiently.
“I believe the practice-based learning model supported by advanced facilities in the new Engineering and IT building is what sets UTS apart from other universities.” Meet Guang