Passionate Local Government Advocate Announced as Inaugural UTS:IPPG Scholarship Recipient

The inaugural UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance (UTS:IPPG) Postgraduate Scholarship recipient has been selected. Scholarship recipient David Fahey OAM, who has a long career in local government, has just commenced his studies in the Master of Local Government course.
The $5,000 UTS:IPPG Postgraduate Scholarship was established in early 2017 to support policy and local government professionals seeking to broaden their knowledge and skills through postgraduate study, and to recognise the often diverse pathways leading to these careers.
David, currently Deputy Mayor of Narrandera Shire Council, is a passionate advocate for local government and had been considering postgraduate local government studies for a few years. David said, “I had completed the Executive Certificate for Elected Members and wanted to continue to expand my knowledge of local government. I enjoyed completing the Certificate and it gave me some great new knowledge but I wanted to take my learning to the next level, so I finally applied for the Master course.”
“When local government works well, you can achieve great things. It’s not just ‘I want a new pool’ or ‘I want a new building or piece of infrastructure’; it’s about strategic thinking and the bigger picture. I want to be part of that strategic process but I want to be informed of the best way to get there.”
“The more I have learnt the better I have become in my work. You can actually achieve something for the community because you know the procedures, policies and the background. You need to have in-depth knowledge of how to progress forward for the benefit of the whole community. I believe that with experience and sound knowledge of local government that many great things can be achieved.”
“I want to be a driver of policy, procedures and good governance. I want to be hands on as a Councillor, and as one of the governing body of my Council, I want to be involved in the shaping of the future of my community in an effective manner.”
“To me the onus is on the elected members to go and get educated so you can get things done and serve the people who elected you better. Education for elected members should be compulsory.”
“I’m very appreciative of the fact the Scholarship was awarded to me; it means a lot to me personally and it was an affirmation that I’m on the right track with my thinking. It will also assist in the cost of study and traveling to Sydney from remote regional New South Wales.”
This scholarship is no longer available