The Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative (PaCCSC) is the world’s largest clinical trials collaborative in palliative care. Established in 2006, we have a track record of delivering high-quality research involving tens of thousands of patient participants that has improved the care of people receiving palliative care across Australia and around the world.
Message from the PaCCSC Co-Chairs

Dr Tim Luckett
The name of our group tells an important story. We are driven by collaboration between members who work in partnership to answer important clinical questions that will improve the lives of people with life-limiting illness and their families. We bring together ideas, robust science, thoughtful analysis, and evaluation, as well as skills in dissemination and implementation for the benefit of palliative care.
Every beneficial clinical treatment provided today began somewhere, at some time in the past, with an idea. But ideas need to be tested, developed, and refined by research to be effective and – importantly – safe. Our collaborative is committed to continuing to develop ideas and the research foundation that underpins high-quality palliative care.
We owe a debt of gratitude for his leadership to the inaugural Chief Investigator, Professor David Currow. It is our honour to build on his legacy by assuming the role of Co-Chairs in October 2021.

Professor Brian Le
While the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged clinical research worldwide, we are confident that PaCCSC will emerge with renewed vigour both in its own right and through partnership with Cancer Symptoms Trials (CST), and with support from the expert IMPACCT Trials Coordination Centre (ITCC).
PaCCSC would not be the success it is without the participation of people with life-limiting illness and their caregivers. We would like to thank each and every person who has participated and their families for taking time at a very crucial part of life to reach out and help others through improving the quality of palliative care.
PaCCSC studies are influencing clinical practice and improving the care of people at the end of life on a daily basis. We look forward to continuing and growing the work of our collaborative and working in partnership with you, our members, and all those we provide care for.
Professor Brian Le and Dr Tim Luckett
PaCCSC Co-Chairs