Essential information
The Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation must be combined with a core degree.
Four years full-time (5 years for students completing the BCII with The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)).
Credit Points
240 (270 for students completing the BCII with the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)).
Course Structure
The Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation is not offered as a separate degree but is completed only in combination with another professional degree program.
Students must complete 240 credit points, comprising 144 credit points in the professional degree component and 96 credit points in creative intelligence and innovation.
The creative intelligence and innovation subjects are undertaken in accelerated form within July and December/January (Summer) sessions during the first three years of study, and through one full year of study after completion of the professional degree.

UTS Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII)
What is Creative Intelligence?
Opening Title: UTS Think. Change. Do.
Music Plays. Moving images of students in collaborative classroom making presentations to each other in response to Briefs from ABC and Google. (Moving image of BCII students Pranav Naik and Daniel Wasilewsky sitting together in a classroom at UTS)
Moving images of students working in teams deconstructing small, portable, electronic devices such as mobile phones and radios.
Pranav Naik B. Design in Architecture, B. Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Pranav: "Creative Intelligence to me is innovation, it's complexity, its originality, and its art in a sense to me."
Eleanor Crumpton B. Design in Integrated Product Design, B. Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Eleanor: "For me creative intelligence and innovation has really changed from what I originally thought it was, to what it is now. I really had no idea what i was expecting, but now I know its really about thinking in new and different ways." (Moving images of Eleanor engaging in group work and speaking with peers in a classroom setting) (moving images of Lee Hunter from Google speaking with microphone to the summer school class in a collaborative lecture space)
(Moving image of BCII students Becky McCreath and Jake Bayssari sitting together in a classroom at UTS)
Becky McCreath B. Engineering (ICT Engineering), B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Becky: "Sometimes we're kinda talking about trying to explain how its a whole new way of thinking, so kind of completely different to your core degree. You're learning all of these different problem solving methods, just different ways to look at any problem, which will go with any degree that you're studying, any core discipline and just take it apart.
(moving images of students working in groups, drawing and constructing diagrams using small sticky notes and marker pens)
(Moving images of Lee Hunter addressing whole BCII group in a creative studio space)
Lee Hunter Head of Marketing Innovation, Google Asia-Pacific
Lee: "Creativity and innovation to me is all about a fascination with ideas and exploring what's new." (moving images of Lee speaking with microphone to the summer school class in a collaborative lecture space)
(Moving image of BCII students Jasper Ryan and Eloise Walker sitting together in a classroom at UTS) Jasper Ryan B. Engineering (Civil), B. Creative Intelligence and Innovation.
Jasper: "We focus more on how we're accessing the knowledge, rather than what particular knowledge we are accessing. We can actually say OK, what's this new development and how can we adapt to it? and how can we access this new knowledge while we are in the industry... It makes us a lot more versatile."
(moving images of students engaging in discussion in a creative agency space and then casually chatting in a collaborative lecture theatre)
Dominica Ingui BA. Communication (Public Communication), B. Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Dominica: "I think that creativity in entrepreneurship is particularly interesting in the current social climate because of globalisation. A lot of industries are becoming melded together, there is a lot of cross disciplinary action.
(moving images of Dominica writing notes in a notebook, engaging with another BCII student and referring to a digital screen together)
Eloise Walker BA. Communication (Media Arts and Production), B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Eloise: "I feel like BCII is a brilliant way to network with people from many different industries.
Pranav: Creative intelligence really becomes a huge platform where you can showcase, explore and discuss your work with people of likeminded ideas.
Daniel Wasilewsky B. Business (Marketing and Management), B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Daniel: "I find creative intelligence amazing, because I always asked the questions "Why?" and "How can I improve that?". It was always difficult to find people that also believed that. Creative Intelligence allows me to meet people that actually don't just see the world as it is, but see how the world could be."
(moving image of Annabel engaging in group work and typing notes on a laptop computer.)
Annabel Vici B Science, B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Annabel: "If you have ever thought about something, thought about the way problems are being solved and thought about how you would do it differently… then I think BCII is a really great course for that, because it challenges you to push the solutions that we're coming up with currently.
Ellen Wiltshire BA. Communication (Media Arts and Production), B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Ellen: I've used methods from BCII that I would use in a completely different way in the course itself, but I've taken it away to my core degree - Media Arts - and applied it to story telling techniques. I've used it in so many facets in other areas of my life as well.
Jarnae Leslie B. Design in Interior and Spatial Design,
B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Jarnae: The CI mindset is compassionate, its understanding, its open-minded, its curious, its investigative, it pulls things apart - and not necessarily in a destructive way - but to pull it back together again.
Jake Bayssari BA. Communication (Media Arts and Production), B Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Jake: "This is the first time you are able to go into a space, into an area and receive a project, where your curiosity feeds the solutions, feeds the answers, feeds the questions.
Becky: … and we're so equipped to be those change agents, not only… We question all of these things and we come up with ideas and we get to push them. We get to be like, the forefront of innovation, taking all of these ideas out...
Jake: We're the first frontier in change… that's what I'd like to say - and you'll see our names in headlines ten years from now… (Jake gestures with hand indicating a headline above his head) "Change Agents - Jake and Becky" (laughter and smiles from Jake, Becky and film crew)
Music plays. Closing screen "Copyright 2015 University of Technology Sydney."