Vitor Taranto
UTS offers a great support system and the laboratories are extremely well-equipped.
PhD: Determining an Accurate Chemical Volatile Profile of Decomposition for use in Victim Recovery in Mass Disaster and Forensic Investigations
“My PhD focuses on detecting chemicals that are present in the air around explosives. I have been working with the New South Wales Dog Unit sampling the training aids that are used for the dogs. I study the relation of these training aids with what I can detect in the headspace of explosives.
UTS offers a great support system and the laboratories are extremely well-equipped. UTS just purchased three new gas chromatography’s, so we have brand new equipment.
My supervisor – Professor Shari Forbes - is fantastic, a super smart woman. The whole group has a lab meeting every second week to talk about the development of our studies.
I have used the Health Service at UTS, it was an easy process. There was a direct link where I could link my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) card, and I don’t have to pay anymore.
I fight for UTS through the Kendo Club. We are currently training for Uni Games this year. I love Uni Games; it was one of the best experiences of being here for sure.
I really enjoy the lifestyle that Sydney has on offer. Throughout summer I am on the beach, my flatmates and I use the city care share and visit different beaches.
I definitely recommend UTS! My advice for future international PhD students is come for a visit, see how well-equipped our laboratories are and get to know the professors, because they are all open for a talk.”