Annabel Kirkby
I loved the campus location and the entreprenerual spirit
Before starting at UTS, I ...
I completed high school and wanted to move to Sydney to search for new opportunities.
I wanted to study law because ...
I enjoy arguing and problem solving.
I decided to study at UTS as I...
I loved the campus location and the entreprenerual spirit that UTS has.
The most rewarding part of my law degree so far has been ...
Going to Oxford University in the UK to compete in the Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition where our team reached the quarter finals.
On practical experience placements/extra-curricular activities, I’ve gained...
Confidence from putting the skills that I learnt in the classroom into practice as well as meeting many people who have mentored me as I have commenced my career in law.
Looking forward, I hope to become ...
A lawyer with a well rounded skill set that helps others and continues to seek new opportunities.
My advice to future law students is ...
Embrace activities that occur outside of the classroom. Through activities run by the UTS Law Faculty and the UTS Law Students’ Society you will have an opportunity to meet many amazing people and be involved in interesting experiences that make university much more rewarding.