The Australian Centre for Public History will be hosting GLAMSLAM in partnership with the State Library of NSW on March 15, 2019 at the State Library.

GLAMSLAM 2019 took place on 15 March 2019 at the State Library of NSW. ACPH hosted GLAMSLAM in partnership with the State Library of NSW.
Tell us what you thought about the event! Fill in the GLAMSLAM19 Feedback Survey.
GLAMSLAM is a day for all those working in or with galleries, libraries, archives and museums - to come together and talk about the pressing issues facing cultural institutions and to share their work.
Combining discussion with provocations, Lightning Talks, showcase booths and opportunities to meet and GLAMJAM these issues along with two keynote presentations, GLAMSLAM 2019 will aim to map out the challenges and opportunities facing Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums, and think about how we might work together to tackle them.
The keynote speakers for GLAMSLAM 2019 were Julian Meyrick (Flinders) and David Ritter (Greenpeace Australia Pacific).
You can read keynote Julian Meyrick's paper '(Ecce Homo). A Radical Reframing of the problem of value in arts and culture'.
Check out the programme.
Read more about the format of GLAMSLAM2019 for information on lightning talks, Showcase booths & posters and GLAMJAM sessions.
GLAMSLAM is participant driven so we want to hear your ideas! You can send us your feedback or register to attend by filling in this Call for Participation. Here you can also pitch a lightning talk, showcase booth, or GLAMJAM topic. CFPs are now closed.
Event Details
Friday 15 March 2019
9.00am - 5.00pm
The State Library of NSW Directions
In the meantime please tell your friends and colleagues that GLAMSLAM is back and promote it on social media using #GLAMSLAM19
$60 waged
$30 student/unwaged
The State Library of New South Wales
Macquarie Street, Sydney
Getting there
You can find instructions on how to get to the State Library in this guide.
Public Transport
By train: the State Library is 200m from Martin Place station and 450m from St James Station.
By bus: there are many bus stops along Macquarie Street located right near the library.
By ferry: ferries arrive at Circular Quay, a short walk from the library.
Plan your visit using this timetable. There is also a parking station at Sydney Hospital on Hospital Rd if you want to drive.
For more information contact us at