Strategic Communication FAQ
View our frequently asked questions about the Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication).
What is the Selection Rank for Strategic Communication?
To view the selection rank for Strategic Communication, see the relevant course page.
Please note, the numbers provided are the lowest Selection Ranks (ATAR plus any adjustment factors) to which an offer was made to Year 12 students who completed their HSC in the year immediately prior to the Autumn intake.
To find out more about our admission requirements, you can use our admissions tool or view our admissions FAQ .
Are internships provided as part of the Strategic Communication course?
Strategic Communication students have the option to complete a minimum 80-hour internship as part of the course. This highly valuable experience provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience and industry connections.
Students generally source their own internship, to ensure they get experience in a role or organisation they are interested in, however UTS Careers can assist students in securing one. Students can also find internships through the UTS Communication Society’s career Facebook group.
What are some of the career outcomes?
Career options include advertising account executive, advertising copywriter, communication strategist, community relations manager, marketing communication specialist, media liaison officer, media researcher, political media adviser, public relations consultant, publicity officer, social media strategist, and special events coordinator.
How do the PR and Advertising streams work?
Within the Strategic Communication major, students select either the Public Relations stream or the Advertising stream. These streams consist of four dedicated subjects that give students the opportunity to learn specialised skills in PR or advertising.
Find out more about the Strategic Communication study program.
What sort of assessments do Strategic Communication students complete?
Students in Strategic Communication complete a variety of assessments, depending on their chosen stream (Advertising or Public Relations). Past student works include campaign strategies, media releases and brand strategy proposals.
View example student works or meet our students to find out more about what it’s like to study Strategic Communication.
How many contact hours per week is Strategic Communication?
Most full-time Communication students are at uni 2-4 days per week, depending on their study plan and timetable. Students are also expected to complete work outside of their contact hours, such as preparation for class tutorials and assessments.
If students are struggling with the workload, they can choose to study a reduced load instead (1 or 2 subjects per semester as opposed to 3). Please note, students who reduce their study load may no longer be eligible for Centrelink or concession benefits. For more information, visit our financial help service.